Comparing Panoramio Alternatives

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Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 28, 2014, 9:37:37 PM11/28/14
No matter how I (we?) love Panoramio... Panoramio is not only photo site over the internet.

Just because some of us are getting disappointed with the current state and the future of Panoramio, it's wise to look around for alternatives.

I'd like to make unbiased and facts driven feature by feature comparison of photo sharing sites. 
Please, if you want, you can help me with this task and benefit of results. 

Result could eventually help other Panoramio users find their new home for photos.
Draft of this document is attached as XLS file.

I ask you (other Panoramio users) to help me - to improve and to fill in this document.
Now it's time to fill in the features for each photo site:
- adding features assessment for each web site (I really expect your help here - from users familiar with each particular web site, I will definitely NOT expolore all possible sites in depth)
- correcting mistakes (e.g. you know some less obvious way how the feature is supported, although in form it is evaluated as "not supported")
Since 16th December

If you want to fill in or correct only couple of features, post description of your proposal in this thread.
If you want to cover more (e.g. fill in the whole so far empty column in sheet), make copy of feature headers and "your" column in XLS file (or make document in Google Docs/sheets) and attach it to this discussion. 
If you want to correct mistakes, again - make your own copy of part of document and make changes here. Please, highlight your changes with red colour - to help me find the changed items quickly and easily.

- This thread IS NOT a poll about "best" site or about messages like "I am on Flickr", "I am on Ipernity". Discussion of this type is here:
- This opening post may be updated to reflect current status
- Initial document has filled in features for Panoramio and partially for Ipernity. This may help you to understand my description of features...
- Document can be updated at any time (revision history will be placed here)

I don't suppose much changes in document's structure since now, but if you find something important to change - give me your proposal anyway.
Comparing Photo Sharing Services.xls

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 28, 2014, 9:56:35 PM11/28/14
Revision history:

29.11.2014 - Published


Nov 29, 2014, 12:49:23 AM11/29/14

Hi Tomas, 

just a note to say you from lots of work: there already are lots of this kind of comparisons available . Search for 'comparison photo sharing sites'. While these reviews may be recent and exhaustive, they often forget the photo mapping aspect.

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 04:37:37 UTC+2, Tomas K☼h☼ut wrote:
No matter how I (we?) love Panoramio... Panoramio is not only photo site over the internet.

Just because some of us are getting disappointed with the current state and the future of Panoramio, it's wise to look around for alternatives.

I'd like to make unbiased and facts driven feature by feature comparison of photo sharing sites. 
Please, if you want, you can help me with this task and benefit of results. 

Result could eventually help other Panoramio users find their new home for photos.
Draft of this document is attached as XLS file.

I ask you (other Panoramio users) to help me - to improve and to fill in this document in two steps:

1. Refining document structure
- completing the list of photo web site included in comparison
- completing the list of features to be compared
- refining definitions (descriptions) of these features (don't you understand my feature definition? Suggest me more accurate definition without ambiguity!).
Deadline: 15th December 2014
Send me your suggestions in this discussion thread, don't edit document.

2. Filling in features for each photo site
- adding features assessment for each web site (I really expect your help here - from users familiar with each particular web site, I will definitely NOT expolore all possible sites in depth)
- correcting mistakes (e.g. you know some less obvious way how the feature is supported, although in form it is evaluated as "not supported")
Since 16th December

- This thread IS NOT a poll about "best" site or about messages like "I am on Flickr", "I am on Ipernity". Discussion of this type is here:
- This opening post may be updated to reflect current status
- Initial document has filled in features for Panoramio and partially for Ipernity. This may help you to understand my description of features...
- Document can be updated at any time (revision history will be placed here)
- Don't edit the document and don't send me copy of it back! Just describe and address your suggesitons here in discussion

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 29, 2014, 5:28:58 AM11/29/14
Hi RainoL, I know some of them... but this one is really detailed (did you open XLS file?) and with focus on typical Panoramio user needs.

Lady GooGoo La La

Nov 30, 2014, 1:34:04 AM11/30/14
Tomas with my plugins and browser if I view the html version of the file by clicking View the file is very hard to read as the spacing and the page breaks make a mess, better to download and view in Excel.  Maybe Google docs open OK I dont know I have Excel and looks fine there.

Good work!



Nov 30, 2014, 1:52:44 AM11/30/14
Deaar lady, 

In the top bar there is a green box saying "open"
when you click that the spreadsheet will open in Google sheets:

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 30, 2014, 6:27:20 AM11/30/14

On Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:34:04 AM UTC+1, Lady GooGoo La La wrote:
Tomas with my plugins and browser if I view the html version of the file by clicking View the file is very hard to read as the spacing and the page breaks make a mess, better to download and view in Excel.  Maybe Google docs open OK I dont know I have Excel and looks fine there.

Good work!


Hello Lady La La, this is Excel.  ;-)
You shall be able to download it by clicking "Download" link below attachment.
If you click "View", it is opened in preview mode (hard to read) and after other click of "Open" (on the top of the page) you've got it in Google Sheets. It shall work like Excel with some limitations (e.g. no lines grouping).

All: Waiting for your input about document structure!

c0l0gne1-Views, no thanks!

