When is Google going to kill off Panoramio now that Views includes photos?

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Sep 14, 2014, 5:05:16 PM9/14/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
So now that Google Maps / Views is displaying your public geotagged photos, it begs the question - what purpose does +Panoramio serve? Both services include your photos in Google Maps so what happens if you upload the same photo on Panoramio and Google Maps? Which photo does Google show?

AAHHH these are the questions that infuriate me. Why does Google have to have so many duplicate and/or overlapping services?


Sep 14, 2014, 5:16:12 PM9/14/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Rethorical questions in fact. Since those who can answer will not do it.


Sep 14, 2014, 5:21:39 PM9/14/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
They can at least answer the question: What is the purpose and/or difference between Panoramio and Google Maps Views?


Sep 15, 2014, 1:10:59 AM9/15/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
The answer may be here: http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/google-recruits-users-photograph-street-view-expanding-views/
Or maybe not, i don't know...

Quoting: "Welcoming photos makes Google Views perilously similar to another Google-owned service, Panoramio. But Rapoport, who also handles that service, insists it will remain alive and thriving. The difference, he contends, will be in the type of photos each service hosts. Panoramio will continue to host scenic vistas and postcard shots of icons like the Eiffel Tower or Taj Mahal, while Views will cater to all types of photography, including snapshots."


Sep 15, 2014, 3:40:58 PM9/15/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the information provided, Roar.
Maybe this also does answer the question why less and less things are working anymore on Panoramio. All man power put on reinventing the wheel.
And it also explains why there is no export to G+ anymore - they don't want the same photos to show twice.


Sep 16, 2014, 2:37:48 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for the information on Views. I can see Google gravitating towards to the Views service which in my opinion is going to be much more popular and easier to use compared to the archaic interface of Panoramio. It also fits in well with the interface of the Google suite of products and seems to be geared towards touch screen interfaces. I for one am very glad to see this development and I think Panoramio will die a natural death without support for Mobile apps. Like it or not, that is where the world is headed and Google is doing the right thing by facilitating the change.


Sep 16, 2014, 7:23:48 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Seeing that such an essential part of the service as the appearance of new photographs on the Panoramio Map currently doesn't work and has worked only occasionally throughout this year, and that the only member of the Google team who responded to users' concerns has moved on, perhaps Google have already killed Panoramio off, and now we're just waiting for the funeral.


Sep 16, 2014, 7:55:22 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
There is word that there will be an update from the team shortly. You will not need to dress for a funeral. I suggest not to speculate until that update has been made.

© Tom Cooper

Sep 16, 2014, 9:12:25 AM9/16/14
No need to speculate.  The end is officially coming:
Message has been deleted


Sep 16, 2014, 10:06:38 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I have smelled this for at least the past 14 months. One can call the new site Views, Sucks, Fools or whatever. It's simply geo-tagged photos uploaded to Google+. These days, Google is willing to do anything to promote Google+. Now that the cat is out, I am actually happy to know that I have been right all along.

© Tom Cooper

Sep 16, 2014, 10:23:59 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I think a lot of us knew this was coming.  Personally, I was in denial, but even then, I knew deep down in, it was just a matter of time.
BTW, I agree that the site could be called "Views Sucks."  It is filled with bugs and design flaws, and the response is no different from the defective and buggy Acrylic Panoramio.  "We're sorry you are having trouble.  We are working on it."
Message for those who are hooked on Views:  It will not get fixed.  I promise.

♠ c0l0gne1 ♣

Sep 16, 2014, 11:18:43 AM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I had been hoping against hope but this comes as no surprise. For the time being I will keep my account but will start deleting photos- no way I'll let all my Panoramio photos be integrated into Views!
I sincerely hope that users don't just leave Panoramio but make sure their photos go with them!

Roger Heath

Sep 16, 2014, 2:37:17 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I agree. My Panoramio portfolio will be deleted. I visited Views and don't like the format any more than the New Panoramio. Talk about clutter on the Home page.
I have no use for any Google "services" other than search, translation. I'm not on the internet because I'm bored while waiting for a plane or my friends to show up for a cup of coffee. T

The best aspect of Panoramio has been a few of the groups, which are active ongoing showcases for photography. Spare me the snapshots, and if people want to post snapshots there are plenty of venues for that!

Peter van Lom

Sep 16, 2014, 4:09:24 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Dear Roger it is a sad day...

Wim Constant

Sep 16, 2014, 4:50:50 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I looked at "Views" and I don't like it.
On Panoramio I have 4842 photos, 4654 selected for GE.
All these photos have titles
When I look at Views I have 1140 photos. Where can I find the other photos????
A few titles (less than 1 %) remain. The other titles are completely vanished, or replaced by: "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA"
Hours and hours of work down the drains

Op dinsdag 16 september 2014 20:37:17 UTC+2 schreef Roger Heath:

Peter van Lom

Sep 16, 2014, 5:24:13 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I am SORRY to hear that PANORAMIO will DISAPPEAR. That means that the fun is gone. It is a shame that this fine community is fading away.   

