Spread the word, Panoramio will go on.

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Jun 4, 2015, 1:08:36 AM6/4/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I think we are all glad about the message James Therrien delivered a few days ago.
For us all the beautiful task to inform users, former users and not users.

Tucky already found some press reports 

Let's use this thread for ideas, activities, and public announcements about Panoramio,s resurrection.

Write with comments, not only in Panoramio but perhaps also in other photo sites you use, a few words at the end of a messages is enough. Inform your local photo shop, whatever, let's spread the word as we did when we got the message Panoramio would stop! 

Let's do some marketing! 

© Tom Cooper

Jun 4, 2015, 8:00:08 AM6/4/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
1) I will be adding the news to the top of my main Panoramio page. 
2) I have already posted it in the unofficial Google+ Panoramio community. 
3) I will be adding it to the top of the description of each of my Panoramio Groups.


Jun 4, 2015, 11:07:23 AM6/4/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:08:36 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:

Let's do some marketing! 

To spread the message I have the 2 found press reports as a new press tip routed to 10 various interested editors / online-bloggers:











How to find interested editors?

Search with Google News for "Google Photo" and you can find many old reports.
But these editors are interested about topics from Google Photo services.
All these editors you can send
a press-tip with an e-mail.

Make it also so!

John Hains

Jun 5, 2015, 11:14:37 PM6/5/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
This is indeed welcome news. What a relief!

Peter van Lom

Jun 6, 2015, 2:44:45 AM6/6/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I started spreading the news by temporarely being active again. This means I uploaded and upload some new pictures and started to visit my PA friends. 
In the comments I include the link to the forum and I try to spread some hope for a better PA future. The group I love Photo (Panoramio) on FB is
informed by Christos Theodorou. I hope that Google will notice this boost of acitivity by the PA members and understand that PA i worth developing.
A great weekend to you all.

On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:08:36 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:


Jun 6, 2015, 8:03:22 AM6/6/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I fear you are putting too much expectations into this announcement. 
Generally, two things have been announced:
- Google Maps views will be integrated to Google Maps - coming soon,
- and Panoramio will be integrated into Google Maps - just not immediately.
So it is the same situation as before, just a little bit later.

It is important to note that it was not said Panoramio will be kept as an own platform.
It was also not said that Panoramio will be better maintained as before, or anything will be repaired (like the Map that has not been updated for a full year now).
Panoramio will just be continued as it is for some more time.

Sixten Imgs

Jun 6, 2015, 11:03:25 AM6/6/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com

Too early for "hip, hip, hoorays" or not, isn't there anyway something better than before, especially in these (bolded) parts the Google's announcement:

"Among Google’s geo-imagery efforts, we strive to balance what makes sense for you, the pro or enthusiast photographer, with the needs of consumers. Achieving this balance can be a challenge, especially when publishing tools are managed under separate products, such as Panoramio, Views, Google+ and Google Maps.

So today, after listening to community feedback about the future of the platform, we’re pleased to let you know that there won’t be any immediate changes to Panoramio. Instead of aligning the community with Views, we’ve gone back to the drawing board to work on a more integrated solution that supports you and your content directly within Google Maps.

We’ll be taking the necessary time to get this right as we build a solution that strives to meet the majority of your needs. Thanks for your input, and for your patience in the year ahead."

It just would be very nice to see soon a list of things the Google guys have been counting as "the majority of your needs". Surely they must have that kind of list if they are at the drawing board again.

Jay E. Jenkins ®

Jun 6, 2015, 4:13:55 PM6/6/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
With no real commitment from Google regarding the permanence of Panoramio, it's hard for me to get too enthusiastic about its sudden return from the ashes.  However, kudos to those who persevered.  While not really abandoning the site, I stopped posting my stuff . . . . what was the point if it just ceased to exist in the format of my choice.  I continued to get my frequent status updates here, and watched as quality as well as the quality of the posts deteriorated.   Now its back, and the only thing that Google accomplished is that they lost out on a ton of user content.   Rather pointless when user content is what its all about.  One good thing though, the whining about the old acrylic has virtually stopped.  Thanks to all of the Mods for hanging in there, and thanks also to the "regulars" whose efforts have been acknowledged but not necessarily appreciated.