Nov 30, 2014, 3:22:05 PM11/30/14
Hi Tom, great work! I hope users will help to fill the blanks. A few additions concerning iper:

Single photo

  • adding notes in a photo (seen on mouse over), user can allow others to add notes (or not)
  • club: photo in photo (seen on mouse over)
  • club: replace photo, keep everything else (comments, favs, tags..)
Social features
  • Album favourites: yes
  • User organized contests: yes  ( there are various photo challenges in groups )

I'm sure there is more....

Edit, of course there is, some points worth adding to your compilation:

  • editable comments (your own) everwhere on ipernity ( in Pano: correcting typos=delete and repost)
  • translation of comments possible (Pano and ipernity)
  • Languages (ipernity: Čeština,中文,Deutsch,English,Español,Esperanto,Ελληνικά,Français,Galego,Italiano.Nederlands,Português.Polski.Svenska.Русский, translators for more languages sought)
  • location of server(s) - ipernity: France

Pierre M.

Dec 2, 2014, 10:17:58 AM12/2/14
Hi tom !
Some new about Flickr's : some users will not be happy........and other perhaps.........

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 2, 2014, 12:02:20 PM12/2/14
Document Update (in opening post):
- Zonerama features added
- some Panoramio and Ipernity features added
- description of features (especially in section "Social features and Statistics") revised
- couple of new features added (thanks Gudrun!)


Excellent alternative of Panoramio with perfect presentation of photos (except panoramas)
Suitable copyright protection and access control 
Lot of social features
Very limited storage is a drawback of free accounts. 
-> Use Ipernity as showcase of your best photos, or buy "club" membership.

Good quality site for complete backup of personal photos (private albums, unlimited storage). 
Suitable copyright protection and access control. 
Presentation of photos and albums is acceptable, but not perfect.
Integration with desktop and mobile photo application
No socializing there, sharing via connectors to other social networks.


Dec 2, 2014, 2:52:41 PM12/2/14
I see you still have 500px prime in the sheet although it doesn't exist. Do you want to combine "500px plus" and "500px awesome" into one category?

Lady GooGoo La La

Dec 2, 2014, 11:06:09 PM12/2/14
Tomas, I have given up on the web for posting photos, I wasted so much time, so I wont do it again.

Initially I thought about looking for an alternative, and actually posted some photos, but the communities very different and not to my liking.

So with regard to your xls post, I sure those interested, appreciate your efforts coming from a technical person with your interest in photography.

kind regards,

Lady GooGoo LaLa

ps I prefer to geotag my photos and view them in my photo app, much quicker, but its only for my own reference.

On Sunday, November 30, 2014 6:27:20 PM UTC+7, Tomas K☼h☼ut wrote:

On Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:34:04 AM UTC+1, Lady GooGoo La La wrote:
Tomas with my plugins and browser if I view the html version of the file by clicking View the file is very hard to read as the spacing and the page breaks make a mess, better to download and view in Excel.  Maybe Google docs open OK I dont know I have Excel and looks fine there.

Good work!


Hans Sterkendries

Dec 3, 2014, 5:59:46 AM12/3/14
There is an easy and relatively cheap solution that has the big advantage of holding everything under your own control.

I have a Synology NAS home server that includes Photo Station 6.

It allows me to
- publicly post pictures
- add titles and descriptions
- sort them in maps and choose a front picture for every map
- add tags to them to create so-called "Intelligent Albums"
- place them on a map (it's a litle bit hidden but in the right corner is an icon that allows you to choose your viewing mode. It includes a map but also a timeline). The system also recognises the coordinates of pictures that have been mapped offline.

I can even allow others to add comments and I can choose to put a password on some maps.

It's a bit slow but the more I think about it the more I feel this is what I'm looking for... except for the social interaction on Panoramio.

Op woensdag 3 december 2014 05:06:09 UTC+1 schreef Lady GooGoo La La:

Lady GooGoo La La

Dec 3, 2014, 7:33:16 AM12/3/14
I like the idea but a couple of questions:

Do you have any idea what is the bandwidth bottleneck?
What protection do you employ to protect your server from attack?

I assume backups are always - offline.

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:59:46 PM UTC+7, Hans Sterkendries wrote:
There is an easy and relatively cheap solution that has the big advantage of holding everything under your own control.

I have a Synology NAS home server that includes Photo Station 6.

It allows me to
- publicly post pictures
- add titles and descriptions
- sort them in maps and choose a front picture for every map
- add tags to them to create so-called "Intelligent Albums"
- place them on a map (it's a litle bit hidden but in the right corner is an icon that allows you to choose your viewing mode. It includes a map but also a timeline). The system also recognises the coordinates of pictures that have been mapped offline.

I can even allow others to add comments and I can choose to put a password on some maps.

It's a bit slow but the more I think about it the more I feel this is what I'm looking for... except for the social interaction on Panoramio.

Op woensdag 3 december 2014 05:06:09 UTC+1 schreef Lady GooGoo La La:
Tomas, I have given up on the web for posting photos, I wasted so much time, so I wont do it again.