© Tom Cooper

Sep 16, 2014, 5:27:11 PM9/16/14
Wim Constant wrote: Hours and hours of work down the drains
Times millions of users. :(


Sep 16, 2014, 5:37:49 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
How quickly do you suppose this "transition" will occur… I want to be sure to remove my photos before it does. Certainly we will be given that opportunity, won't we? I am very sad!!!

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:27:11 PM UTC-5, © Tom Cooper wrote:
Wim Constant wrote: Hours and hours of work down the drains
Times millions of users. :(

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:50:50 PM UTC-5, Wim Constant wrote:

Roger Heath

Sep 16, 2014, 5:57:26 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
In Adam's message he writes "we also want to help our global Google Maps users explore the world". Well,if Google Maps used more of our images instead of holding them for Google Earth, maybe more images would be seen. All along I've asked who uses Google earth for anything, while I know Google Maps is used all the time. To now say that even snapshots will be uploaded to Google Maps seems so contradictory. I guess the many uploaded images for Views will cease to be moderated. This site has gone from a photographers site into Google's idea of a world portfolio of anything goes. 

Anyone have any idea how one finds one's own images on the Views site? I looked at the Home page but got lost real fast since I'm not really sure of the objective of the site! Good luck Google, makes me wonder how your cars are going to be accepted. Maybe ads scrolling across the windows since drivers will have nothing to do anymore! LOL


Sep 16, 2014, 6:03:53 PM9/16/14
If you have a profile in Views, you have a page.

So, click on your name (upper right corner) if you are logged in.

Don't ask me how to find other photographers (and I mean specific photographers I know, like Tom Cooper)... I haven't got the foggiest idea!!

El martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014 18:57:26 UTC-3, Roger Heath escribió:
Anyone have any idea how one finds one's own images on the Views site? I looked at the Home page but got lost real fast since I'm not really sure of the objective of the site!

Roger Heath

Sep 16, 2014, 6:04:38 PM9/16/14
I found this CNET article and thought others might find it interesting. One would think Adam could have posted similar information.

"Panoramio doesn't have a wide enough selection of images to meet Google Maps' needs, said Evan Rapoport, the Google product manager in charge of Panoramio and Views who also announced the change on Panoramio's forum. "We need to be able to share more than just photos of landscapes and seascapes. Panoramio has done an amazing job, but we need to broaden that," he said in an interview here at the Photokina show in Germany."


Helping Google Maps

The fact that the shots are public helps flesh out Google Maps services with images of places and businesses that people might visit. So why would you want to contribute your free labor to help Google, a company that socked away $5.6 billion in cash from its operations in the second quarter?

In short, vanity.

Photographers like to show off their work, and 1 billion people use Google Maps. A photo included on Maps means "you're going to start seeing view-count numbers on your photos reach astronomical numbers," he said -- often millions."

That doesn't seem to be the case. API's lowest, then Maps. I've never had Maps views higher than Earth or Panoramio. And everyhting dropped drastically last August when the new format was introduced.

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:57:26 PM UTC-7, Roger Heath wrote:
In Adam's message he writes "we also want to help our global Google Maps users explore the world". Well,if Google Maps used more of our images instead of holding them for Google Earth, maybe more images would be seen. All along I've asked who uses Google earth for anything, while I know Google Maps is used all the time. To now say that even snapshots will be uploaded to Google Maps seems so contradictory. I guess the many uploaded images for Views will cease to be moderated. This site has gone from a photographers site into Google's idea of a world portfolio of anything goes. 

Anyone have any idea how one finds one's own images on the Views site? I looked at the Home page but got lost real fast since I'm not really sure of the objective of the site! Good luck Google, makes me wonder how your cars are going to be accepted. Maybe ads scrolling across the windows since drivers will have nothing to do anymore! LOL

Message has been deleted

Roger Heath

Sep 16, 2014, 6:12:56 PM9/16/14
Draken - Thanks for showing the link. I clicked and when I got to my page, my profile name is my email address!!!@@@!! Which I certainly don't want spread around the world.


Sep 16, 2014, 6:15:27 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I have just opened a thread in the Google Maps forum: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/maps/how-do-i/views/mac/photo-spheres/chrome/ykvckrE3Vf0

Asking some –I think– good questions. (even awkward questions?)

You are all welcome to join in.

Roger Heath

Sep 16, 2014, 6:24:07 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Draken - I tried that link and it won't let me post since Google created my account using my email address. That then requires I create a new Google Profile which I do not want to do. So I guess I can't discuss on your new thread. My questions would be - 

When is this going to take place?