Jun 6, 2015, 7:37:04 PM6/6/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
true spoken. So I've also read it and understood.


Jun 7, 2015, 1:47:23 AM6/7/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Of course we have to know more before we can cheer. I don't want to be too optimistic, but I certainly don't want to see a positive announcement as a negative. Putting it down in advance is easy but hardly constructive. If that would be my perspective I would have slammed the door shut behind me more then a year ago. 

I like to think that a lot of the things that happened with PA Views GM and GEO in the past 9 months were also due to the impact our reaction made after the announcement PA would end. I'm almost sure some changes (of the many) in the management were at least partly a result of our reaction. There was some miscalculation there I gather. 

The upcoming changes are huge and even if they won't say it, someone has discovered that the combination Spherical, Streetview, business, normal photos GM and G+ all put in one big chaotic infrastructure doesn't work. Perhaps they even learned that from our comments. So there will be a structure with several photos sites within GM. 

We’ll be taking the necessary time to get this right as we build a solution that strives to meet the majority of your needs
Sounds positive enough to me. What I (we?) want is a photosite with a (working) infrastructure like Panoramio . It doesn't interest me if that is called Google Maps|Panoramio or anything else. If the upload will go through PA like now or through GM or Google Photos certainly would not be important to me either, perhaps on the contrary. If the PA photos would be stored in a section of Google photos, who cares (when the names stay understandable for everybody). 

What makes PA (and GPhotos) stand out from other sites is the visibility in GE and hopefully more again in GM and everything that makes tick the communication and community. This all packed in a handsome interface with enough possibilities to sort photos (Tags, Albums, Tabs) and a good visibility on the web would be relevant to me. Well I can see that happen, I hope I will see that happen.

If not, I can always put up a sad face when appropriate but I'm also ready to let me surprise positively.

Peter van Lom

Jun 7, 2015, 3:17:49 AM6/7/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
As a community we reacted when Google announced the merge with Views and we still haven't start using G+ widely. I like to think that we had some impact on the 'right Googlers'. And I interpret the latest message that Google sees they were going the wrong way.   
As a community we can choose to take this in a positiv way. And we should. If things change for the better, well we'll see...
Main thing is that everything is better than the impasse we experienced the last months.

On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 7:47:23 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:
Of course we have to know more before we can cheer. I don't want to be too optimistic, but I certainly don't want to see a positive announcement as a negative. Putting it down in advance is easy but hardly constructive. If that would be my perspective I would have slammed the door shut behind me more then a year ago. 

I like to think that a lot of the things that happened with PA Views GM and GEO in the past 9 months were also due to the impact our reaction made after the announcement PA would end. I'm almost sure some changes (of the many) in the management were at least partly a result of our reaction. There was some miscalculation there I gather. 

The upcoming changes are huge and even if they won't say it, someone has discovered that the combination Spherical, Streetview, business, normal photos GM and G+ all put in one big chaotic infrastructure doesn't work. Perhaps they even learned that from our comments. So there will be a structure with several photos sites within GM. 

We’ll be taking the necessary time to get this right as we build a solution that strives to meet the majority of your needs
Sounds positive enough to me. What I (we?) want is a photosite with a (working) infrastructure like Panoramio . It doesn't interest me if that is called Google Maps|Panoramio or anything else. If the upload will go through PA like now or through GM or Google Photos certainly would not be important to me either, perhaps on the contrary. If the PA photos would be stored in a section of Google photos, who cares (when the names stay understandable for everybody). 

What makes PA (and GPhotos) stand out from other sites is the visibility in GE and hopefully more again in GM and everything that the communication and community makes tick. This all packed in a handsome interface with enough possibilities to sort photos (Tags, Albums, Tabs) and a good visibility on the web would be relevant to me. Well I can see that happen, I hope I will see that happen.

