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Our Bloodsucker Lake Expedition In The Crystal Mountains On 8/18/19

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Aug 26, 2019, 7:13:36 PM8/26/19
I can never get enough of the Crystal Basin their is something about this ancient place that just keeps on alluring me. After exploring the Beauty, Wrights and Dark Lake area I thought id come back two weeks later to explore this region further. In this case Bloodsucker Lake is to the SE of Wrights Lake in a truly primitive part of the Crystal Basin in the foothills of the Crystal Mountains.

This exploration would be a rugged one that required plenty of climbing, sloped rocky slabs, dense forest, fallen trees and primitive hiking with no trails. Every time I hike out in the Crystal Basin it reminds me of some prehistoric jungle or world where Dinosaurs still roam at least that is how it feels to me. Its vastly overgrown, home to nearly 100 lakes or bodies of water including the Desolation Wilderness which is just on the other side of this sub range.

But the entire region as a whole is pristine untouched wilderness the type of area you have to work hard at hiking to explore and that is when it comes to visiting the dozens of primitive lakes found up here. The area intrigues me because it has an unusual high amount of Bigfoot sightings, vocalizations and tracks found up here. More then almost anywhere in the country and I have had my own experiences so it keeps me coming back for more of course being a cryptozoologist.

I love exploring this area because you can make any adventure you want to out of it whether you want to stroll miles of trails or go primitive through the ElDorado Forest. Personally I like to mix my expeditions where ill hike a few trails in then leave the trail and go out to a location that I want to check for bigfoot evidence at. I find leaving the trails things get real out here. When I say real I mean a chance encounter with the king of the forest, big bears, cougars, caves, hidden pools and many things very few humans ever get to see unless you dare to venture a bit more remote which is what we try to do.

Tammy and I enjoyed a nice sunrise ride up to this region. Its just twenty miles past South Lake Tahoe. Really its considered to be part of the SW quadrant of Tahoe because this area included the Desolation Wilderness separated by the Crystal Mountains which on the other side includes the Crystal Basin where we were at. This is an ongoing project which will take me a few more years to visit most of the lakes up here and trust me that is no easy feat. That means lots of climbing, hiking, camping etc all of which I enjoy especially with a nice bowl of ewey gooey green bud lol.

So while were driving along Tahoe we stopped for coffee and breakfast. Then we made it about a half hour later down Wrights Lake Road parking up at Wright's Lake. Their is actually a small parking lot because its also the campground but their are small signs to the south which point Bloodsucker Lake. We would get suited up, strap on the packs and ready the beast for sunup to sundown event!

Bloodsucker Lake

I went to use the restroom and some kid was in there or teen. Funny thing is when he got out he stood by the bathroom acting paranoid we could not figure it out at first. But he just sat there all worried like we were the police. It turns out the boy was smoking secretly in the camp rest rooms as if I give a shit look at me I got three pipes filled with fresh bud cookies and cream, bobble head and some dreamstar lol so that I do not have to load any bowls hiking. So I guess that makes me guilty to but not really I am more of an outdoor toker lol.

So we stopped at the rest rooms then begin our hike through the campground. I hate tight little campgrounds id rather carry my tent deep in the wilderness pitch it and deal with bigfoot all night then to have a person five feet away but whatever. The trail is a bit hard to find it goes nearly through a campsite and well at that site the people had three big goats not small ones but there heads were nearly level with mine. They also had huge horns and the white goat seemed to not like us very much it started to freak plus I had Rocky with us who I call Ted meaning Teddy Bear because he is one but despite his size he is a great outdoors dog and he will take on a bear its his breed. Sadly Rocky is almost 13 years old so some of these hikes are his last ones so I knew he was in for a treat this hike would be special for all of us including him.