It appears II might not be able to access my images if Google does it all one Friday night.

Why so many Panoramio images not chosen for Google Maps, now Google Maps will be the destination for images, not selected in Panoramio?

Christos Theodorou

Sep 16, 2014, 8:04:00 PM9/16/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Dear Draken,

I tried VIEWS, two hours before, and I understood that it works more as GOOGLE+ than as PANORAMIO. 

I just want to ask, what about OUR PERSONAL WORK on each photo (informations for the locations), what about COMMENTS alredy done on our photos, what about OUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHERS and PHOTOS and finaly, what about our STATISTICS on each photo and overall ? 

It seems that all these will be lost or combined with GOOGLE+ ?

Another point : The last 3 months I have uploaded some photos in GOOGLE+, that I don't want to be in my PANORAMIO PAGE. What will occur ?

And I have a proposition to make to the team : Don't change the trademark. PANORAMIO has a strong recognition all over the world. VIEWS is what ? Who knows it ? Why to use it ? It is needed a lot of advertising about and that maybe costs. You can make a combination of two like "PANORAMIO - VIEWS". 

I also disagree with some photographers, who want to download their photos. I am on this site only four years, but I spent a lot of time and I have made a job that I DON'T WANT TO BE LOST. I think that this is the most to be protected by the new site. 

Another point to be protected is the copyright of the photos. Because in GOOGLE+, it's up to the user to disable resharing and this resharing it's very easy by anyone, while the real photographer's name is written with small letters.

Have a nice day,

Kind regards

Christos Theodorou


Sep 16, 2014, 9:40:38 PM9/16/14
Well I never signed up for Views, but somehow I seem to have a page already there! Please tell me they won't transfer my photos there without asking first… Google seems to be taking over my life!

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:03:53 PM UTC-5, Draken wrote:
If you have a profile in Views, you have a page.

So, click on your name (upper right corner) if you are logged in.

Don't ask me how to find other photographers (and I mean specific photographers I know, like Tom Cooper)... I haven't got the foggiest idea!!

El martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014 18:57:26 UTC-3, Roger Heath escribió:
Anyone have any idea how one finds one's own images on the Views site? I looked at the Home page but got lost real fast since I'm not really sure of the objective of the site!


Sep 17, 2014, 12:14:42 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
@Marlene, There is nothing at Views that fits Panoramio yet. There will be some attempts first to fit "the needs" of the PA community. That will take it´s time, IMO it will never get ready, but somewhere along the line there will be a migration to yet an other unfinished product that´s "awesome and exiting".  I sincerely hope they will alert us before migrating, but with Google I´m not sure of anything.

@Wim, The photos that show up in views now are your albums in G+ marked public, you probably didn´t title them as in PA. You can change the sharing settings of every album in G+

On Wednesday, 17 September 2014 03:40:38 UTC+2, ~Marlene~ wrote:
Well I never signed up for Views, but somehow I seem to have a page already there! Please tell me they won't transfer my photos there without asking first… Google seems to be taking over my life!

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:03:53 PM UTC-5, Draken wrote:
If you have a profile in Views, you have a page.

So, click on your name (upper right corner) if you are logged in.

Don't ask me how to find other photographers (and I mean specific photographers I know, like Tom Cooper)... I haven't got the foggiest idea!!

El martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014 18:57:26 UTC-3, Roger Heath escribió:
Anyone have any idea how one finds one's own images on the Views site? I looked at the Home page but got lost real fast since I'm not really sure of the objective of the site!


Sep 17, 2014, 2:11:11 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, Herman… it would be nice to at least have some warning though.


Sep 17, 2014, 2:47:45 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Marlene. I know a lot of things concerning Google that would be nice. I wrote this before; Google lives from communication but their own communication is often non existent. :-(.  

Peter van Lom

Sep 17, 2014, 3:37:02 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com

I advice every one to read the PANORAMIO HELP FORUM (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/panoramio-questions-support) / follow and participate in the discussions that are going on there. IMO, this so called migration shows just Google Arrogance yet again.

© Tom Cooper

Sep 17, 2014, 8:08:28 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
The photos I've had that were migrated to G+ from Panoramio were titled in Panoramio, but show up in G+ without a title.  The Panoramio title became the "filename" in G+ and the photos uend up without a title in Views. :(

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 11:14:42 PM UTC-5, hvbemmel wrote:


Sep 17, 2014, 8:56:55 AM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Well, Google finally admits to its dream of becoming Facebook with a search engine.  Congratulations!  We're all about to be Zuckerburged! 

It was probably naive to believe Google could maintain any aesthetic baseline.  We can expect any transition will surely reflect those qualities. 

As to those expecting to bulk delete their uploads, remember, this is the internet.  Nothing is ever truly deleted.  Somewhere in Google's servers, your property will live forever. 