Jay E. Jenkins ®

Jun 7, 2015, 9:25:55 AM6/7/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for sharing your insight.

Jay E. Jenkins ®

Jun 7, 2015, 9:28:03 AM6/7/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Thank you.


Jun 7, 2015, 10:12:34 AM6/7/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com

All is positive, all other is negative! In between, there is no differentiation !!!???

Google has opened the door and made an announcement, that is at least a positive sign, but they haven't stretched out the hand for an invitation for immediate talks, this is less pleasing. Was a contactperson called or was a product manager introduced?

However, with all joy one should remain realistic and thoughtful. It will still take a long and heavy way, this should know everybody and not underestimate.

Everybody know, You Herman, will have furthermore a hard job, we thank you. Without your engagement Panoramio would stand there much worse.

On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 7:47:23 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:


Jun 9, 2015, 10:44:42 AM6/9/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
copy from a post in an other (closed) thread. 

On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 15:59:19 UTC+2, Tucky9 wrote:

Panoramio Gets Reprieve from Google
Google Earth Blog

NO VIEWS Xacobeo4

Jun 18, 2015, 11:44:20 AM6/18/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
No encuentro palabras para agradecerles todo lo que han luchado por nosotros, ha sido una larga y justa batalla, y gracias a todos ustedes los que han luchado,  (incluyendo las participaciones de muchos, fotografos de esta maravillosa pagina,) fundadores los moderadores de Panoramio, hemos logrado la victoria, Gracias por no abandonarnos gracias por navegar hasta el ultimo instante junto a nosotros y no abandonar el timon del barco, gracias por demostrarnos,todas sus gestiones para salvar Panoramio. nunca jamas lo olvidaremos, La batalla ha sido dura pero valio la pena, Muchas Gracias siempre agradecida, Rebeca Fernandez Xacobeo 4

I can not find words to thank all who have fought for us, has been a long and fair battle, and thanks to all of you who have fought (including the shares of many photographers of this wonderful site,) founders, and the moderators of Panoramio.
 we have achieved victory,Thank you for not abandoning Thank you for browsing until the last moment with us and not leave the rudder of the boat, thanks for showing us all the  efforts in order to save Panoramio. never ever forget it, the battle was tough but it was worth, Thank forever grateful, Rebeca Fernandez Xacobeo 4
Message has been deleted

Paulo Yuji Takarada

Jul 3, 2015, 2:36:46 PM7/3/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Great marketing that we can embrace and give back to Google's decision and photography lovers, is start posting again. Increase our photo galleries. My gallery has surpassed 20,000 photos, it is a considerable contribution I'm doing. I will continue to become bigger my gallery, I will endeavor to accomplish this.


Jul 3, 2015, 6:59:55 PM7/3/15
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com, panoramio-questions-support+APn2...@googlegroups.com
Paulo Yuji Takarada Thank you very much for your kind notice, I know, a few days ago the Panoramio lives to stay.
 That news  made me very happy, because I never lost hope, now, can count on me, to revive this page, that's what I'm trying to upload all the pictures, if they have enough quality, many of my favorites have gone to other pages, but, deeply,I know that there they are NOT happy,
I try to do as much as I can, so that my friends Panoramios to reintegrate them  to this great photography page, much love and effort that we put in it throughout the years,
You can count on my support, as far as possible, Thank you,
and long live, Panoramio, forever, Rebeca Fernandez (xacobeo4)


Jul 27, 2015, 3:05:08 PM7/27/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
After the recent experiences of the last days and weeks, I have doubts that Google is serious with announcing that PA will continue. Not much is working anymore and I don't see any sign that this might change soon.