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 3, 2014, 8:37:14 AM12/3/14
Document Update (in opening post):
- 500px and Flickr breakdown,  (thanks Roar)
- added pricing for Flickr and 500px

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 3, 2014, 8:42:35 AM12/3/14

running photo album web site on your own domain and hardware is of course option, but not for everyone... 
Comparison shall cover popular public and ready-to-use solutions.

Please, focus shall be now on commenting and refining document structure!

Heidiho not going to VIEWS

Dec 6, 2014, 3:29:24 AM12/6/14
Tomas, I discovered something interesting in IPERNITY: there it is able to upload photos direct by IP-App from cell phone (iPhone, Android, everything works) to your own gallery.

... What a joke: for this Google kills Panoramio, to make VIEWS interesting for cell phone users ....

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 7, 2014, 8:31:31 PM12/7/14
Thanks, I know. It's already in sheet.
I forget to mention the ability to import photos (with titles, description, tags, geo info...) from Flickr. Some extension has to be installed to support this feature....

BTW, some time before acrylic was introduced... I was able to upload photos to Panoramio even from my "dumb" phone - no extra app was needed.

Hans Sterkendries

Dec 8, 2014, 6:28:25 AM12/8/14
Tomas, for your information (and others). I've been in contact with Ipernity to see if they can work out a simular system for Panoramio and here's the answer:

Hello Hans, 
It would be nice to welcome you on ipernity ;)
We are currently moving our technical platform to a new and powerful cloud. This is an important step to make ipernity faster and more scalable. 
Unfortunately, our technical staff won't be available before a couple of weeks...
But Be sure that it has been added to our to-do list.
Kind regards, 

Op maandag 8 december 2014 02:31:31 UTC+1 schreef Tomas K☼h☼ut:

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 8, 2014, 7:49:32 AM12/8/14
Hi Hans, 
nice, I am in contact with Lea too... (GUI localization/translation). ;-)

What features were on your list?


Dec 8, 2014, 10:53:09 AM12/8/14
I've been in touch with them as well (import from Panoramio, correction or proposing of geo-data and other little items) without much success. At least I've got an answer. Udo proposed a small change which has apparently been implemented. It might be worthwhile to coordinate that effort through group. I think by now, we have a voice over there.

Cheers Lutz

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 9, 2014, 1:17:49 PM12/9/14
Document Update (in opening post):
- 500px many entries filled in
- Some minor changes elsewhere

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 15, 2014, 10:29:41 PM12/15/14
Document Update (in opening post):
- Flickr reviewed
- some minor changes elsewhere

Sleipnir's Master

Dec 16, 2014, 7:29:54 PM12/16/14
Damn it tomas this mean i'll need to DL apache office :/ !
i'll have a look cause there is a few i've signed up for but none as simple as Pano or some are just outright snobby photographers :( 

EDIT: while i wait for open office dl, did you add a colum for "Snobbery Value"? lol


Dec 17, 2014, 12:42:12 AM12/17/14
I have it as a spreadsheet in my Google drive,
When Tomas comes with an updated version I will make a new one and change this address too

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 17, 2014, 6:15:15 AM12/17/14

On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 6:42:12 AM UTC+1, hvbemmel wrote:
I have it as a spreadsheet in my Google drive ...
When Tomas comes with an updated version I will make a new one and change this address too

My version can be opened on Google Drive too - just follow "View" link under document icon and in preview click button "Open" in upper part of the screen. Herman, I think you need not to waste your time by manually updating duplicate version... ;-)

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 17, 2014, 6:21:39 AM12/17/14

On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 1:29:54 AM UTC+1, Sleipnir's Master wrote:

some are just outright snobby photographers ... while i wait for open office dl, did you add a colum for "Snobbery Value"? lol

I understand what you mean... but this is quite subjective assessment. I think you can find on each site various sub-communities with different attitudes and style... so I will not add this item to review. ;-)

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 17, 2014, 9:55:52 PM12/17/14

- Something about G+ added. Many items are unclear for me (as I am not much involved in that G+ thing) - looking for your help and input here!
- smaller corrections elsewhere

c0l0gne1-Views, no thanks!

Dec 18, 2014, 3:05:20 AM12/18/14
Minor correction G+:
gallery page/ thumbnails cropping- Yes, with wide panoramas!

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 18, 2014, 11:18:54 AM12/18/14
Yes, indeed! Will be corrected in next update. Thanks!


Dec 18, 2014, 3:44:08 PM12/18/14

More about G+ photos.

* Originals can be obtained with a simple trick (in browser: right click, view image, original is now revealed), regardless of user settings.
* Photos can also be synced with Android width certain Google made apps, for example "Gallery" (discontinued from Android 5) and "photos" (replacement for Gallery). Some other non Google apps can also offer G+ photos sync.
* Direct upload also from Apple devices via the Google camera app, at least for photo spheres (this also applies for Views since they are basically the one and same thing)
* On row 132, Google Maps should be added. After all, that's the purpose of Views, to show G+ photos on GM.
* About the feature called "Communities", I see some other languages translates this with "Groups". I'm not sure how much community feel there is in these communities, there may be some somewhere...

In row 57 about EXIF, the columns for ipernity, you may add: (extensive) since they seem to show all available EXIF data.
in row 36, the column for Views, you may add: No. Photos ordered by capture date (if available).
or upload date (if capture date is not available I presume)

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 19, 2014, 11:45:52 AM12/19/14

On Thursday, December 18, 2014 9:44:08 PM UTC+1, RoarX wrote:

More about G+ photos.

