Panoramio UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists

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Oct 10, 2016, 2:11:05 PM10/10/16
Dear friends,
I am so sad and shocked in these days. I have just an idea to save Panoramio: we could try to contact UNESCO and to expain them what is Panoramio, what have been our efforts and what is the current situation.
Maybe they would be interested. Panoramio is always a way to show culture and the world to everyone who has access to internet.
I have about 100.000 photos on Panoramio and my aim has been very humbly to share photos from the world and culture in general. I spent 9 years and uncontable hours here as well as all the other users.
Try do not cost anything! Let me know what you friends think about this idea...

Costas Athan

Oct 11, 2016, 6:31:27 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Why don't you try to contact them yourself if you believe they can make a difference.
By following the above link you can find a form (by clicking "Contact Us") and use it to send them a message.


Oct 11, 2016, 6:44:46 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
Costas, I just asked for the community help!
I cannot do it alone! It's a stupid idea, I know but it's just an attempt!

Costas Athan

Oct 11, 2016, 7:04:56 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
As far as I know, UNESCO deals with natural sites and things that have physical presence.
And how can we contact UNESCO as a community? Through a petition? If not, the only other quick and easy way is to send them emails. But I don't see how emails can be sent by a community. It is something everyone has to do at a personal level...


Oct 11, 2016, 7:18:07 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
This is getting really bizarre here. Even if Unesco would read your mail and like the idea (which is extremely unlikely), it may take years to even get onto the candidates list. And who is going to fund the campaign. You won't get that for free. Keep on dreaming!


Oct 11, 2016, 8:18:16 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)
you are wrong.
There are some UNESCO world heritage "things" which are not material but they are intangible.
Check this:


Oct 11, 2016, 8:25:44 AM10/11/16
to Panoramio Help Forum (Support & feedback)

None of all the intangible cultural heritage "products" depend on the willingness of a private company such as Google. Language, music, dance can live beyond the existence of a private website and if that private company says no, who is going to keep it running? Do you think UNESCO will invest money to keep Panoramio on a server?  Think again about the practical and monetary issues involved in your idea.
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