On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:08:36 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:


Jul 27, 2015, 3:29:03 PM7/27/15
to fred089 via Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I hope that your assumptions are wrong unfounded, because I feel the same as you.
  already the photos do not mark them the visits, or when someone visits a picture, did not warn me, like something strange is happening. hope we're both wrong, and that the worst does not happen, Thank you for your comment, keep me informed because I never go to the forum to look, perhaps for fear of finding bad news,  greetings,Rebeca xacobeo4
----- Original Message -----
From: "fred089 via Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)"
Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 3:05 pm
Subject: [Panoramio Support] Re: Spread the word, Panoramio will go on.
To: "Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)"

> After the recent experiences of the last days and weeks, I have
> doubts that
> Google is serious with announcing that PA will continue. Not
> much is
> working anymore and I don't see any sign that this might change soon.
> On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:08:36 AM UTC+2, hvbemmel wrote:
> >
> > I think we are all glad about the message James Therrien
> delivered a few
> > days ago.
> > For us all the beautiful task to inform users, *former users*
> and not
> > users.
> >
> > Tucky already found some press reports
> > > support/nwCOms77b7M>>
> >
> > Let's use this thread for ideas, activities, and public
> announcements
> > about Panoramio,s resurrection.
> >
> > Write with comments, not only in Panoramio but perhaps also in
> other photo
> > sites you use, a few words at the end of a messages is enough.
> Inform your
> > local photo shop, whatever, let's spread the word as we did
> when we got the
> > message Panoramio would stop!
> >
> > Let's do some marketing!
> >
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic
> in the Google Groups "Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)"
> group.To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/panoramio-questions-
> support/btV-P3TyCuc/unsubscribe.
> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email
> to panoramio-questions...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/panoramio-questions-
> support/fe5578e6-379d-42f1-bbb5-c1328adecfc7%40googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Amelia Royan

Jul 29, 2015, 5:04:36 AM7/29/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Take heart.

The reviewers are still working - very promptly.

The Google Earth counts are still working.

The External widget views are still working.

The only thing that isn't working properly is the Panoramio views count.

There was a slight 'blip on July 12th.

The patient is not yet dead, just not getting enough intensive care.

© Tom Cooper

Jul 29, 2015, 9:16:15 AM7/29/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
No, there are other things not working besides the view count.
* Panoramio map does not show new photos for almost a year.
* Google Maps (almost) does not show any Panoramio photos any more.
* Google Earth KML files no longer work (older style is not broken yet).
* Communication between moderators and team (mostly) does not work any more.
The more I read, the more I become concerned about the long-term future of Google itself, not just Panoramio.


Jul 29, 2015, 10:16:05 AM7/29/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I know, semantics, but I prefer "Communication between team and moderators (or users for that matter) does not work any more" ;-)

Jay E. Jenkins ®

Aug 1, 2015, 9:22:43 PM8/1/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
If any Panoramio users who also have active G+ accounts want to promote Panoramio, post your work directly from Pano to G+.  When the photo appears on your G+ stream, it will include a direct link back to Panoramio, as well providing the viewer with an explanation that we are a world discovery photo sharing community.  You can and should add some promotional text in the comments box.  I have over 100 million G+ views, "someone" must be looking at my stuff (even if it's only crawlers or a random appearance on an unknown screen for some unknown reason) and I think that it's a great way to market Panoramio.

On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 10:08:36 PM UTC-7, hvbemmel wrote:

Peter van Lom

Aug 2, 2015, 1:24:25 AM8/2/15
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
The links to the few photos I uploaded last year I published on my Face Book page and on the PB group I love Photo (Panoramio). That helps perhaps too.  
But I must say that the activity on PA has declined (If I can trust the stats and my impression).


Apr 6, 2016, 12:17:28 AM4/6/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

An interesting post on Google Groups:

Has the monthly import of Panoramio photos to Google Earth permanently ended?

by Matthew Kidd




Panoramio is a world treasure. It's only has on the order of 100 million photos but they are largely good high resolution photos taken by professional and serious amateur photographers, almost always using at least prosumer grade gear. The collection is surely worth at least as much as 10 billion crappy mobile phone photos taken by people with no understanding of photography. Call Panoramio Google's 1% for art.