* Originals can be obtained with a simple trick (in browser: right click, view image, original is now revealed), regardless of user settings.

I don't get it... I still see resized (smaller) version only?
* Photos can also be synced with Android width certain Google made apps, for example "Gallery" (discontinued from Android 5) and "photos" (replacement for Gallery). Some other non Google apps can also offer G+ photos sync.
* Direct upload also from Apple devices via the Google camera app, at least for photo spheres (this also applies for Views since they are basically the one and same thing)

* On row 132, Google Maps should be added. After all, that's the purpose of Views, to show G+ photos on GM.

So it's primarily "Views" feature? Well, I place here a remark.

* About the feature called "Communities", I see some other languages translates this with "Groups". I'm not sure how much community feel there is in these communities, there may be some somewhere...

In row 57 about EXIF, the columns for ipernity, you may add: (extensive) since they seem to show all available EXIF data.

Yes, same for Flickr... 

in row 36, the column for Views, you may add: No. Photos ordered by capture date (if available).
or upload date (if capture date is not available I presume)

Thanks Roar. Will be there in next update. 


Dec 20, 2014, 5:03:07 PM12/20/14

I don't get it... I still see resized (smaller) version only?

OK, you seem to be right about this one. My bad, or something has changed lately.

© Tom Cooper not going to Views

Dec 22, 2014, 2:45:57 PM12/22/14
How about the most important aspect of all...blocked by my employer? ;-)

On Friday, November 28, 2014 8:37:37 PM UTC-6, Tomas K☼h☼ut wrote:
No matter how I (we?) love Panoramio... Panoramio is not only photo site over the internet.

Just because some of us are getting disappointed with the current state and the future of Panoramio, it's wise to look around for alternatives.

I'd like to make unbiased and facts driven feature by feature comparison of photo sharing sites. 
Please, if you want, you can help me with this task and benefit of results. 

Result could eventually help other Panoramio users find their new home for photos.
Draft of this document is attached as XLS file.

I ask you (other Panoramio users) to help me - to improve and to fill in this document.
Now it's time to fill in the features for each photo site:
- adding features assessment for each web site (I really expect your help here - from users familiar with each particular web site, I will definitely NOT expolore all possible sites in depth)
- correcting mistakes (e.g. you know some less obvious way how the feature is supported, although in form it is evaluated as "not supported")
Since 16th December

If you want to fill in or correct only couple of features, post description of your proposal in this thread.
If you want to cover more (e.g. fill in the whole so far empty column in sheet), make copy of feature headers and "your" column in XLS file (or make document in Google Docs/sheets) and attach it to this discussion. 
If you want to correct mistakes, again - make your own copy of part of document and make changes here. Please, highlight your changes with red colour - to help me find the changed items quickly and easily.

- This thread IS NOT a poll about "best" site or about messages like "I am on Flickr", "I am on Ipernity". Discussion of this type is here:
- This opening post may be updated to reflect current status
- Initial document has filled in features for Panoramio and partially for Ipernity. This may help you to understand my description of features...
- Document can be updated at any time (revision history will be placed here)
- Don't edit the document and don't send me copy of it back! Just describe and address your suggesitons here in discussion

I don't suppose much changes in document's structure since now, but if you find something important to change - give me your proposal anyway.


Dec 22, 2014, 11:57:30 PM12/22/14
perhaps a list with employers?

magic surf bus

Dec 28, 2014, 4:57:59 AM12/28/14
Thank you for the time and effort you've spent providing this information Tomas - as a result I'm making preparations for life after Panoramio.

© Tom Cooper not going to Views

Dec 28, 2014, 5:58:08 AM12/28/14
I don't see YouPic:

It appears to be best for those who want to improve as a photographer.

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 28, 2014, 7:18:12 PM12/28/14
Tom, please could you help me with YouPic if you are already in and have some experience there?
Just make a sheet with copy of row headers and fill them in for this site and send it to me.
If you have some additional important features or proposals to change the sheet structure - let me know
(but generally, I don't expect crucial changes in document structure) .

P.S: Terms and conditions for YouPic looks very similar to those of 500px! (at least structure and short abstracts).

Call for help with G+ check/gaps, review of facebook and NG Your Shot.
I'll try to cover Views and perhaps also Rajce myself, but need your help in things above.

Dne neděle, 28. prosince 2014 11:58:08 UTC+1 © Tom Cooper not going to Views napsal(a):

Merle Layden

Feb 13, 2015, 8:21:12 PM2/13/15
I have been using YouPic for less than a week now  I am impressed.  It isn't the same as Panoramio, but in many ways I find it better.  
- Many of the photographs have subject material that would never see the light of day on Panoramio - such as macros, character studies of people, art adaptations of photos, etc.
- I have picked up more ideas for photos in a week than I have in Panoramio in a year.
- It is very democratic - not much snobbery and a lot of supportive comments

Just a few of my observations.  

