Tomorrow, Tuesday May 19th, is Election Day and among the offices at
stake are five places on the SCASD Board of Directors. One candidate,
Jim Pawelczyk, is running unopposed (but you may write in another name)
for a two-year term because he was appointed to fill a vacated seat.
Four the other four places, you would choose from among eight other
candidates. Seven of these are listed on both the Democratic and
Republican primary ballots, but Andrew Sicree's name appears only on
the Republican primary ballot. Because the candidates tend to list
themselves on both ballots, this primary election held in May
essentially determines the winners in November, although write-ins are
allowed in that election as well.
If you have the time and are
willing, you may want to help make the candidates' positions on the
math curriculum issue better known to the voters. To help you do this,
I made a condensed version of the candidates statements (see attached)
that fits onto two pages when printed front and back (presented in
their entirety, just with smaller font size). Should you choose to do
this, be sure to follow the rules:
From the Centre Country Elections Website: - Please note that no campaigning is allowed within 10 feet of the entrance of the polling location.
- Do not discuss any political subjects inside the polling place.
- If you are unsure of the instructions, ask one of the Election Officials for clarification.
Also, PQME endorses no candidates in this race, but we do urge voters
to consider the math curriculum issue when making their selections. Of
course, you should feel free to share your personal opinion on a
candidate's position should a voter ask you for it, but please make it
clear that you are not speaking for PQME.
If anyone with experience working at the polls has anything to add
(such as the best times to be at the polls), your comments would be