When we went through the forest it was fairly level but was a gorgeous series of woods lots of old big trees and beautiful foliage throughout. Eventually we went down a little on the trail and came across the raging waters of the South Fork of Silver Creek which is below Wrights Lake so it was flowing and the spillway was not closed. It was very cold that morning I wore my leather jacket so getting our feet wet when its 40 degrees was not something we wanted to experience. I followed Silver Creek for almost a mile we still could not find a place to cross. Well there was places I could have leaped but Tammy was not able to so I wanted to find her safe passage so it put us heavily out of the way.

Allot of the trails found in this area are old wagon trails from the 1800's some are old ranch roads because this area was divided into parcels for the sole purpose of cattle and livestock ranching. They had dairy farms and cattle so that the dairy could be shipped along with the beef up to towns like Virginia City, Truckee, Placerville etc etc. These towns had large populations and since they resided in the sierras so did the ranches that fed its people. But today such old rocky dirt roads remain overgrown perhaps even forgotten.We were on an overgrown rocky road at times trees had fallen over the road that we had to climb. I seen a few horseshoe prints its hard to grasp that people bring there horses back here ducking under trees, through narrow paths, brush etc. But its evident that their are some primitive horseback riders who utilize this area along Silver Creek.

We kept following the creek for over a mile but over time we also were pulling away from it westward. I noticed on my GPS Dry Lake was really close by and its not as dry as you would think. Its actually a massive marsh with a series of deeper ponds and high grass growing throughout. Their is something creepy about Dry Lake did not like it my first time I was there a couple weeks ago. Its got a really creepy swamp monster type of vibe and the forest here is much more creep then other regions of the basin. When I seen that we nearly hiked out to Dry Lake which is on this rugged dirt road on the other side of Lyons Creek I decided to cut to our left towards the creek.

We hiked for awhile through this big open area with huge granite slabs, a few trees growing but not many and massive rocks. We were in deep you could almost feel ambushed here if Natives or Bigfoot like creatures were to stand above us as we crossed this small basin. Eventually after getting through it we went through more rugged dense forest and came out near the creek. Tammy and I were trying to find a spot to cross but many the water was flowing fast and it was fairly deep. We definitely did not want to get our gear wet or cameras. I think it was worst to cross here then where we were at in the early morning. At least in the morning hours we could have walked across here not so much.

We found a few primitive campsites even areas erosion had carved out the rocks which were not small pools of water filling them in all along the creek bed. This is not a place many know about but its a great camping place along the creek and I bet the bigfoot experiences around here are pretty amazing if you pack on in. I did not have my tent or sleeping bag this was just a day trip but its something I can keep in mind for the future possibly.

We decided to follow the creek back along the way for awhile still no spots to cross although even if we made it across the other side had no trails it was primitive, steep, overgrown and put us kind of out of the way. Eventually after a few hours we were back where we started boy was I peeved. I leaped about six rocks and made it across. Then I sat my pack and gear down reached out gave Tammy a hand. Both of us made it cross dry things are not always what they seem. We just have just tried to cross in the morning but it was much darker and we did not see that there were a few rocks we could have crossed. Despite that we were dry it was a rough crossing some of the rocks were moving around and we almost fell in a couple times.

We eventually continued on a decent trail which use to be an old ranching road in the 1800's. I felt it was more decent then where we just came from. Once we crossed over a cattle guard we had about a mile and half to reach the lake. The road continued to ascend I mean when you go from 7k to nearly 8,600k your going to feel in that short span. The road was nice there were flowers and butterflies everywhere but lots of steep mountain sides the entire inclination to the lake. At times high grass and brush grows in the road you could tell its been a century since a wagon used this. Its possible that at one time you could drive up here but that was probably decades ago.

Parts of the road were really rugged lots of rocks, high grass growing and brush. At times I begin to even question if we were even going the right away. My GPS was having issues it would not allocate our position efficiently or turn us around based on the direction we were facing so really because of it all we did is waste half a day trying to get our bearings. Once I was able to be on the old diary road climbing with views of some of the crystal mountains through the trees I knew we had to be nearing Bloodsucker Lake.