Hans Sterkendries

Feb 16, 2015, 9:51:26 AM2/16/15
Merle, in the YouPic Terms of Service I found this:

The license granted to YouPic includes the right to use your Content fully or partially for promotional reasons and to distribute and redistribute your Content to other parties, web-sites, applications, and other entities, provided such Content is attributed to you in accordance with the credits

Any idea how and to what extent that is done? Because it's a bit of a red flag for me. 

Op zaterdag 14 februari 2015 02:21:12 UTC+1 schreef Merle Layden:

Peter van Lom

Feb 17, 2015, 4:15:55 AM2/17/15
My first impression of YouPic was favourable but after reading the terms this was excactly the reason that it is not an alternative for me.
But I guess that it is not a problem for everyone. I'm just a little particular about my work.
As for wanting to improve as an photographer and if you want to get some constructive feedback, 1x is the best site I found.
The dynamics of the 1x site is however quite different from what we are used to here.

Merle Layden

Feb 26, 2015, 1:07:32 PM2/26/15
I do know that you can reserve all copyrights, or you can make them public domain with credits given.  In fact, I can't even click on a contributor's photo to post comments without the message popping up' all copyrights are the property of the owner'.  So there is much more active notice given of copyright there than there is on Panoramio.  


Mar 7, 2015, 2:05:59 AM3/7/15
I came across this site a couple of months ago and have been active in it. It is a free continuous photo contest site with lots of fun and it requires very little effort. Just join any 30-day photo challenges as you please ( they have a new one every week ), cast your votes to fellow members' entries and count your own votes. The winners would also get some prizes such as $100.  There are generally over a thousand participants for each "challenge" and you know exactly how well you rank throughout the challenge period of 30 days. It is not a Pano alternative at all, but for people who like to improve photography through continuous participation in photo contests, the site is just great.   

Amelia Royan

Mar 9, 2015, 5:24:05 AM3/9/15
I have found a site,,   where some of my photos have been placed but not accredited.  What advice does anyone have?

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Mar 9, 2015, 12:18:01 PM3/9/15
Amelia, send them a bill.
This can help you how much you can charge them:

Trouble is - there is no contact info on traveltop web pages. 
According to their "Who is" record
site origin is in China, so communicatio could be difficult. :(
Some admin's contact phones and emails povided, but...

And please, use new thread for new topics next time...

Apr 29, 2015, 5:18:03 PM4/29/15
Not mentioned yet is WikiMedia-Commons.
Photos there can be geomapped and viewed e.g. like this:


Apr 29, 2015, 5:22:49 PM4/29/15
Have you got a personalised user page there? I don't think so.

Apr 29, 2015, 6:03:20 PM4/29/15
Of course you have, like in every MediaWiki:

Pierre M.

Apr 30, 2015, 5:22:10 AM4/30/15
Thank you very much for the information. I have already posted some photos on wikimedia and I had never noticed that I could personalize my page.
Thank you again for this information.
But i think that wiki is a little complicated to my taste. I have to find the time to be interested in it



May 2, 2015, 3:03:34 PM5/2/15

Is there any possibility to replace wikimedia icon on the map with thumbnails like PA does ?

May 3, 2015, 3:18:46 AM5/3/15
There is the possibility to program that, but I think it is not available anywhere yet. (But since the PA/GM map is broken and GE doesn't have it anyway, this isn't a real backdrop.)


May 3, 2015, 4:56:46 AM5/3/15
What I have against Wikimedia is that all photos are published under Creative Commons. I most certainly want to keep the copyright in my own hand. 

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 03:37:37 UTC+1, Tomas K☼h☼ut wrote:
No matter how I (we?) love Panoramio... Panoramio is not only photo site over the internet.

Just because some of us are getting disappointed with the current state and the future of Panoramio, it's wise to look around for alternatives.

I'd like to make unbiased and facts driven feature by feature comparison of photo sharing sites. 
Please, if you want, you can help me with this task and benefit of results. 

Result could eventually help other Panoramio users find their new home for photos.
Draft of this document is attached as XLS file.

I ask you (other Panoramio users) to help me - to improve and to fill in this document.
Now it's time to fill in the features for each photo site:
- adding features assessment for each web site (I really expect your help here - from users familiar with each particular web site, I will definitely NOT expolore all possible sites in depth)
- correcting mistakes (e.g. you know some less obvious way how the feature is supported, although in form it is evaluated as "not supported")
Since 16th December

If you want to fill in or correct only couple of features, post description of your proposal in this thread.
If you want to cover more (e.g. fill in the whole so far empty column in sheet), make copy of feature headers and "your" column in XLS file (or make document in Google Docs/sheets) and attach it to this discussion. 
If you want to correct mistakes, again - make your own copy of part of document and make changes here. Please, highlight your changes with red colour - to help me find the changed items quickly and easily.

- This thread IS NOT a poll about "best" site or about messages like "I am on Flickr", "I am on Ipernity". Discussion of this type is here:
- This opening post may be updated to reflect current status
- Initial document has filled in features for Panoramio and partially for Ipernity. This may help you to understand my description of features...
- Document can be updated at any time (revision history will be placed here)

May 27, 2015, 8:43:24 AM5/27/15
The most popular platform for sharing things (not necessarily hosted there) at the time being is of course Facebook.

