We will be having our last Food Day Planning meeting on Tuesday, June
25th at 5:30pm, and the meeting will take place at the Center for
Science in the Public Interest. Washington, D.C. is off to a great start
for Food Day, with different universities, non-profits, farmers'
markets, and businesses already forming committees and making plans for
events and activities.
Attendees at the meeting will have the opportunity to network with other
activists, businesses, and other professionals who are planning Food
Day events in D.C. and either collaborate or gain new ideas to help
build upon their own events and activities. So please RSVP by emailing
jlo...@cspinet.org by Friday and I look forward to D.C. having an
amazing Food Day that highlights better food policies and healthy,
affordable, and sustainably produced food in our community.
Light refreshments will be provided by Chipotle
Warm Regards,
Jeremiah Lowery
Food Day
Center for Science in the Public Interest
1220 L St. NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Find Food Day on Facebook and Twitter (#foodday)