The road does not have much shade and we were so tired going uphill that it took us awhile to get to the lake. But I had rested knowing we were on the other side of the creek  There is a fork also in the road which goes up or right stay to your left and ascend. While many trails in the area are also named Bloodsucker Lake Trail only one takes you directly there. If you take the right path it will end and you will have to go through rugged terrain to find the trail again as it does not do a complete loop. Which means you would have to heat east then climbing the cliffs to a little dead end road which eventually takes you to a lake and trust me I know because when I was done with the lake I came out this way just did not go to the lake this way.

So we kept climbing man it was hot this region for some reason gets hotter then other parts of the sierras. It might be the crystalline rock which absorbs the heat up here but we were roasting. You can stand under trees along this road time to time but there are gaps without much shade so it sucks. Even more so my gps on our phone and my device stated we were here and its another quarter mile up hill and another quarter mile through the forest so its a bit deceptive. But if you are patient staying on the trail you will eventually see the lake through the trees. The old dairy road only skirts around a small portion of the lake a short time so if you are not paying attention you could miss it. So look to your left through the trees and you will also see beyond the lake the Crystal Mountains.

There are very few places you can sit on this lake its heavily overgrown all around the lake. Their is probably two to three locations that you can go sit and reflect. But across the other side the brush and foliage is so dense that you cant really walk around the entire lake. There are no trails around this lake like many of the lakes in the sierras. I took a series of narrow animal paths to the lakeshore the foliage was scraping my legs walking through them where we found an area of about 6 x 8 to sit on with a small rock. We had a picnic here or rather our lunch which included pizza, cheese, nuts, fruit, crackers, pepperoni, blueberry pastry etc

We probably spent an hour just sitting here relaxing trying to refuel because its a hell of a hike here so we knew going back would be more intense since we had some primitive places to check out along the way. So we needed to eat well for the journey back and it helped just to lay back rest a bit. We had been out in the hot sun since sunup and here it was 2pm ish so that is a long time to be exploring without much of a extended break. But we finally were here and its really a gorgeous little lake. Its a bit shallow but very clear. I read that if you stand on the shoreline you will see leeches all over the place but we never seen a single leech does not mean they were not in there it just means where we were at did not have any.

The backdrop is amazing in regards to this lake with Pyramid Peak, Mount Agassiz and Blue Mountain all overshadowing and reflecting off the waters of Bloodsucker Lake. This is the closest I been to these three peaks they are so close out in front of you that it makes you want to continue forward just to stand on there peaks. I think about two miles away the mountains were in front of us and we could see them in great detail including the forested canyons that run from their peaks down to lake level.

You can kind of see where Pyramid Peak and Mount Agassiz Meet there is a big canyon that is where Lake Sylvia and Lyons Lake are found in. Lyons Lake, Creek and even this dairy road we were on were named after the rancher who once resided back here. He had a huge dairy ranch right on Blood Sucker Lake and that trail we took to the lake once at one time a wagon road. Of course the roads and trails around here are forgotten untouched and definitely not maintained which is why this was such a hard hike for us. I can only imagine how difficult it was for a farmer living here in the 1800's but I guess some of the roads up here were Indian trails at one time since three tribes inhabited this area. So he probably just improved it enough so he could ride his wagons through here.

If you had south of Bloodsucker you can take the Lyons Creek Trail which follows the creek to both of these lakes. We had no time but we were only two miles away and if we went primitive we could have just made our way around the lake then cut to that canyon. But the trail is nicer if you want some clarity and to enjoy the creek. We were near Lyons Creek earlier that morning when we kept going south along Silver Creek. The two meet so definitely lots of water up here and flowing water which makes it a great area to seek out Sasquatch. So were not done out here but we have to plan an expedition where we can pack in for the night to Sylvia or Lyons Lake set up a tent stay a day or two then come back. Its to major of a hike to not spend the night up there otherwise it would be 11 grueling miles five and half in five and half out and all rugged.