Even has more activity and attention than the share-your-photos forum here.


May 27, 2015, 9:12:44 AM5/27/15
Of course. The problem with Facebook is I don't share "things". I share photos. Preferably with photographers. Even better: with photographers who want to improve the way they take photos. What's more, in a website devoted exclusively to photography and with clear rules.

Yes, the panoramio community on Facebook has more activity and attention because nobody at Panoramio/Google stir a finger to promote this forum!!

Peter van Lom

May 28, 2015, 1:04:46 AM5/28/15
Quite right Draken.
But I must admit that I started using FB a lot more now in odrer to keep contact with my fellow photographers from PA.
I preferable share links to my photos instead of the photos themselves. Of course the outcome is a mixture of family
and photo stuff so no clearcut rules ther. I might add that I like the group I love Photo (panoramio) on FB.

Have a nice day everyone.


Jun 2, 2015, 5:05:44 PM6/2/15
We do not need an alternative. Can be unstick topic?


Jun 2, 2015, 5:19:27 PM6/2/15

Considering today's announcement, I am unsticking this thread and locking it. In case we need it again, it can be re-opened.

Thanks to all!

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Nov 15, 2015, 9:11:10 PM11/15/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Geotagging on upload split up into details:
- automatic geotagging from EXIF
- manual geotagging 

Costas Athan

Dec 20, 2015, 3:12:57 AM12/20/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Are there any sites that support automatic migration of the photos already uploaded to Panoramio?

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Dec 20, 2015, 8:05:02 AM12/20/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
ASFAIK - no.

Costas Athan

Dec 20, 2015, 8:20:50 AM12/20/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I thought so. It was a long shot.

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Oct 9, 2016, 12:19:49 PM10/9/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Reviving and "sticking up" this topic... 

It's getting urgent now.


Oct 11, 2016, 7:41:36 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback) is a collection of geo-tagged photos in the UK. It works differently to Panoramio but it's worth a look if you have photos taken in the UK that you wish to share.


Oct 11, 2016, 1:18:20 PM10/11/16
Mapillary is quite good alternative, but only for map-lovers.


Oct 11, 2016, 2:54:55 PM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Perfect. Mapillary started to do the job. Previously there was no support for regular picture upload, only direct upload from the app in the phone.
Dňa utorok, 11. októbra 2016 19:18:20 UTC+2 racibo napísal(-a):


Oct 13, 2016, 3:58:32 PM10/13/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I think there are no real alternatives to Panoramio at this moment. Maybe we just have to be a bit patient and hope that companies like Uber, Ford.. will open up their mapping platforms for geo photographers.


Oct 19, 2016, 3:30:15 AM10/19/16
Mappilary inform us:

Migrating from Panoramio
If you’d like to migrate to Mapillary before the Panoramio shutdown November 4th, 2016, we’ve created an easy process for you. Just follow the steps below.
  • 1. We can help you migrate your photos over from Panoramio. If you haven’t already, sign up for an account with Mapillaryhere.
  • 2. We’ll send you an email with follow up information and to get your Panoramio user id/permission to download your photos using the Panoramio API.
  • 3. Your photos will be processed by us and uploaded to Mapillary. You’ll see your geotagged photos on Mapillary shortly thereafter.
Mapillary support:



Oct 19, 2016, 3:58:47 AM10/19/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
when I´m signed in I cant´reach the page under the link, when I´m signed out the email address link doesn´t work. The photos I uploaded four days ago are not there, it just says, "no photos uploaded" 

I think I´m not going for something buggy again, I had my share the last ten years, no thanks.

Mappilary inform us:


Oct 19, 2016, 6:03:41 AM10/19/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi there! 

I run the website, which offers a online tool for geo-tagging images since 2008 already. I always thought about adding features to store, tag and share the photos, because I want to use it myself. Now that Panoramio is closing it might be the right time to actually do it. Photos, descriptions, tags, groups etc could be migrated from Panoramio accounts. I could come up with a beta version pretty quickly. The site would have to place ads and/or paid pro accounts. However, I have to make sure that there are enough people out there, who are interested in such a service. 

If you are interested, please subscribe here:

I'm here for further discussion.

Wim Constant

Oct 20, 2016, 2:02:51 PM10/20/16
I too uploaded a few photos direct to Mapillary two days ago, but when I click "uploads" it still says   "Uploaded photos   0"
I just filled out the "Mapillary Panoramio Migration Request" form.
My "takeout" is approx 32 GB, so it may take a while
Well, as they say: Patience is a virtue, so let's wait and see. 

Op woensdag 19 oktober 2016 09:58:47 UTC+2 schreef hvbemmel:


Oct 21, 2016, 8:51:56 AM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi all,

Just chiming in here to answer some questions and help out. My name is Edoardo and I work at Mapillary and am helping with the migration of Panoramio members.
You can ask me any questions you have about Mapillary and migrating from Panoramio. You can reach us via

Firstly, there has been some confusion on the speed with which we can import your photos from Panoramio. It is a process that will take a week or more as we need to manually query the API for each user, process the photos and then upload them to Mapillary. We are working on this as fast as possible. I'll update the way we communicate this as I realise it could have been clearer.

