Where is my panoramio photos, I would like to know...

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Jun 18, 2018, 8:38:22 AM6/18/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Where is my panoramio photes, I would like to know? When I was informed that Panoramio is to be closed and I must move my photos to some Google account, I made everything they asked (at least, I believe so). Now I cannot see my photos at Google Maps. Neither do I see my photos in Google Album Archive (strictly speaking, I see only one of about a hundred ones I had).

The second question is: do I understand well that now there are no possibility to link photo at Google Maps to geo coordinates, only to points that correspond to organizations and sightseengs. That's awfully wrong, if it's true:(

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Jun 23, 2018, 3:46:51 PM6/23/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
As I know, only partial backup of Panoramio Photos (to Albums Archive) was done so far. When Google finishes the rest of the transfer is unknown to us (nobody communicates from the Google/Panoramio team).
Last info we received is updated status on "Panoramio closing page:
If your Panoramio profile was linked with your Google account, then all your Panoramio photos are being copied to your Google Album Archive at full resolution (this could take a few weeks). - panoramio.com 
Only a small portion of my Panoramio photos was transferred to Google Album Archive (in two round during March 2018). With this attitude, Google shall not promise "a few weeks" for the photo transfer,  but "a couple of months" or even "a few years".
Some (not all) of my transferred photos are visible in new "Photos" layer in Google Earth and on Google Maps (here only when searched for relevant POI).

More info (but mostly only complains) here:

Dne pondělí 18. června 2018 14:38:22 UTC+2 vgivanov napsal(a):


Jun 25, 2018, 2:01:01 PM6/25/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Thanks. So there is still some hope.

суббота, 23 июня 2018 г., 22:46:51 UTC+3 пользователь Tomas K☼h☼ut написал:


Jul 22, 2018, 9:20:36 AM7/22/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
No, there isn't. Google has clogged up my Photo album with about one thousand imported photos (out of more than 5000) all dated to 03/02/2018 !!! Never ever have phoots been added since!!!

But even worse: Whenever I want to add a photo taken before that date to Google Maps I first have to scroll through those thousand wrong-dated photos before I reach NEWER photos!!!
So it is actually better that this import went wrong and it's "only" 1000, not 5000 photos I have to scroll through - FOR EACH AND EVERY PLACE I ADD A PHOTO TO AGAIN !!!

What an absurd and idiotic behavior of Google Maps!!! And NO ONE is going to change that ever!!!


Jul 22, 2018, 10:15:05 AM7/22/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Why bother with google again? They had their chance and blew it big time! I will never ever trust Google again. 


Jul 30, 2018, 12:56:31 AM7/30/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
On 2018-03-06, about 60% of my Panoramio photos were transferred to my Google Albums as singles. I don't know if Google will transfer the rest 40% in the future, or they have been lost forever.

Does anyone know if Google is still working on this?



Sep 4, 2018, 8:11:28 PM9/4/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Just checked my Google Album today and found that during 2018-08-30 and 2018-09-04, many more of Panoramio photos were transferred to my Google Album. I am glad the photos are surviving. Also, my photos reappeared on Google Maps under "My Contributions".


Sep 5, 2018, 5:01:44 AM9/5/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

The process seems to be accelerating.
Transfer in my album: 2018/08/30 - 2018/08/31 - 2018/09/02 - 2018/0 /04 - 2018/09/05.


Tomas K☼h☼ut

Sep 5, 2018, 4:01:24 PM9/5/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Yes, I was hit by some updates in recent days too.
I almost surrendered and lost the faith - but now I see a chance we will have complete backup made in next two or three years. ;-)

But still the same mess...
Album Archive (messy)
- each single photo has a separate album, named by the transfer date.
- Transfer hit "random" part of my gallery and even not all photos from that part (from those selected for Maps and Google Earth) were transferred.
Google Photos:
- Good to see photos are aligned properly at timeline in gallery, 
- Maps show the location where the photo was taken (and not a snapped point of interest)
- Original Panoramio titles of the photos are maintained
Google Maps, Earth
- This fresh update is not still visible on the maps (at least the photos I've checked)
- Nor they are visible in "My Contribution - photos" on Google maps 
Local Guides (messy)
- Count of my photos and point in LG programme has dropped down. :o)
- Looks like photos from this and past updates are not counted into programme.
Well, no problem. It's not worth of penny to take a care of LG.

Dne středa 5. září 2018 11:01:44 UTC+2 Will51 napsal(a):


Sep 14, 2018, 3:41:26 PM9/14/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
This is because these giant ******** which call themselves "The Panoramio team" (but really are the "Panoramio destruction gang") have REMOVED all your Panoramio-contributions from Google Maps!
Promises made - Promises broken - "Do evil" is the new Google motto!


