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New Contributor: Nick Grisafi

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Eric Arellano

Sep 8, 2021, 5:26:12 PM9/8/21
to Pants Developers
Please welcome Nick as the newest Pants Contributor!

Nick joined the community earlier this year and has made several appreciated contributions, including:
  • Several docs improvements, including updating stale code in our plugin docs and pointing out confusing sections.
  • Early adopter for `skip_tool` feature, including catching a critical bug.
  • Sharing how Pants adoption is going with his organization (which is really helpful for us to keep lowering the barrier to entry for Pants!)
  • Active in Slack.
Thank you, Nick!
Eric Arellano

Stu Hood

Sep 8, 2021, 6:45:31 PM9/8/21
to Eric Arellano, Pants Developers

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Carina C. Zona

Sep 10, 2021, 1:20:01 AM9/10/21
to Pants Developers
Nick, congratulations and welcome to the team.  Pants has benefitted from how many places and ways you've pitched in on making Pants more usable and user-friendly. We really appreciate getting to have your perspective. Thank you!
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