We're really excited to have Panoramio users interested in Mapillary. We are two communities that love visually representing the world around us and exploring interesting places.

If you're considering Mapillary, we're a great tool if you're looking for a place to contribute your geotagged photos. The map is central to what we do.

We are not the right service if you're looking to store photos of friends and family or close up/artistic photos. They're are plenty of great services that already do that.

If you're interested, here are some places to get started:

Blog - Hear about new announcements, community members and what the future holds 
Uploader - We have an easy-to-use uploader where you can drag and drop your geotagged photos 
Forum - Introduce yourself to the Mapillary community and share your knowledge 
Wiki - Have a read of our wiki for some helpful tips & tricks 
Useful Videos - Introduction, tutorials & cool features

Don't hesitate to reach out!

Ed & The Mapillary Team

Wim Constant

Oct 21, 2016, 9:15:12 AM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

Problem is (I think): We, Panoramio users, want to show the beautiful places in the world.
On Mapillary I see ONLY roads, photographed straight forward through the windshield of a car or some other way, but so far I've only seen photos of roads c.q. streets.
I personally like to see landscapes, but so far I've seen no landscapes without a piece of road on Mapillary.
When I drive in my car I see more than enough road, I don't need a photo site for that.
If this is the intent of Mapillary, I don't need it and I will cancel my membership soon.

Op vrijdag 21 oktober 2016 14:51:56 UTC+2 schreef eneerhut:

Oct 21, 2016, 9:26:50 AM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
On Thursday, 20 October 2016 20:02:51 UTC+2, Wim Constant wrote:
I too uploaded a few photos direct to Mapillary two days ago, but when I click "uploads" it still says  "Uploaded photos   0"

Did you click the final upload button on the bottom of the map?

There's the inverse problem of the panoramio upload page, which often reports errors, and blocks finalization, when in fact the pictures wrea already uploaded.

Oct 21, 2016, 10:24:50 AM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

> We, Panoramio users, want to show the beautiful places in the world.

Exactly :-)

I started a thread in the Mapillary forum, listing the features that need to be added before I can give up Panoramio:

(To post you'll have to sign up for the forum, the log in isn't connected to a Mapillary account.)


Oct 21, 2016, 11:51:20 AM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I got two messages stating that large batches of photos were uploaded. I can  find them in Mapillary i.e., well at least my PA photos are visible somewhere now, something Google wasn´t able to do the last year and more.

Wim Constant

Oct 21, 2016, 12:06:21 PM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
You're right! I didn't click that final button. Thanks. Now I have one photo on Mapillary
I hope a lot will follow, but first I'll wait and see how it all develops.
I'm not here to see only roads and streets.


Oct 21, 2016, 1:09:00 PM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi, I have a Mapillary account and uploaded some photos via web uploader and some sequencies via the android app...
I cannot see my contributions on map between zooms 5 and 13. And when I click on my own photo, counter is increasing. So refreshing the page 5 times makes me 5 views of my own photo...

I wanted to report those issues (and some more with the android app), but WHY should I create another one account on github to report an error? And why should I create a new account for the community forum? 3 separate accounts for one web? Ou no...

Dňa piatok, 21. októbra 2016 14:51:56 UTC+2 eneerhut napísal(-a):


Oct 21, 2016, 2:56:14 PM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Wim,

A valid question indeed. You're right that the vast majority of photos on Mapillary centre around roads. But we want people to be able to visually explore anyway and that means going off the beaten track to exciting destinations. Landscapes are more than welcome on Mapillary, but we're trying to encourage interactive photos of those landscapes that enable you to get a sense of actually being there and able to navigate between photos. That navigation aspect is why so many photos have an emphasis on roads, trails, paths and tracks.

Hope this helps,


On Friday, 21 October 2016 15:15:12 UTC+2, Wim Constant wrote:


Oct 21, 2016, 3:00:26 PM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Herman,

Happy to say that you were one of the first to sign up and fill out the form and consequently one of the first to have photos imported. Overall very successful.
We had a handful of photos not uploaded due to EXIF issues or their size exceeding 20mb but we will look into this and let you know which photos it was.

Next week we'll be importing the rest so stay tuned everyone.


Oct 21, 2016, 3:10:46 PM10/21/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Pavol,

I'll look into this one for you but no need to create a GitHub account. You can email any issues to and we can create an issue for it. 
Your issues for zoom levels and unique photo views are noted.

Unfortunately you have to create a new account for the forum as we haven't been able to integrate that with your Mapillary login yet.


Oct 22, 2016, 12:02:43 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
as said I had a lot of my photos downloaded and they show up everywhere, not only on roads, You can see that in the link I gave in my previous post, specially when you use the satellite map. The connected photos work like a kind of simple lookaround, the full view is OK, which was so sadly abandoned by Google. So for now I´m very curious how things will develop. I use on a regular basis for trips, much more info as GM and I contributed there too, Enven that beats mapmaker by lengths.    

Only the visibility of photos on the map is rather poor. There is not much indication of the presence of photos until you zoom in.
Newer photos from Panoramio are not visible (yet?), The photos are downloaded from API and I´m afraid that the API doesn´t show photos after they didn´t show up on the Panoramio map in 2014. .