Sep 22, 2018, 5:56:39 AM9/22/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I received an update from the 'Panoramio Team'. Has anyone else got this message?

Earlier this year, we turned off Panoramio and stopped showing Panoramio photos in Google Maps and Google Earth. Before that happened, we shared our plans to copy all your photos to the Google Album Archive as a full-quality backup.
We recently discovered an issue that caused some Panoramio photos to appear in Google Maps/Earth under your Google account name during this backup process. These photos were public in Panoramio, but were previously shared using your Panoramio account name. We have now removed these photos from Google Maps/Earth and will continue to copy your Panoramio photos only to your Album Archive. If you do want to re-share any photos on Google Maps, you can follow the instructions here.

*Sigh* It was very simple. I put photos on Maps/Earth through Panoramio so they were public. I don't want them copied 'only to my Album Archive', I want them on Maps/Earth too. Just leave my Panoramio account name on them like it was originally and use the geolocations I had painstakingly set for each one. 

Anyway, this mess is what happens when people try to fix what wasn't broke. 


Sep 23, 2018, 5:51:10 PM9/23/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Yes - received this email as well.  After having given up completely on google honoring their stated intention of migrating photos to the new platform, out of the blue last month received notice that another batch had been posted on google maps.  Checked, and sure enough, there they were!  Then about a week ago, got the same email message below.  And my photos are now gone again.  It makes no sense, because I never had a Panoramio account - had a google account from the beginning.  So why remove my photos, and who to complain to to get them restored?  I know there is no answer to this one; just bitching!


Sep 25, 2018, 6:14:41 PM9/25/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
The same thing happened to my photos. In early September 2018, I noticed more photos transferred to my Google Archive, and meanwhile, I found that my photos reappeared on Google Maps. After a few more days, however, they disappeared again.

Michael MH Ng 一郎

Oct 4, 2018, 2:58:52 AM10/4/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Panoramio was gone, google only think about how to make money, money & money!

vgivanov於 2018年6月18日星期一 UTC+8下午8時38分22秒寫道:


Oct 13, 2018, 3:30:37 PM10/13/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
However the Google Plus that we should all connect to in order to make our Panoramio experience "more exciting" is just the next thing to go down the drain. Google Plus will be discontinued in Summer 2019...
It seems except for maps and search nothing is save anymore at google. Tomorrow they may stop Gmail or Photos, or whatever does not make enough revenue anymore. In the end, takeout will be the only thing to remain :-(

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 10, 2018, 9:28:02 PM11/10/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Dne sobota 13. října 2018 21:30:37 UTC+2 df3vi napsal(a):

This is because these giant ******** which call themselves "The Panoramio team" (but really are the "Panoramio destruction gang") have REMOVED all your Panoramio-contributions from Google Maps!
Promises made - Promises broken - "Do evil" is the new Google motto!

You are right. :-( 
Panoramio annihilation  team has removed the Panoramio photos from Google maps and Earth (both versions).

However the Google Plus that we should all connect to in order to make our Panoramio experience "more exciting" is just the next thing to go down the drain. Google Plus will be discontinued in Summer 2019...
It seems except for maps and search nothing is save anymore at google. Tomorrow they may stop Gmail or Photos, or whatever does not make enough revenue anymore. In the end, takeout will be the only thing to remain :-(

Again, you are right.
Non-commercial G+ will be ended soon. This decision probably made a panic in the Panoramio annihilation team, because they need G+ profile name as a contributor reference in Maps/Earth. So they had stopped their work in early spring/summer 2018... and finally have decided not to transfer any Panoramio photo to Maps (probably they hope soon there will be enough new random photos from mobile devices). And of course, they removed all Panoramio photos from maps - including those already transferred. Good (destruction) work!

This "change of the plans" is not still announced and explained on the Panoramio landing page.
Some users received an email about this  (it's not a kind of moving the goalpost... it's about removing the goalpost!). Not me... maybe this email was somehow delivered into my spam bin and then - after an expiration time - deleted. Bravo, Google (again ) cannot deliver its own important announcement into its own email inbox within owned service Gmail.

I cannot get why Googlers have waited so long with a solution and why they accepted this kind of solution...
From the user perspective, they needed G+ account only because of the user name (as a contributor reference) from G+ profile.
They can say only "Sorry, G+ will no exist soon, so we will use you Google Account name instead of G+ profile name. You can accept this change by clicking "I agree" on this page (link). Sorry for troubles and asking additional permission."

