Status of photos on Google Earth

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Adam Lasnik

Feb 28, 2014, 7:00:15 PM2/28/14
Wanted to give you an update on two issues that we expect to be resolved soon.
  • Some photos are showing up in Earth multiple times.  
  • Some (thankfully very few at this point) selected photos during part of Q4 2013 are not showing up in Earth at all. 
However, we're not seeing any delays re: Google Maps with the selected photos.

We're working to make the inclusion of Panoramio photos in Google Earth more reliable.  I'll post an update here when the above issues are resolved.

David Hume

Mar 3, 2014, 3:02:33 AM3/3/14
I installed G.E today. Details are as follows:

Google Earth (beta)

Build Date


Build Time

7:21:40 pm



Operating System

Linux (

Video Driver


Max Texture Size


available video memory

information not available


I have clicked on Panoramio Photos in Australia, Chile, Africa and Europe (both mine and others), and none of them are displaying. I get a white box with a black border that is thicker at the top, empty except for the name of the location. I have "photos" and " Panoramio" both selected in G.E. preferences.


Mar 3, 2014, 8:28:16 PM3/3/14
This is a google earth bug, not panoramio.


Mar 17, 2014, 11:14:46 AM3/17/14
It is Mar 17 now but my photos uploaded in Nov 2013 are still missing in GE.
May I ask for ETA?


Mar 17, 2014, 4:30:22 PM3/17/14
On Monday, March 17, 2014 11:14:46 AM UTC-4, rheins wrote:
It is Mar 17 now but my photos uploaded in Nov 2013 are still missing in GE.
May I ask for ETA?

Probably between now and never.....The moderators haven't a clue, and apparently those that know what they're doing to correct the problem don't either.....I've been going through and deleting one that haven't made it onto GE and resubmitting far about 140 out of 350. And, only a few of those I've re-submitted in the past ten days have made an appearance onto GE.


Mar 28, 2014, 8:58:49 AM3/28/14
I spent A LOT of time uploading a great number of photos in Q4 2013 including selecting and editing photos, precise geotagging, setting titles, tags, and descriptions, and uploading full-size photos. No way I am repeating that process. Also I do not want photos in my account that were uploaded many months after they were taken. It's unbelievable to me how Panoramio is treating this issue. The lack of communication does make it seem like they are unable to deal with this problem (as well as two other problems I have reported recently). As a software engineer I would never treat my customers this way. When customers report bugs to me I am very forthcoming with the cause and solution, and fixing the problem and accommodating the customer is a top priority. Adam claims the affected photos are "very few at this point". I would like to know how he defines "very few" as well as "soon". For me it's hundreds of photos, so for the whole community I imagine it's a very large number. Photo sharing is not rocket science and I cannot imagine how it can take so long to solve this problem.

Roger Heath

Mar 19, 2014, 12:49:47 AM3/19/14
NSA has got them and investigating each one in order to make sure they don;t show restricted areas.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 9:35:48 AM UTC-7, bryanf wrote:
I spent A LOT of time uploading a great number of photos in Q4 2013 including selecting and editing photos, precise geotagging, setting titles and descriptions, and uploading full-size photos. No way I am repeating that process. Also I do not want photos in my account that were uploaded many months after they were taken. It's unbelievable to me how Panoramio is treating this issue. The lack of communication does make it seem like they are unable to deal with this problem (as well as two other problems I have reported recently). As a software engineer I would never treat my customers this way. When customers report bugs to me I am very forthcoming with the cause and solution, and fixing the problem and accommodating the customer is a top priority. Adam claims the affected photos are "very few at this point". I would like to know how he defines "very few" as well as "soon". For me it's hundreds of photos, so for the whole community I imagine it's a very large number. Photo sharing is not rocket science and I cannot imagine how it can take so long to solve this problem.

John Sidle

Mar 19, 2014, 1:04:44 PM3/19/14
Please fix the Panoramio layer in Google Earth.  Before you rush to tell me to go the FAQs and then the Panoramio Support Forum, please hear me out.  I started uploading photos back in August, 2013, 7 months ago.  I understand that it can take up to three months for approved photos to appear as Panoramio icons in Google Earth but delays and other Panoramio behaviors now appear unreasonable to me.  For example:

Uploading 200 photos and one week later only a single icon appears correctly representing one photograph but five months later the other 199 still do not appear as icons in Google Earth.  Several examples of this.

