There is a meeting of the SCASD Board of Directors scheduled for
Monday, June 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room at 131 W. Nittany
Avenue. The agenda can be found here:
You'll see that math is not on the agenda, but the Board always allows
time at the beginning of each meeting for "Open Discussion", during
which anyone can have 5 minutes to address the Board on topics not on
the agenda. If you want to speak, simply show up a few minutes early
and indicate to Rick Madore that you would like to speak.
Before the last Board meeting, Dr. Madore asked us to arrange four
speakers representing the perspective of the petition signers so that
the meeting wouldn't go too late. This was a fair request, but I know
that there were parents there who wanted to be heard but who did not
get to speak. We're in a quiet period right now while we await the
math action plan promised by Superintendent Best on May 18 and the
Board's vote on June 22, but this would be a great opportunity to be
heard and to re-emphasize the importance of this issue to the Board.