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DC Indie Movie Nights Presents: The Garden and Talk Back on Food Workers Rights

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jeremiah lowery

Jul 24, 2012, 4:54:01 PM7/24/12
    When: July, 31st, 2012 7:00pm.
    Where: Bloombars, 3222 11th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20010
    What: The Garden (2008, 80 min), by Scott Hamilton Kennedy – is an
    engaging and powerful look at the famous political and social battle
    over the largest community garden in the US (located in South Central
    Los Angeles).The Garden is a 2008 American documentary film that tells
    the story of the now demolished South Central Farm; a community garden
    and urban farm located in Los Angeles, California. The Garden details
    the plight of the farmers who organized and worked on the farm.
    Following our screening we’ll have a discussion about worker’s rights
    in the Food Movement. Our guests will include members of Unite Here,
    who will discuss their Real Food. Real Jobs Campaign
    ( and Nikki Lewis, who will discuss
    the work ROC-DC is doing in the food movement.
    Refreshments will be served
    Cost: Free, donation requested
    Facebook link to share with friends:
    Web link: Link:
    Jeremiah Lowery
    Food System Outreach
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