Clicking some of my Panoramio photo icons in Nebraska and South Dakota in Google Earth and seeing not my photos but photos from Idaho, China, the Andes and elsewhere.  The next day it's back to normal but wait two weeks later my icons represent still other photos by someone else in other parts of the world.

My photos showing up in an Iowa corn field.  See the exchange below 

I subscribe to Google Earth Pro but their support does not support me and my Panoramio problem.  That really galls me, paying 399.00 per year and being told to go to a dysfunctional Panoramio Support and FAQs.

Hi John Sidle,

jathacker sent you a new message on Panoramio:

John a photo of yours has been posted on Google earth in the wrong location. It's a pic of a Pine Ridge in Nebraska. It shows up in Verbena, Al at a rail road crossing. I posted a photo of corn growing from that location last week and when I clicked on it, your photo of the pine ridge shows up.

Hello - It's a Google earth problem and I have been complaining about it for many months when I first started uploading photos. Yesterday I just happened to click on some of my photos in Nebraska and South Dakota and up popped photos from Idaho, China and elsewhere in the world. Today, clicks on the icons show my photos. That's how it goes. One day it's normal and the next day it's not. I have just about given up on trying to fix this. Who do you contact? The Panoramio Forum does not help and what is disturbing is that I subscribe to Google Earth Pro ($399 per year) and they do not help. They tell me to go to the Forum.
Any suggestions?

John Sidle

No idea, I'm new at this. Posted my first photos 2 weeks ago and when I clicked on the location that I posted it on, one your photos of Nebraska shows up! By the way your photos of the west are great! That must be a bummer especially when your paying 400.00 Good luck.



Mar 19, 2014, 1:12:14 PM3/19/14
John Sidle

Please be aware there is currently a bug affecting the proper location of photos in Google Earth:

Besides, please read the Photo Acceptance Policy:

Acceptance policy for Google Earth and Google Maps

For Google Earth and Google Maps we select only photos about exterior places: landscapes, monuments, streets, buildings, parks, and so on. All photos must comply with the Panoramio Photo Acceptance Policy.

Subjects that are not approved

The following tables list the types of photos that do not get approved for Google Earth and Google Maps. The first table lists subjects that are not approved because their subjects are unsuitable.

Unsuitable subjectPossible exception
Portraits of people, or photos of people posingPeople are an unavoidable part of the place
Car, plane or any machineThe object is an unavoidable part of a place
Pet or animalAnimals in their natural environment showing the background
Flowers and details of plantsForests, big trees and photos that show the background
Close-ups, details, inscriptions, or signs 
Aerial photos similar to the satellite images from Google Maps 
Events, such as exhibitions, concerts, and parades 
Interiors; anything under a roofWide perspectives inside churches, mosques, train stations, and so on
Representations, such as paintings, logos, digital images, collages, and so on, rather than images from life 


Mar 24, 2014, 12:35:46 PM3/24/14
I have seen lots of double photos on Google Earth for quite a while. They have the multiple photo icon at a spot, then you click it and it branches out two photos that are the same photo. It's a little annoying since it was a waste of time to click the multiple photo icon and clicking it isn't the easiest thing for some reason.


Mar 24, 2014, 1:12:18 PM3/24/14
can you please give some photo ID´s so we and / or the team can investigate?

Roger Heath

Mar 24, 2014, 5:46:09 PM3/24/14
hvbemmel - I went to Earth since I've always experienced that problem. Click on an icon and  it splits then either icon shows my picture - same photo.
Here's one that demonstrates it. - 91044559

BTW - When I go from Earth and click on the image the page takes me to the New Panoramio, and for the life of me I can't find the image number on that page. So I go back to classic and there is the image number right beneath the photo.

So there's another issue the Team could check out. Where's the image number in the new Panoramio?


Mar 24, 2014, 5:49:52 PM3/24/14
In the new Panoramio the photo ID is on the URL bar. In the old Panoramio was also there.

Roger Heath

Mar 24, 2014, 5:54:58 PM3/24/14
Not sure why my previous post disappeared.

I've experienced the same situation for a long time. Here's an image - 83669496 and another  91044559 .

