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Joe Smith

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 14:14:3523.10.14
да pants-devel,
Hi all,

I've sent out a review for Aurora to use does that sound reasonable? If that's going to be ~stable for the foreseeable future then that'd be awesome, but I don't want to force a public artifact store on you guys if that's not its purpose.


Eric Ayers

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 14:32:2623.10.14
да Joe Smith,pants-devel,

At Square we have some binaries that we override, so we have an internal site for those, and then we fall back to this URL for others.

pants_support_baseurls = [

We have a comment to find a better solution. I’m not sure keeping binaries in github is a great long term thing because I’m not sure it could handle a lot of traffic.

John Sirois

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 17:02:4023.10.14
да Eric Ayers,Joe Smith,pants-devel,
I just setup a bintray account and a little publish script so we have a more stable serving system for these things.
I need to doc this a bit for pants maintainers and users alike, but thought you might like to try it out.

Joe Smith

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 17:21:5823.10.14
да Eric Ayers,pants-devel,
Thanks for the insight! This is going to be for the external Apache codebase, so we're okay with using if you're also using it as a fallback.


John Sirois

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 17:23:4023.10.14
да Joe Smith,Eric Ayers,pants-devel,
The bintray is public as well and built to serve binaries.  I'd definitely switch - no backup.

Joe Smith

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 17:24:3323.10.14
да John Sirois,Eric Ayers,pants-devel,
Aha- that's awesome. Cool, I'll move to that instead (and remove our TODO for you :)

Thanks John!

Joe Smith

не прачытана,
23 кас 2014 г., 18:18:4723.10.14
да John Sirois,Eric Ayers,pants-devel,
Sent out a review at John if you can take a look, I'd appreciate it.

(In exchange, happy to send in an update to a doc or something if you point me at what you'd like changed)

I've also sent out, if you guys would prefer to watch bintray reliability for a bit first, then I can close it out until everyone's comfortable.

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