So Tammy and I just enjoyed a lovely time at the lake I did not go in even if I seen no leeches thanks but no thanks not interested in being sucked on by anything other then a hottie. I know that came out wrong but there has to be humor in some of this I mean we spent hours primitive turned around thanks to my GPS unable to cross the creek only to go back to where we started and give this hike a second chance. It was a bitter sweet ending to our day however because we spent so much time up here we did not have time to go up to Cody Lake which is another awesome lake in the region you can hike out to and has the oldest most primitive boy scout camp in the country. So we just had to take a rain check on that. But we were right on the edge of the Desolation Wilderness and well I have had some bigfoot experiences there before so it all hit close to home for me.

Ill tell you its like a jungle on the other side of the lake I may have gone around the entire lake bushwhacking but we just had no more time since most of our day was eaten up by Silver Creeks unforgiving flow. I do pay attention to my surroundings and a few things I did notice while I was up here at the lake. The first thing is that I thought I seen something walking on two legs covered in hair that ran between two trees on the other side of the lake. The other thing I noticed was an old huge massive track right where we had our picnic. I did not even take a photo or do anything with it because it could have been someone's boot but it was to old and weathered which means its inconclusive. Bigfoot could have made it or another hiker no less it was deep so whatever made it had mass as I could not make an impression that deep.

Another thing I noticed on this hike is for example when I was up by the creek earlier that morning I thought I heard talking or whispering. But it did not sound human and I notice this quite a bit out this way. Maybe these creatures have their own little language but I sometimes hear them talking to eachother in a low tone whisper like they are hiding up in the trees or bushes as we walk past. Maybe its nothing but its the small things in my paranormal career that lead to bigger better finds so you have to take what you hear too into consideration.

Being up here was amazing there was not one hiker, backpacker, dog, person, woman or child. This place is really offbeat and primitive we seen nobody. I figured when I got to the lake id seen a tent or a few others up here but in fact it was just us and it was very quiet. It may have been a pain to find this place but the mountains reflecting off the water and that serenity is priceless. I read stories about how this place is packed with folks and that is not true. We seen nobody and we spent the entire day nearly hiking all over this area exploring and so forth. That is rare for the Crystal Basin area but their are other lakes that are far more bustling so if your looking for something more primitive this would be the place.

We eventually packed on up then continued to hike the road which only skirts a small SW portion of this lake for a couple hundred feet. That is why I say pay attention because its easy to miss the lake I mean it is over 120' from the old wagon trail to your left. But their is one point the old abandoned road gets about 20' and that is a nice camping or picnic spot. There is even a log you can sit on and rocks but since we did not know about this spot we ended up picnicking at the overgrown location. But the second spot we found did not have high grass or foliage all over. So if you read this report and you want to go out there don't be over zealous take the road for a couple hundred feet more and seize the opportunity. Because the spot we took a break at was overgrown which means more bugs even possibly ticks so you have to be careful. We had some really awesome bug repellent so we did not have an issue with it.

Eventually the old wagon road begins to the SE below the lake a little and then jets back to the SW. It does end at these really steep hill and dozens of old fallen trees. I am not sure why they wont finish the road or trail so that it loops back around. Not even sure what the point of this trail or road is maybe the rancher never completed it or maybe it did connect back in the day. But my reason for taking this to begin with is that off to the left of it is a hidden lake or pond rather. Its hard to pinpoint how close it is to this road but I guess when you see the fallen trees you jet to your left through the foliage and forest.

Well my GPS messed up on our position so I ended up climbing logs, down these cliffs and a series of tiered rocks to this beautiful meadow filled with these white wildflowers. By the time my GPS allocated our position it now showed the lake back up above us diagonally to our right where we just came. I told Tammy forget it because there was no way I was going to leave her there alone in the middle of nowhere because she was not able to do the climb back up. Besides the fact we were running out of light and we were not going to retrace our steps for a pond that is a 100' across. I really wanted to check out its marshy banks for tracks so I felt a bit disappointed damn GPS. But it was just to much work and time consuming to have to climb everything back up to an area we just descended from.