When going to GE and clicking on the image to my Panoramio page, it takes me to the new style Panoramio an for the life of me I can't find the image number on the page - everything except the image number. So I went back to classic and there's the number beneath the image where it belongs. .Maybe something else the Team should look into. image number on the page!

On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:12:18 AM UTC-7, hvbemmel wrote:


Mar 24, 2014, 5:58:52 PM3/24/14
Which one? The one above my post?


Mar 25, 2014, 10:22:18 AM3/25/14
Problem is, I only see one


Mar 25, 2014, 3:40:39 AM3/25/14
Are you also working on the problem of the existing Q4 photos not showing up in Earth so they wil be included in GE soon? Surely they are not "very few" since I have only about 180 selected photos in my gallery and several are not showing up in Google Earth so there must be zillions all over the community. Thank you for your efforts!


Mar 25, 2014, 6:47:17 AM3/25/14
Yes, it seems it's more then just 'a few'. I now have about a hundred from Q4 that have not made a GE appearance, and another 150+ that I've deleted and put back on...which as of today only about six have shown up on GE. Of course I only started re-posting 14 days ago or so.


John Sidle

Mar 25, 2014, 9:51:05 AM3/25/14
98935650, 98935669, 98936038, 98936203

John Sidle

Mar 25, 2014, 9:53:57 AM3/25/14
98935650, 98935669, 98936038, 98936203

On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:00:15 PM UTC-7, Adam Lasnik wrote:

John Sidle

Mar 27, 2014, 5:06:39 PM3/27/14
Is there a way to delete multiple photos rather than one by one?

On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:00:15 PM UTC-7, Adam Lasnik wrote:


Mar 27, 2014, 5:35:13 PM3/27/14

Please open a new thread for issues unrelated to the subject of this one. Even better: please read the FAQ and the Help page before opening threads. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation


Mar 27, 2014, 10:12:16 PM3/27/14
It appears that most if not all of my missing photos from Q4 2013 are now visible on Google Earth. I'm really happy to see this, even though it took as long as five months plus in some cases.


Mar 28, 2014, 5:09:24 AM3/28/14
The 14 missing photos uploaded Q4 2013, which I had reported a while ago (and a whole lot more, which I had sort of given up) are now shown on Google Earth. Thank you!

Manuela Gößnitzer

May 4, 2014, 2:33:19 AM5/4/14
According to Panoramio help  reviewed pictures should be added to GE once in a week. Why does GE not bother to add my pictures uploaded on 13, March (and reviewed 2-3 days later), which is clearly more than one week before today.


May 4, 2014, 3:41:28 AM5/4/14
please read my answer here 

In the German forum Buelipix answered here in a thread where you participated. 

Apart from incidental longer delays because of work on the GEO applications, there are issues addressed in the help forum that are not up to date, I think it should say "less then a week in normal circumstances". ;-).   


May 4, 2014, 4:49:20 PM5/4/14
Trying to post a question on here. So what the hell is a valid tag? Because it doesn't like any of the ones I've tried. 


May 4, 2014, 4:57:58 PM5/4/14
Hello ragemanchoo82

Welcome back to the forum!!
Is your question related to the subject of this thread ("Status of photos on Google Earth")? Otherwise, please open a new thread. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation
Best regards


May 5, 2014, 1:20:09 AM5/5/14
Draken,  I think that´s ragemanchoo82 ´s problem

ragemanchoo, at the bottom of the new post you will find a certain amount of tags, please choose one. Why they are obligatory all of the sudden, I can not answer, so please don´t ask ;-( 


May 20, 2014, 2:37:30 PM5/20/14
I am having the same issue... uploaded photos to Panaramio on April 6th, they were review within a couple of days but have not posted to GE yet.


May 22, 2014, 9:17:47 AM5/22/14
I too am waiting to see if some new photo's that have been accepted for google earth and google maps will display?


May 24, 2014, 11:16:54 AM5/24/14
I uploaded photos and have been "approved" for GE. However, many of them more than two months ago are still missing. I'll have to wait or not to upload more photos?


May 24, 2014, 11:27:05 AM5/24/14
Hi Mariano

As stated in this thread there is a considerable delay and the Team are aware of the problem. So, we all have to wait. Regarding your question whether to keep uploading photos or not, well, it is up to you. It is a very personal decision. Having said that, I don't think Adam or any team member will advise not to upload. However, many of us have a deep feeling of frustration.


