New Maintainer: Alexey Tereshenkov

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Eric Arellano

Feb 18, 2022, 3:48:31 PM2/18/22
to Pants Developers
Hello, please join me in welcoming and thanking our newest maintainer, Alexey! 

In the past year, Alexey has made several meaningful contributions, including adding Yapf autoformatter support, several blog posts , docs improvements, and adding polish like a long-requested `python_distribution` improvement. He's also been driving Debian + Python packaging support!

Alexey is kind, welcoming, and thoughtful. We are thrilled for him to be joining the Maintainer group!

Thank you, Alexey!
- Eric Arellano

Stu Hood

Feb 18, 2022, 3:52:55 PM2/18/22
to Eric Arellano, Pants Developers
Welcome Alexey! Thank you for all of your work.

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Benjy Weinberger

Feb 21, 2022, 12:18:38 AM2/21/22
to Stu Hood, Eric Arellano, Pants Developers
Congrats Alexey! Looking forward to working with you further!

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