But being I found some big impressions, bear tracks and other strange things I am sure we would have found something up at this hidden pond. Yeah I found some tracks just before we descended at the fallen trees. They were fresh and a fairly good sized bear which could have made those tracks within hours of us finding them. So this bear could have still been in the area and it does not surprise me they have signs up at Wright's Lake Campground about it so if they are found there they will be found here to since Wright's is a couple miles to the north.

I thought a few times I found some worn tracks with toe impressions maybe bigfoot? bear? Its hard to know when tracks deteriorate its more difficult to decide what made them. But on that old wagon road before it ending going down off the mountain I found some tracks that were very wide and had toes. But they were very old and worn. Therefore, again its inconclusive but no less I was on the hunt for a fresh track so that I could log it as evidence. Tammy and I figured they were just bear tracks but you never know these bigfoot like creatures are all over the place in this area. More sightings, vocalizations and tracks found here then almost anywhere in the U.S. which is why we really need to continue our research here.

But when you find tracks like these and your on the side of a mountain with no trail around you know your setting yourself up for an encounter. Sure enough Tammy seen something two hundred feet away running between the trees. She told me she had no idea what it is I figured maybe it was a deer she said it was brown and fast. I remember hearing a branch snap earlier so maybe it was a bear or bigfoot hard to know. But we were so deep in the wilderness anything could have been stalking us since its doubtful people descend off the lake this way climbing cliffs, rocks and fallen trees. I really do not believe much in coincidences if you put it all together I seen something run on the other side of the lake, heard whispering, branches breaking, found tracks and then Tammy seen something too. So either an animal or it was the king of the forest Sasquatch. Either way we were not alone up here perhaps the only humans but something else was lurking around Bloodsucker Lake that we just could not identify.

I told Tammy I could hurry up climb the cliffs cut over to that pond check for tracks but after seeing the big bear tracks and a few other happenings I did not think it was a good idea. Folks vanish up in this region without a trace. They are never seen again and while I may be okay with that I am not okay with someone else being put in that situation. I was alright with my decision I still had one more primitive pond I could check for tracks so maybe I would get lucky there. The thing is that pond is closer to the trail which means its not as secluded from hikers. This pond was a bit more primitive but it is what it is I always imagined hiking to some primitive pond and catching a couple bigfoot like creatures splashing and playing. Then I also think what will happen if they catch me in their line of sight which may not have good results because these creatures are elusive they do not want to be found they are up there but they rely on their outdoor knowledge to remain hidden which in turn is a self preservation tactic.

The hike downhill was very hard eventually we would make it about a half mile south of the lake making a descent. I would begin to cut to our right or westbound  I went fairly far SW for awhile it is like a jungle probably seen parts of that forest no humans have seen in over a century. Eventually we would intersect with a portion of the Bloodsucker Trail. We almost were so SW we were close to Lyons Creek and its trail system. But we got lucky and we ran into another Bloodsucker Trail like I said their are a few named that surrounding the lake in this region. It was not easy to find this trail its only a foot wide in nearly waste deep foliage its as easy to cross the trail missing it because you kept trucking. But I noticed the narrow overgrown path and so we got on it then hiked NW.

This is really primitive most folks do not take this trail because it does not take you to Bloodsucker Lake as a matter in fact if you take it SE it will run into the Lyons Lake Trail. Some folks will take the Bloodsucker Trail and at the split go right to cut into Lyons Creek Trail which takes them up to the lake and gives them access to Pyramid Peak. Pyramid Peak can be seen all over the region from Tahoe, Carson Pass and many of the other mountains we have climbed. So honestly if you want good access to it then that is a great journey to take. But at that split Tammy and I stayed left ascended up to the lake. Then we descended from the south end of it and cut west back into this trail. So all we really did was looped around but some of it was primitive with no trail just making our own path.