May 24, 2014, 11:44:55 AM5/24/14
Thanks for your answer. Slds

chalkoum ahmed

May 25, 2014, 2:18:47 AM5/25/14
تاريخ اليوم هو25/05/2014 الفارق الزمني للتواصل مؤسف! ام هناك خلل ما؟

بتاريخ السبت، 1 مارس، 2014 UTC+1 1:00:15 ص، كتب Adam Lasnik:
أردت أن أعطيك تحديثا على اثنين من القضايا التي نتوقع أن تحل قريبا.
  • بعض الصور التي تظهر في الأرض عدة مرات.  
  • بعض (والحمد لله قليلة جدا في هذه المرحلة) الصور المحددة خلال جزء من Q4 2013 لا تظهر في الأرض على الإطلاق. 
ومع ذلك، نحن لا نرى أي تأخير إعادة: جوجل خرائط مع الصور المحددة.

نحن نعمل على جعل إدراج صور Panoramio في برنامج Google Earth أكثر موثوقية. أنا ما بعد تحديثا هنا عندما يتم حل القضايا المذكورة أعلاه.


May 25, 2014, 9:04:40 AM5/25/14
Hello Chalkoum

Please write in English in this forum.
Please read my latest answer.
Thanks and welcome to the forum.

lucky crater

Aug 16, 2014, 11:30:39 PM8/16/14
  This may be off topic or misplaced.
 When I click on the " misplaced" link on a panoramio photo, then send the suggestion, the window for the suggestion and the dialog box for entering the text of the suggestion doesn't indicate where the suggestion is going, until it's sent, then it notifies me that the suggestion is sent to the individual who posted the photo, not Panoramio editorial staff. 
 Then when I go back to check on the photo, click on the "misplaced" link, I get a " Photo Position Cannot Be Changed,  Photo108825950 has it's position blocked.... go away" message.
   The problem I have with the way your policy works, is the unfair and arbitrary nature of the photo approval process, where in this case, a scene from the rocky coastline, is positioned 14 miles from the southern point of San Clemente island and 60 miles from it's probable actual location in La Jolla are approved, while wide angle landscape shots I've submitted in the correct geographic location are rejected without a stated cause.

 I'd love to hear your reasons for this kind of arbitrary error built into allowing photos clearly misplaced to appear on google earth panoramio.  There's another one in the same area. #107283419 is a picture of a parking lot, positioned over the southern end of the Cortez Bank, 90 miles offshore.


Aug 17, 2014, 12:32:15 AM8/17/14
I dare to say that there is nobody in the whole wide world who can see a photo and then say: "that´s on x degrees north, y degrees east. I even don´t see computers do that in future as there would need to be existing data for comparison.  So the positioning of a photo is the responsibility of the owner of that photo. Panoramio depends on people with local knowledge to give a helping hand, giving suggestions for a repositioning. The owner then can decide if he agrees or not. Again, there is nobody who can verify the claim made by the suggestion. It´s the person who claims local knowledge against the owner of the photo. 

There are people in this world that position their photo on the wrong place, deliberately or just because they don´t know. Sad enough there are people in this world that give false suggestions, making way for their own photos or just to abuse. For that, the end decision stays with the owner of the photo. When a user ignores a suggestion the photo will disappear from GE. When a user acknowledges he has seen the photo but keeps the photo on the place it is, nothing happens except the suggestion is counted. After three suggestions the position will be blocked to prevent abuse. When there is proof without a doubt that someone deliberately uses the wrong position, Eiffel tower in New York wise, the gallery will be removed from Panoramio. Sometimes this can be frustrating, but it´s the best Panoramio can come up with. 

Even Google´s map data are not always accurate, so I would not recommend anyone to put his live at stake using those data, The same certainly goes for photos and other user generated data Google (or any other company) delivers.


Aug 18, 2014, 11:13:03 AM8/18/14
Yes it is far off topic and you should open a new topic for discussion ( although this already has been discussed before )

cee cee mohazin

Aug 27, 2014, 1:32:18 AM8/27/14
Thanks for the information

On Monday, March 3, 2014 11:02:33 AM UTC+3, David Hume wrote:
I installed G.E today. Details are as follows:

Google Earth (beta)

Build Date


Build Time

7:21:40 pm



Operating System

Linux (

Video Driver


Max Texture Size


available video memory

information not available


I have clicked on Panoramio Photos in Australia, Chile, Africa and Europe (both mine and others), and none of them are displaying. I get a white box with a black border that is thicker at the top, empty except for the name of the location. I have "photos" and " Panoramio" both selected in G.E. preferences.

