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Taking a More Active Role

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Steve Piazza

May 19, 2009, 12:02:56 PM5/19/09
to Parents for Quality Math Education
This Google Group is intended to be used for posting observations,
opinions, and experiences related to the SCASD math curriculum.
Posting here does not necessarily mean that you are a petition signer
or that you agree with what's in the petition. Anyone is free to join
and share their thoughts, as long as it is done courteously and in
good faith.

If you do agree with the goals of the petition, however, and would
like to take a more active role, please let me know
( and I will add you to a list that we use for
working toward those ends. For a number of reasons, changes in
curriculum do not happen overnight; we will need many committed
parents to see this through to the end.


PS: You may not be aware that you can change the settings on this
group so that you get e-mails (a) every time some one posts, (b)
digest form (once per day with all messages); (c) abridged form (once
per day with a summary); or (d) never (you would view the posts on the
web site). Just click "Edit my membership" at the right on the web

Long-Qing Chen

May 20, 2009, 9:38:54 AM5/20/09
I am wondering if anybody knows the election results from yesterday. Me
and my wife did go and voted in yesterday's election. This was
absolutely a single-issue election for us and made sure I didn't vote
for the candidates who are supporting this Investigates Math which
tortured my kid for a couple of years and caused damages that would take
a lot of our effort to repair.

Long-Qing Chen
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Penn State University
102 Steidle Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-8101

May 20, 2009, 9:49:46 AM5/20/09
Here is the link to the results in the CDT.  I am a little disappointed that David
Hutchinson received so many votes and is so pro Investigations.


Steve Piazza

May 20, 2009, 1:25:06 PM5/20/09
to Parents for Quality Math Education
I wouldn't take it as a bad sign that a pro-Investigations SB member
got a lot of votes - so did a candidate skeptical of Investigations.
I think what you're seeing is a fair number of voters for whom the
math issue is not on their radar screens. I can tell you that the PSU
undergrad and grad students I know, for example, have no idea that
there's a math controversy. Math has gotten nothing like the press
coverage that the high school got two years ago. Also, keep in mind
that many people received e-mails like the one I got from Centre
County Obama, which said:

State College Area School Board – Vote for Four

If you live in the district please vote for the four registered
Democrats on your ballot.
We need a strong team committed to excellence in public education.

· Jim Leous for State College Area School Board – (Helped us
open the Obama office)
· Gowen Roper for State College Area School Board
· David Hutchinson for State College Area School Board
· Penni Fishbaine for State College Area School Board

Primary Election Today May 19, 2009
Polls Open: 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Nothing against the Obama people - they are making recommendations
based solely on party affiliation.

> > ( and I will add you to a list that we use for
> > working toward those ends. For a number of reasons, changes in
> > curriculum do not happen overnight; we will need many committed
> > parents to see this through to the end.
> > Steve
> > PS: You may not be aware that you can change the settings on this
> > group so that you get e-mails (a) every time some one posts, (b)
> > digest form (once per day with all messages); (c) abridged form (once
> > per day with a summary); or (d) never (you would view the posts on the
> > web site). Just click "Edit my membership" at the right on the web
> > page.
> --
> Long-Qing Chen
> Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
> Penn State University
> 102 Steidle Building
> University Park, PA 16802
> (814) 863-8101
> l...@psu.edu
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