We begin to hike NW anyhow which took us to another hidden lake I was happy to see it because the other hidden pond we missed. Well I found it but by the time my GPS pointed us the right way we already came off the cliffs. If it was allocating right we were so close to it we could have jetted left and bam right there. So I was happy to find another body of water that day I could explore for tracks. As we were going to our NW you can cut off to your left and there is a small marshy pond. Its not scenic and its not even really beautiful but its very serene. Their is this tree with a few rocks that you can sit on and under. So we took a half hour snack break here so that I could examine the marsh shoreline for tracks. I did not find anything other then possibly some old deer tracks and by the time I was done my feet were wet because its very spongy at this pond.

The sad thing is this probably was more of a small lake but many of the primitive lakes found in the sierras are drying up forever or shrinking. This lake was probably twice if not three times larger and I know this because I could seen the water lines on some of the rocks which extended out into the forest a little bit. Most of the shoreline here was grassy and marshy past that was a small body of water which I could not get to close because it was so soft I was sinking like quick sand in the mud. But it was a nice little break watched some wildlife for a half hour, ate a snack, explored for tracks and then it would be time to hit up the trail again.

This portion of the trail is really intriguing lots of giant rocks, various types of trees and nature. Its hard to calculate where your at on this hike because views are so limited unless your at Bloodsucker Lake. I mean if you take the main old dairy road to the lake you will get some views of the sierras and forest below but not many. However, taking this trail because that is what it is a trail not an old dairy road offered very little except a very overgrown forest. Its so easy to lose sight of the trail to being that is overgrown, trees fall over it and so narrow. We found this really cool rock it looked like a rock stage and of course I jumped on the slab pretending to play the air guitar lol. It had this slab facing upright behind a slab laying on the ground. It was big enough to boast a band on this thing if you wanted to.

Eventually we came out to the creek same spot we crossed at now we had to figure out a safe way to get across. The first time we leaped from that last rock to the shore but we could not leap from the shore to that rock to dangerous and slippery. So we took a series of rocks about 10' away it was a bit tricky but we both made it without an issue. I stood in the middle of the creek to help Tammy keep her balance as she took one rock at a time. Of course my dog already made it across he just leaps rock to rock and without any struggle is sitting on the shoreline staring at us lol like hey you coming. Its not easy carrying a huge backpacking and leaping rocks. If you fall off a rock you could hit your head and drown or have a serious injury even die. So their is some skill that comes with crossing and so its important you use a buddy system if I was alone slipped hit my head I could drown just as Tammy being so short without having me to grab her arm pull her to the next rock she might slip and get hurt so you have to work in tandem.

We were not paying attention well we just did not see it but when we crossed the creek we ended up heading west or straight instead of NW back to the parking area where the campground was. Which honestly I was going to park where this trail came out anyhow because its easier then going through the campground dealing with goats and people. The Bloodsucker Lake really is an equestrian area meaning there is allot of people that horseback ride. On the hike I seen hundreds of horseshoe prints everywhere so if you get lost follow them because generally folks take their horses only on the main trails up here. Well I figured since I seen horseshoe prints I was going the right way so I was not really paying much attention. So I went west and man was that nuts because that small portion from the creek to the road was so overgrown we lost the trail because there was trees growing on it, logs etc.

There were times I went around a bunch of trees growing on this little trail and id go around nearly getting turned around. I can say without a doubt that this area is not very well maintained which is why you need to be careful. It only takes losing the trail to get lost and you wont find it again. The trail from the road all the way to that primitive pond we found was like this. Its a hard trail to follow and an easy trail to lose if you do not have a GPS or a good sense of direction you could be a few feet off and end up hiking miles till you hit something so be careful. The trails are much better defined and maintained in other parts of the Crystal Basin. But this quadrant the forest, trails and terrain is much different. I mean these are the foothills of the Crystal Mountains and close to where they begin.