John Sidle

Feb 17, 2015, 10:15:38 AM2/17/15
I notice that many of my photos when clicked pull up someone else's photos taken thousands of miles away.


Feb 17, 2015, 10:22:07 AM2/17/15


Apr 7, 2015, 4:17:06 PM4/7/15
I have deleted several photos from Panoramio, but a month later the icons are still on Google Earth, how do I delete?


Apr 7, 2015, 4:28:48 PM4/7/15
You don't. You have already done all you can do. Now you need to wait until there is a data transfer from Panoramio to GE (it normally takes 30-45 days). Then the photos will be completely deleted form GE.

c0l0gne1-Views, no thanks!

Apr 8, 2015, 3:11:49 AM4/8/15
I deleted most of mine. On GE I can still see the icons and titles on mouse over but the photos themselves are gone. I can't remember this being so in the past but nothing surprises me anymore;-)

Alan Fogelquist

Apr 14, 2015, 12:36:08 PM4/14/15
I hope that some of this information may be relevant to this discussion on duplicate photos as well as delays in the appearance of photos on Google Earth.

As of April 14, 2015, I can report that there continue to be many problems at least on my account in the connection between geotagged photos posted to Google Plus, Google Maps, Google Earth and orPanoramio.

I have been carefully testing various alternatives for Google Earth via Google Maps or Panoramio either directly to these media or from my Google Plus photos. For purposed of testing I have double checked to make sure I am not posting certain photos.directly to both Panoramio and Google Map Views.

For over a week none  of the posts made directly to Panoramio has been reviewed for Google Earth. Strangely a few of these photos have shown up as duplicates or triplicates on Google Map Views.

I have tried posting  a few photos directly to Google map views in recent days. Some of these photos have been approved for Google map Views, but are appearing in duplicate on Google maps, but they don't appear on Google Earth. I don't know if photos posted directly to Google Map Views are supposed to appear eventually or immediately on Google Earth.

I am also finding many duplicate photos originally posted to Google Maps from Google Plus albums. The google map views server has hickups and there are often posting failures. If you try to post the same photo again to Google Maps Views, it sometimes appears in duplicate. Other times it doesn't appear at all. I have tried this with several browsers but it doesnt seem to make a difference.

Additional information and questions.

What is the relationship between Google Maps, Google / Maps Views, and Google Earth supposed to be as of this moment? . Is Google Views entirely separate from Google Maps and what is its relationship with Google Earth?.

Until 2012 I only posted to Panoramio and almost all of my photos were accepted for Google Earth and also appeared on Google Maps. When I first discovered Views, I found that all of my Panoramio / Google Earth photos also appeared on Google Maps Views without my having submitted any directly to Views. After 2011 none of the photos posted to Panoramio and approved for Google Earth appeared on Views.

I therefore submitted some recent photos to Vews and they are now showing up there but often in triplicate or duplicate. Only a few of these photos (from 2015) appear on Panoramio from my earlier postings to Panoramio. Most of my recent posts to either of these media appear only on Google Maps Views and not on Google Earth or even on Google Maps. This is quite confusing.

Here is the url for My "Public on Google Maps" page. The photos from before 2012 all showed up there automatically from my postings to Panoramio. All of the photos for the year 2015 have been submitted to Views directly. Some of the same photos have been submitted to Panoramio but have not been reviewed for Google Earth.


Apr 14, 2015, 5:43:15 PM4/14/15
The information you provide is indeed relevant to the discussion on duplicate photos as well as delays in the appearance of photos on Google Earth. However, it is only relevant for the users, but not for Adam Lasnik (the OP) who no longer works for Panoramio or any Googler just because they don't read this forum. And if they do read it they don't pay any attention to the desires and experiences of the users. What's more, they don't participate in this forum.

Alan Fogelquist

Apr 14, 2015, 6:51:12 PM4/14/15
Should I copy this this information and  post it on some other thread. This one seemed to deal with the closest combination of problems I have been witnessing lately.

If you think it would be worthwhile I could post it on one of the other discussions or start a new one.
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