“Perhaps the Panoramio to Google Earth pipeline is buggy and requires human fiddling. If Google doesn't want to do this, I'm willing to take it over.”


Apr 6, 2016, 2:48:18 AM4/6/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I posted the link to "our info" on that forum
Message has been deleted


May 3, 2016, 4:54:25 PM5/3/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
How do you post your photos from Pano to G+ ?

Jay E. Jenkins ®

May 5, 2016, 7:32:44 AM5/5/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
A G+ icon (link) appears at the bottom left of every photo on it's main page.  Click on it and you taken directly to the upload feature for G+.   


May 23, 2016, 8:08:08 AM5/23/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Sorry for being off topic but i badly need to make a question since it appears i have not been informed about some serious changes. I have noticed both in my account and in other people accounts that every photo uploaded from 1/1/2015 in panoramio is not shown on google earth even if the photos are marked as selected for google earth and google maps. Why is this happening? Do we have to move to another website?

Τη Πέμπτη, 4 Ιουνίου 2015 - 8:08:36 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης hvbemmel έγραψε:
I think we are all glad about the message James Therrien delivered a few days ago.
For us all the beautiful task to inform users, former users and not users.

Wim Constant

May 23, 2016, 9:27:36 AM5/23/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Ideed, off topic!
If you had read a few (ONLY THREE) posts further you would have found this one:

Op maandag 23 mei 2016 14:08:08 UTC+2 schreef Kostakis44:


May 23, 2016, 11:42:26 AM5/23/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Be nice...

Op maandag 23 mei 2016 15:27:36 UTC+2 schreef Wim Constant:


Aug 6, 2016, 1:51:22 AM8/6/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Is Panoramio now over? I could not upload any photos anymore and  the calculation won´t work anymore. What has happened, Ia m truly sad.

Joni from Finnland and 

Oberösterreich, Wartberg ad Krems.


Aug 6, 2016, 4:18:22 AM8/6/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Upload seems to be a Chrome problem my info is that IE/EDGE and Firefox are working. Also the possibility of using photos.google.com and then upload from there remains.
The statistics, well, that seems to be a monthly problem since years now, only it isn´t repaired as quickly as it was in the old days.

Herman from Oberösterreich, Laussa ;-)

Wim Constant

Aug 6, 2016, 2:52:57 PM8/6/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Thanks, Herman. 

Using photos.google.com it's a piece of cake.

Op zaterdag 6 augustus 2016 10:18:22 UTC+2 schreef hvbemmel:

Wim Constant

Aug 6, 2016, 6:50:24 PM8/6/16
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Hmmm. I was a little over-enthusiastic. The sequence is a complete mess. I had to delete the complete upload.
Now I'm gonna try uploading one at a time.

Update: One at a time did the trick. Now the sequence is good.

Op zaterdag 6 augustus 2016 20:52:57 UTC+2 schreef Wim Constant:


Aug 10, 2016, 5:27:22 AM8/10/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
What a poor way of showing your photographs. Typical Google. I will go to another provider.

Op donderdag 4 juni 2015 07:08:36 UTC+2 schreef hvbemmel:


Aug 10, 2016, 5:28:34 AM8/10/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)


Aug 11, 2016, 5:46:59 PM8/11/16
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Hi , i uploaded some beautiful pics taken in the Philippines on panoramio and most of them have been selected for google earth and google maps but they re not there , while in the past after a few days\weeks photos were actually uploaded on google earth. i see other people have my same probllem. any update on that? I uploaded the pictures the first week of june (2016) and now it is august 11 (2016)

i can post here a few links of my pics in case by number someone could check


edit: ok, sorry, i checked a few more posts and thread and i have the impression that since 2015 no more pics have been uploaded?

Wim Constant

Aug 11, 2016, 6:18:36 PM8/11/16
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Please, PLEASE, read the forum, before opening a "new" topic:


Op donderdag 11 augustus 2016 23:46:59 UTC+2 schreef luca73:
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