Matthew Walters

Oct 22, 2016, 4:05:45 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I've joined Mapillary. As others have pointed out there are good and bad points - but then when I joined Panoramio we didn't even have tags... Hopefully Mapillary will grow and add features with time, maybe the influx of landscapes will spread the interest. I also hope that I will be able to adapt to the new discipline of taking street-view style photos, something which I've previously steered away from but will be needed for me to integrate with their community.


Oct 22, 2016, 6:31:09 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I have all of my Panoramio photos (20,000+...) on my computer, but they are named differently than on the site. They also don't hold GPS information or whatever, all tagged manually.
So, would uploading them to Mapillary be pointless or would the migration somehow still work?

And if not, how can I download a zip of my Panoramio photos?!
We all know there is no such thing as ""

Thanks very much, and lots of luck to Mapillary!


Oct 22, 2016, 7:14:12 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
We all know there is no such thing as ""

Mapillary takes your photos from the API that includes geodata. Titles and tags are not on the photos. 


Oct 22, 2016, 7:24:46 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback) 
your "most important" gallery you can find at the right top next to your name

Oct 22, 2016, 10:42:44 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

> your "most important" gallery you can find at the right top next to your name

Thank you, yes :-)

I'd like that to fill the whole page and the photos not to be cropped.

> would uploading them to Mapillary ... somehow still work?

If you haven't deleted them from Panoramio, the easiest way would be to use the form to allow the Mapillary team to fetch the photos via Panoramio's API (, you find the same link at the bottom of

As hvbemmel mentioned somewhere further up, the titles and tags get lost, but the GPS information is preserved.



Oct 22, 2016, 11:15:31 AM10/22/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Eduardo,

There are now 4379 photos uploaded from 6218 in Panoramio, Do you have an explanation for the difference?


Oct 23, 2016, 7:30:51 AM10/23/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I found that photos in Mapillary are shared under CC-BY-SA, that means others (including Wikipedia other companies) may use & modify them free of charge. See Please be aware of that if you are care much about your own copyright.


Oct 24, 2016, 5:14:15 AM10/24/16
Hi Wim,

I can confirm your impression. And the pics, I've seen, are something poor. It seems to be predominantly a non-professional variant of "Street-view". But: "Mapillary offers different capturing modes including walking, riding (either a bike or car), or panorama."(Wikipedia) IMHO nobody except the members of mapillary will see the available pictures. Eg. there is no link on OpenStreetMap.


Oct 24, 2016, 8:21:35 AM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Good spot. I also noticed that the Wikipedia page says "Mapillary eventually plans to generate revenue by licensing the data its users generate to companies"

Wim Constant

Oct 24, 2016, 10:59:26 AM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I've sent them a mail, to tell them I withdraw my permission to migrate my photos from Panoramio to Mapillary, if my photos are not copyright protected.

Op maandag 24 oktober 2016 14:21:35 UTC+2 schreef laurence_cox:


Oct 24, 2016, 11:43:52 AM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Herman,

Thanks for answering the question above from Carmel.

We will have to investigate why not all of your photos are appearing. It looks like the Panoramio API is not providing access to all of the photos which must be something to do with the EXIF data. Do you know what percentage of your photos had GPS data in the EXIF?




Oct 24, 2016, 11:47:08 AM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Amsel, you can access the photos on OpenStreetMap by selecting `Map Data` on the right hand side and activating the Mapillary photo overlay. Many of the photos have a road focus as a lot of contributors take photos to edit maps and these photos are very useful for that. Photos can then be embedded anywhere using Mapillary JS.


Oct 24, 2016, 12:37:12 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Sorry Ed, I have no idea. I know that the photos that are in Cucuta, Villa del Rosario and San Antonio del Tachira ( like have been manually placed in Panoramio. That was 2005 with a (now) poor Kodak camera, GPS was not available in those days. I´m als sure that my missing photos from Fiumicino ( and Rome taken last year were all geocoded using my logger data in Geosetter.

Matthew Walters

Oct 24, 2016, 12:39:32 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Do you suppose Google were paid licence fees for including Panoramio photos in the various sat nav systems and Porsche (I think) web site?

Someone has to make money to keep the wheels turning. Some site do this through subscription, others through charging third parties for acces to your content, others through using your content to improve other services that are then charged for.


Oct 24, 2016, 1:13:41 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
"you can access the photos on OpenStreetMap by selecting `Map Data` on the right hand side and activating the Mapillary photo overlay."

Can You help me, where to find that option? I have no "Map Data" option available in OSM map...

Dňa pondelok, 24. októbra 2016 17:47:08 UTC+2 eneerhut napísal(-a):

Oct 24, 2016, 1:49:08 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

> I have no "Map Data" option available in OSM map...

I see the Map Data option (click on 'Layers' first), but then no Mapillary photo overlay.


Oct 24, 2016, 2:05:00 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
The same status...

Dňa pondelok, 24. októbra 2016 19:49:08 UTC+2 napísal(-a):


Oct 24, 2016, 3:09:05 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

I wonder, what site you are looking.

I do'nt have either "Mapdata" but anything others.

Oct 24, 2016, 6:24:30 PM10/24/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

> what site

I'm on - if I go to it looks like on your screenshot.

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