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Universal ChildCare Roundtables for Parents

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jeremiah lowery

Sep 15, 2015, 10:01:34 AM9/15/15
to jeremiah lowery
What: Universal ChildCare Roundtables 
When: Multiple Dates
Where:Multiple Locations
Details: Our Universal ChildCare Coalition just wrapped up surveying over 500 parents in the district, and for our next step, we will be hosting policy roundtables with parents throughout the city. If you would like to attend one of those roundtables, you can RSVP HERE.

At the roundtables, parents will have the opporunity to voice their concerns and offer feedback on ways we can move toward high quality universal childcare. All questions at the roundtables were produced by experts from the National Women's Law Center and ChildCare Aware, and we will have a legal team from Georgetown Law present. We have also invited select Councilmembers and staff. 

Again to RSVP, click HERE. Click HERE to share our flyer

Thank you for your feedback. 


Universal ChildCare NOW D.C. Coalition

jeremiah lowery

Apr 21, 2016, 5:07:23 PM4/21/16
to jeremiah lowery
The registration is now closed


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