Google wrote: 
 If you do want to re-share any photos on Google Maps, you can follow the instructions here.

Google, you are kidding. This is not about simple bulk re-sharing.  It's about complete re-upload, re-assigning a photo to POI, and adding a title... for every single photo of ~150 000 000 photos. Google, you have all the data to make this process yourself, automatically. Is it too much difficult or impossible task to ask you - "please, do it for us"?


Nov 22, 2018, 7:15:35 PM11/22/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
My Photos Re-Emerged on Google Earth and Google Maps

Today, 2018-11-22, it just occurred to me that I wanted to check Google Maps again and, to my surprise, my Panoramio photos re-emerged there. My further surprise, though, is that when I checked Google Earth (which I had not been using quite often), I can see my own photos I uploaded during the Panoramio era. They had been absent from Google Earth since Panoramio was shut down.

Google Maps indicates that the number of my photos there is 215, which is about 1/7 (one seventh) of my Panoramio photos.

At any rate, it looks that our contribution to Panoramio now lives on Google Earth and Google Maps.


Nov 23, 2018, 11:45:04 AM11/23/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
On Friday, November 23, 2018 at 8:15:35 AM UTC+8, Roland_Longbow wrote:
My Photos Re-Emerged on Google Earth and Google Maps

Today, 2018-11-22, it just occurred to me that I wanted to check Google Maps again and, to my surprise, my Panoramio photos re-emerged there. My further surprise, though, is that when I checked Google Earth (which I had not been using quite often), I can see my own photos I uploaded during the Panoramio era. They had been absent from Google Earth since Panoramio was shut down.

It looks that our contribution to Panoramio now lives on Google Earth and Google Maps.

I suppose you were using Google Earth mobile version, as I found that there are many big circle pop out when you zoom in. This is not happened ~few months ago. Am I correct? And how many percentage of your photos have appeared in GE / GM?
However, none of my Panoramio photos appeared in GE desktop / mobile version, nor GM. Anyway it is a good signal for us to know that Panoramio photos are still being transferred.

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 29, 2018, 5:04:21 PM11/29/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Dne pátek 23. listopadu 2018 17:45:04 UTC+1 Baycrest napsal(a):

I suppose you were using Google Earth mobile version, as I found that there are many big circle pop out when you zoom in. This is not happened ~few months ago. Am I correct?

Yes, Panoramio photos are back. The status of our Panoramio photos on the maps is a subject of continuous changes. :o)

My (and likely not only mine) Panoramio photos re-appeared in Maps, contribution panel on Maps,Google Earth (web, desktop and mobile app), then disappeared... and now re-appeared again. And now they even starting to collect viewcounts (in the contribution panel of Maps).
My photos also appeared in Album Archive, Google Photos and Google Drive. Probably still not all of them, but they keep on coming. So there is my apology for Panoramio destruction team.
I was suspicious and desperate - according to the "new rules" my photos shall be removed from maps because my Panoramio display name was not exactly same as Google Account name (Tomas K☼h☼ut <> Tomáš Kohout), and I cannot do anything about it. BTW, the rules of Panoramio demise has been updated. 
Well, now I've got my a part of hopes back again (but I would not hold my breath) - it may not be the final status quo in this war/game.
And how many percentage of your photos have appeared in GE / GM?

Hard to tell.
However, none of my Panoramio photos appeared in GE desktop / mobile version, nor GM. Anyway it is a good signal for us to know that Panoramio photos are still being transferred.

Try to check Albums Archive. You shall see automatically created albums with date of creation as a album name. If you have them - there is a chance your photos will be presented also on Maps.

Smallest chance is in GE desktop version - it shows icons of photos at the same places as GE web/mobile app, but only one leading photo is displayed there (whereas GE web/mobile can display up to ~20 photos cluster behind the leasing one). GM rules for displaying photos are mystery to me, but again - I can see some of my Panoramio photos back in bottom "photos filmstrip" and in the search for places.


Dec 9, 2018, 5:52:37 AM12/9/18
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
This is good news. So it took only two years to migrate our photos. Impressing! And great communication on Google side about what is going to happen (NOT!).

My newest discovery is that Google now has added the originally photo location given on Panoramio (i.e. for photos that did not have GPS location set in EXIF). 
When I browsed through Google Photos before, all these older photos had no location and no link to places anymore (so it seemed that had been deleted), but this has changed now. 
However all the work I did in the month before the closing of Panoramio to add them to places is lost. So I have to do all this again - Thanks, Google - not!