Tammy and I had plenty of fun trying to go under trees, through evergreens growing close together and dealing with parts of the trail that were just out. But we did come out onto Wrights Lake Road then we had to hike north up it back to the parking area where the campground was. We had missed the junction to the NW so we ended up instead just heading west till we hit the road. Its so easy to get turned around here because you cant use the views to allocate your position your basically in a jungle and it all starts to look the same. The trails and old abandoned wagon roads are forgotten nothing is labeled hell when we found the bloodsucker trail itself on the way back there was a sign we found broken and laying on its side which I fixed with some rocks to help other hikers. There are places up here you could leave the trail and never be seen again which is why its such an intimidating place. I mean all it takes is getting lost and getting eaten by a mountain lion or bear so you have to be careful. My GPS was not working right up here but it least showed me a general idea of where we were at so all we had to do is stick towards one direction and we knew we would either hit a road or trail system which we did do.

By the time I had gotten to the truck it was almost nightfall and we hiked over seven miles most of it primitive. We did not have time for another lake hike or expedition that day which was fine because we were exhausted. This terrain is unforgiving but on a good note we never came across any red brush which is more common in the Tahoe National Forest not so much the ElDorado National Forest. We also did not have to go through the campground and deal with them goats which the one looked like it was about to charge me so I can see the positives of it. But we managed to hike a few trails, along Silver Creek, see a pond and spent time at this lake so we covered quite a bit of this quadrant.

Its just another area of the Crystal Basin I never had gotten to see before but our work is far from done we still have many more lakes to hike out to and explore. Bloodsucker is just one of dozens of lakes out this way to see and experience. I think if there was any bigfoot in the area your sure bet is somewhere up here probably on the other side of Bloodsucker Lake where there is forest then this mountainous ridge and then beyond that Pyramid Peak. Alls I know is that this was a very rugged difficult hike we took on and we busted our ass. But we seen lots of wild flowers, butterflies, scenery and we did experience a few things that could have been bigfoot related for sure. The thing about finding big bear tracks is that we can say that if this area can support a large bear then it can support a large primitive creature such as Bigfoot too.

The nice thing about a hike like this is when I got home weighed myself and finally dipped below the 200lb goal. This has been a long time in the making trying to get below that mark so that extra exploring really paid off here. Rocky did quite well I mean he is only 25lbs and he hiked seven miles over streams, massive fallen trees and through brush much taller then him. If I only had four legs like him because ill tell you what this was a crazy crazy hike. Even crazier then when we hiked to Beauty Lake a few weeks prior which is to the North of Wrights Lake while Bloodsucker Lake is to the south. This entire area is very intriguing and water is still flowing up here so where their is water your going to find these bigfoot like creatures. But its hard to find tracks on any of the trails the horses step right on them so going primitive has its advantages to but up here going primitive can also mean more danger so you have to be careful this wilderness is not like other places in the sierra. This really is a bigfoot like creatures playground here it was never meant for humans to endure yet its adventurers like me who endure it anyway's all for the love of the great outdoors!

We have to be thankful for the things we get to see and experience. But also that we come out of these types of journeys unscathed. This was not an easy outing then again most of our explorations are just that intense. Its easy to panic when you get turned around or when there are obstacles which is why we just don't. If we did we would not be still doing what we do out there. Their are allot of elements to being a cryptozoologist and the work we do is difficult. But at the same time we see things so very few ever get to see or are meant for our eyes only. Bloodsucker Lake is a crazy crazy place one I wont forget anytime soon! There was one track I found on this expedition that was gigantic with toes bigfoot possibly? Who knows but I believe that this creature does lurk or dwell up around here. You have to wonder if old man Lyon himself had some of his own experiences while culling the herd and operating a ranch in the 1800's here you really do! A secret he may have taken to the grave!

Lord Rick

PS This report is a rough draft and subject to changes before it gets indicted onto our site with our casework in the future.
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