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Board vote on Investigations 2

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Steve Piazza

Jun 22, 2009, 11:35:10 PM6/22/09
to Parents for Quality Math Education
At tonight's Board meeting, the Board voted twice. First, they voted
unanimously to adopt the "Action Plan" for supplementing and
augmenting the core math curriculum, and then 6-3 to adopt
Investigations 2 next year. Here is how individual Board members
voted on Investigations 2:

Evans: Yes
Hutchinson: Yes
Madore: Yes
McGloughlin: No
Pawelczyk: No
Queeney: Yes
Roper: Yes
Small: No
Stahl: Yes

Of course it would have been great if the vote had gone the other way,
but the results of this vote are actually very encouraging. In
November, there will be an election that will change the composition
of the Board. Four seats are at stake: "Yes" voters Evans and Queeney
are stepping down and "Yes" voters Hutchinson and Roper are trying to
remain on the Board. You can read the candidate positions for
yourself (below under "Files"), but it's very likely that at a
minimum, the Board will have at least a 5-4 majority of "No" voters
the next time this issue is raised, assuming none of the current "No"
voters have a change of heart.

Oak Norton

Jun 22, 2009, 11:53:51 PM6/22/09
to Parents for Quality Math Education
Sorry to hear about the vote back there. Don't give up though. It took
us 3 years to get rid of Investigations (and it's still not fully
gotten rid of here in all schools). It takes a lot of work and
involvement. Get finding good candidates now for the board races and
start promoting them, but most importantly don't give up. Nothing
worth doing is ever easy.

Good luck,

Oak Norton


Jun 23, 2009, 8:03:55 AM6/23/09
to Oak Norton, Parents for Quality Math Education
At least one of the candidates for the board was there last night: Jim Leous.  I should have asked him how he would have voted.  I think he's an engineer by training, but now works in IT at Penn State.  My take is that he will vote against Investigations if elected.

I did mention to him that 'the world is flat' (reference to the Friedman book) and the school board needs to know that. 
Maren E. Larson, M.Ed.
Senior Undergraduate Studies Adviser
Division of Undergraduate Studies

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