Dec 24, 2018, 5:44:17 PM12/24/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
On 2018-12-18, Google transferred more of my Panoramio photos to my Google Photo Album. Since then, the total number of my photos visible under Google Maps -> Your contributions -> PHOTOS has been stabilized around 1200, a number close to the number of my original Panoramio photos.

Tim Buckley, Remover of Babby

Dec 25, 2018, 12:47:44 AM12/25/18
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
If you have the link you can still access them
Google claims that panoramio is gone forever, but they're lying and the pictures are still accessible at their old URLs. The bad news is you can't view the photos on google earth because google has decided that they need to have the last word of what locations people are allowed to see.
Don't listen to their lies, and next time don't use a google service for anything you'd miss if it was intentionally sabotaged.


Jan 17, 2019, 1:58:38 PM1/17/19
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Few days ago, I found my Panoramio photos finally appeared on Google Earth & Google Maps! However, all the Panoramio photos were transfered to my brand account which I created long time ago (now I have a primary account which has joined Local Guides and a brand account which haven't join Local Guides). When I checked Albums Archive of my brand account (thanks Tomas) I could see that the photos ware transfered between November to December 2018, which could mean that photos have been transfered ~one month before I discovered them in Google Earth. When I looked at some of my photos in Google Earth, they appeared at the exact location I input in Panoramio. And when I looked at some of my photos in Google Maps, they appeared at the location I snaped to in Panoramio. Seems all photos were transfered successfully! I can check number of photos and views for primary account on web browser and Google Maps app, but I can check number of photos and views (sum of every photo views is incorrect) for brand account only on Google Maps app .

Now the problem is, I can't earn points because it seems that brand account cannot join Local Guides. I need to have all my photos under my primary account, do anybody know how to do it?


May 12, 2021, 7:18:45 AM5/12/21
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Let's see if anyone is still reading this. Few days ago, I found more of my Panoramio photos appeared on Google Earth. I can't tell exactly how many photos. A  rough estimate is that about 1/3 of my Panoramio photos appeared on Google Earth in Jan 2019. This time another 1/3 appeared on Google Earth. I haven't checked on Google Map yet because it's hard to check them one by one. I will update here when I find more changes on my Panoramio photos.
Message has been deleted


May 14, 2021, 7:10:48 AM5/14/21
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hello Baycrest!  Hello everyone.  I still miss Panoramio.

On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 1:12:14 AM UTC-4 Magda GHALI wrote:
Hello, Baycrest !
To check in one click where are your pictures  on GM, just join the Group of Local Guides, as mentioned on their page
Becoming a Google Local Guide is really easy! Just go to the Google Local Guide website and Join. If you have an existing Google account, then you can link it to that, otherwise, just sign up and you’re on your way. Then all you need to do is leave reviews and ratings and upload images of places you’ve been.
Thanks and stay safe !
Magda (Google Guide, Level 10)

Tomáš Kohout

May 18, 2021, 9:43:59 PM5/18/21
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Baycrest, by some magic I've returned to this post. ;-)

Yes, former Panoramio photos are still visible in Google services: Google Earth (.exe app, web app, mobile app), Google maps etc.
I guess, Google Earth (.exe app) has fewer photos than web and mobile version - current .exe app of GE does not support clusters of photos while other GE apps can display a group of up to 21 photos at the same spot.
As I can see, not the all Panoramio photos that were formerly selected for GE (and displayed there in Panoramio days) are displayed now (applies to all GE and versions and Map).
I am not sure if there was some "update" of .GE apps that introduced more Panoramio photos (in Jan 2019). But definitely, there were some photo updates to all apps (even .exe app is showing some newer photos created after Panoramio was closed).

Dne středa 12. května 2021 v 13:18:45 UTC+2 uživatel Baycrest napsal:

Tomáš Kohout

May 18, 2021, 9:56:17 PM5/18/21
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
So I do, Jean...
and I miss your popular rascal racoons!


May 21, 2021, 2:54:57 AM5/21/21
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Jean & Tomas, long time no see! Let me clarify the version I used was computer version Google Earth.exe. I haven't checked Google Earth mobile app (although I've installed) and Google Maps yet, but these two versions seems have completely different selection criteria comapring to .exe. Many of my photos appeared on .exe did not showed up on app and Maps. Maybe I'll check them again and reply back to you what I've found.

I know .exe is showing some newer photos created after Panoramio was closed, many of them are misplaced or have horrible quality (selfies etc.). I'm very sure some of my Panoramio photos (more than 2/3) uploaded between August 2014 to 2016 which have never been appeared on Google Earth can been seen now. Before my recent check, only about 1/4 of my Panoramio photos uploaded between August 2014 to 2016 can been seen on Google Earth.

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