Now, time to upload some cat videos and vacation shots from Disney to Google P[..] Views.


Sep 17, 2014, 12:39:14 PM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Wow, thanks for this. Looks like I finally bugged enough devs to get an official response...

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 07:12:25 UTC-6, © Tom Cooper wrote:
No need to speculate.  The end is officially coming:

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:55:22 AM UTC-5, hvbemmel wrote:
There is word that there will be an update from the team shortly. You will not need to dress for a funeral. I suggest not to speculate until that update has been made.

On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 13:23:48 UTC+2, CliveM wrote:
Seeing that such an essential part of the service as the appearance of new photographs on the Panoramio Map currently doesn't work and has worked only occasionally throughout this year, and that the only member of the Google team who responded to users' concerns has moved on, perhaps Google have already killed Panoramio off, and now we're just waiting for the funeral.

Wim Constant

Sep 17, 2014, 1:34:18 PM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
@Herman, I used "Export photos to my Google+ profile" to export 4415 photos from Panoramio to my Google+ profile. (427 still to be exported)
A few titles were also exported, but over 99% NOT.
But than I'm still missing  3275 photos on my Views account.
And as far as the titles are concerned: I've titled my phots once in Panoramio and a second time for Flickr.
To use a Dutch expression: "Ik houd niet aan, ik ben geen viswijf!!" (For the non-Dutch: I don't persist, I'm not a fishwife)

Op woensdag 17 september 2014 06:14:42 UTC+2 schreef hvbemmel:


Sep 17, 2014, 2:30:16 PM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
And although they would like us to keep uploading (for their benefit, no doubt), I am now not receiving any new photo notifications so I do not know where to find these new uploads! 

© Tom Cooper

Sep 17, 2014, 2:59:22 PM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
I notice that over 20 hours later, the only reply is from Herman.
Wonderful support they have going on there!


Sep 17, 2014, 3:03:01 PM9/17/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
They don't f****** give a damn.


Sep 18, 2014, 1:55:39 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Draken, thanks for the Views policy.


I quote:

Photos must show a complete 360 view so that viewers of the photo can rotate around the entire image without seeing breaks in the scene.

As in PA the help section is not updated or we should report all the not 360 photos? 

So does this policy still stand now photo crap has been added to Fews (SCNR), that was mainly my question in the GM/Views section within the GM product forum.

I really don´t expect a decent answer. The TC´s will not burn their hands on our questions, The Views team probably will not answer. They don´t have an idea what is happening in this forum at the moment and probaably think tehe moderators do their dirty work, sorry, wrong number. 

I second Draken´s words, they couldn´t care less.


Sep 18, 2014, 2:09:16 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Evan Ratoport lied on Panoramio so many times (we hear you, we work on it, etc), so can anyone expect him to tell the truth on Views?

Am Dienstag, 16. September 2014 16:23:59 UTC+2 schrieb © Tom Cooper:
I think a lot of us knew this was coming.  Personally, I was in denial, but even then, I knew deep down in, it was just a matter of time.
BTW, I agree that the site could be called "Views Sucks."  It is filled with bugs and design flaws, and the response is no different from the defective and buggy Acrylic Panoramio.  "We're sorry you are having trouble.  We are working on it."
Message for those who are hooked on Views:  It will not get fixed.  I promise.

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:06:38 AM UTC-5, davidcmc58 wrote:
I have smelled this for at least the past 14 months. One can call the new site Views, Sucks, Fools or whatever. It's simply geo-tagged photos uploaded to Google+. These days, Google is willing to do anything to promote Google+. Now that the cat is out, I am actually happy to know that I have been right all along.


Sep 18, 2014, 2:12:12 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
This GViews is publishing anything on G+ that has a geo-tag on it. No screening as on Panoramio, even though we sometimes critizised that at least there was a filter to keep the worst crap out of the community. On Views you will find any sort of trash on the map killing the few good photos to find.


Sep 18, 2014, 2:14:56 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
You can bet this transition will be announced no earlier than it had taken place.


Sep 18, 2014, 2:38:50 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
That is actually not entirely correct. If you submit any photo with location, you are correct that it shows up under "Public with location info". However, there is a screening process for it to get to "Public on google maps". When you go to google maps, you will not find all the crap that gets submitted.


Sep 18, 2014, 9:17:03 AM9/18/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
This Is also not quite correct since:

Shit advertising is now allowed in Google Maps/Views!

Roger Powell

Sep 19, 2014, 4:58:18 AM9/19/14
to panoramio-que...@googlegroups.com
Yes, good questions from you and Herman. I tried to respond but that particular forum would not accept me.

I suggest you all have a look at the Google Views Community page:  https://plus.google.com/communities/103875683874059925989?hl=en-GB

I have left my comments  and questions there on a post by Evan Rapoport.

: ) )
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