All my photos were deleted

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Jan 27, 2017, 1:20:58 AM1/27/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
January 13, 2017, I sent a request via the feedback form on the Google +. Due to the fact that to date I have not received any answer, I duplicate my query here. And I really hope, that I can get detailed answers to my problem.


In accordance with Your instructions I linked my Panoramio-account to the Google-account. After that all my pictures were gradually deleted:

- from a section "Your contributions" in the menu Google Maps;
- from Google Maps;
- from Panoramio (even my account has been deleted);
- in addition, they were removed from everywhere, from where it was possible to remove them.

In this regard, the questions:

- where are my photos?
- why were they removed?
- why I haven't received absolutely no notification about these manipulations with my photos?


© Tom Cooper

Jan 27, 2017, 11:11:59 PM1/27/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Nobody from Google ever comes here.  Sorry, but they consider Panoramio closed, and in November of 2017 will go away completely.

There has been a moderator who has been able to help with deleted accounts, but he has not posted in weeks.


Jan 28, 2017, 1:32:59 AM1/28/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Tom Cooper, thanks for Your reply. In this case, I will wait for a response from a moderator and from other competent staff.

P.S. Of course I know about the closure of Panoramio.


Jan 29, 2017, 12:13:05 PM1/29/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi Tom, 

I´m still alive! Having said that I´m not monitoring the fora on a daily basis any more.

please provide an user ID, then I will have a look if there is still a goolger on the other side of this forum.
Deleted accounts are not deleted during a few weeks, so I´m afraid that deadline has gone already, but we always can try


Jan 29, 2017, 1:39:43 PM1/29/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
My ID -  3802982


Feb 7, 2017, 8:15:06 AM2/7/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
It seems unbelievable. It is really required so much time to answer such simple questions?!


Feb 7, 2017, 3:23:54 PM2/7/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hello guest9,
Please wait ... Herman made the request.

Best regards



Feb 19, 2017, 6:18:22 AM2/19/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
20 days! We live in the stone age?


Mar 3, 2017, 10:16:57 AM3/3/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
When will be given the answers to my questions?


Mar 3, 2017, 10:53:02 AM3/3/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
... may be never. better face it, google gives a sh... and panoramio is history


Mar 7, 2017, 2:37:21 AM3/7/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Hi guest9,

At the latest news, the process of restoring your account is still ongoing but seems slower than usual.

Best regards



Mar 9, 2017, 10:41:34 PM3/9/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
1. Will51, do you personally deal with this issue, or someone else?

2. Why all was deleted? I do not think that, the answer to this question requires an expectation of 1,5 months.


Mar 10, 2017, 4:39:59 AM3/10/17

Hello Guest9,
 I am a moderator of the French forum. My colleague Herman had asked for information from our contact at Google, (There is no more official contact for Panoramio).
 I allowed myself to reintroduce the request of Herman.
I told you the answer in the previous message.
I have no information about the reason for deleting your account.



Mar 10, 2017, 8:34:40 AM3/10/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
I can't understand, why a person (moderator), who deals with these, can't answer my simple questions for 1.5 months? He got from off the Internet?

What a strange kids game?


Mar 10, 2017, 3:50:49 PM3/10/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Moderators are ordinary users.
We are a volunteer.
I remind you that Panoramio is dead.
There is no more staff that takes care of Panoramio
Our contact works for Google and does not have access to all settings for panoramio accounts. It helps to the extent of the information available.
If you feel it's a kid's game, I stop here


Mar 11, 2017, 1:13:54 AM3/11/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
What PERSONALLY have YOU done to my request, and my questions for all this time?

Tomas K☼h☼ut

Mar 12, 2017, 10:21:02 AM3/12/17
Dne sobota 11. března 2017 7:13:54 UTC+1 guest9 napsal(a):
What PERSONALLY have YOU done to my request, and my questions for all this time?

Hi guest9
Let me explain something you've probably missed:

- Users of this forum with "m in circle" icon are Panoramio forum moderators.
- They have some extra powers only here in the forum (they can edit and delete any post, pin, close and delete any threads). That's all. 
- They have no extra powers and access to Panoramio functions - in the perspective of Panoramio, they are ordinary users.
- They may have a "private" contacts with some employees from Google, so called Googlers (which may have - unlike moderators - powers to  restore the accounts, examine the reasons of deletion etc).
- Moderators are the most dedicated and passionate users of Panoramio with a deep knowledge of Panoramio functionality, bugs, glitches, workarounds etc, desire to help the community... and with these valuable contacts on Googlers. 
- Moderators used to visit this forum quite frequently and often they friendly help other users here in the forum - unlike Googlers which are invisible here for a long time (if they are present here at all)
- Moderators are volunteers (doing all this for free!) and without any formal contract.
- As Panoramio is being closed now, activity of other users (and also moderators) here in the forum fades away, so as their visits here in forum (very natural, I think). In fact, I wonder why we (moderators) still bother to check the forum of almost dead Panoramio. ;-)

So, now you ask "What PERSONALLY have YOU (Will51 + hvbemmel) done to my request, and my questions for all this time?"
They pinged your open request (twice) to our Google contact and waited for reply, and pinged back a reply from Google immediately as soon as it was available. There is no other info about this issue from Googlers. Good new is that your account undeletion is in progress (the answer from Googler was not "we cannot restore it").

I guess, you shall use other words and tone to communicate with someone trying to help you on his best.
At least word "please" or "thanks" will be fine. ;-)



Mar 17, 2017, 12:53:26 AM3/17/17
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Adding to WIll,

As he pointed out we, users of Panoramio, are not very often on this forum any more, why should we. Google has let us down big time, since september 2015 they didn´t even bother to communicate with us any more. I for my part have been rather ill and after that I´ve been on vacation, no fun in dealing with Panoramio under that circumstances. I don´t even know how many moderators are still active, so you should be glad anyone in this forum is still willing to help you here.

I also like to draw your attention to this "sticky" thread in this forum:!topic/panoramio-questions-support/_qEYmVaDDwk

I can understand your frustration, but you can rest assured that you are not half as frustrated as the moderators that devoted a lots of time on this forum since more then ten years.
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