Almost no picture moved from Panoramio to Views

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Feb 26, 2015, 3:50:14 PM2/26/15

I decided to give Views a try. But is not working either.

In Panoramio I have more than 7k pictures, only 248 were moved and geotaged in  Views.

It's normal googlelike failure, or I am just lucky?

thanks in advance for your replies


Wim Constant

Feb 26, 2015, 5:31:00 PM2/26/15
I was told it has something to do with the GEO-Tagging.
Only photos that were GEO-tagged before uploading to Panoramio make it to Views.
1140 of my 5K Panoramio photos made it to Views.

Op donderdag 26 februari 2015 21:50:14 UTC+1 schreef vtgbart:


Feb 27, 2015, 12:09:16 AM2/27/15
In what way did you transfer them to Views? If you used take out, remember only photos are taken out including titles, no metadata that you added in Panoramio, so no geodata unless they are in the EXIF.
when you upload them to G+ first they must be marked public and geodata have to be available. Beteer you directly upload them to views as they will be duplicated in G+ anyway.

Haven´t looked at Views in a long time now, so I have no idea what´s (not) going on there. I´m under the impression that there are only some programmers left (I know there are two also working for PA), all higher echelons up to the vice president of GEO are gone. There is a "new" guy supervising this division since October, since then  apparently  everyone is running away (?)


Feb 27, 2015, 4:30:25 AM2/27/15
I didn't transfer antything myself. I combined my Panoramio account with google+ and noticed that some pics appeared on Views.  I have only some pictures, which I uploaded in very first months of my Panoramio activity. Iwon't bother myself uploading all of my PA pictures myself. Pity, that Google is such a failure :(


Feb 27, 2015, 9:23:44 AM2/27/15
As far as we know there are no transfers to G+ from PA, never say never.

The statements from 5 months ago were that we will be asked to transfer photos, any other way would be a breach of copyright IMO

What could have happened is that you uploaded your photos to PA from G+ , meaning that they were already on G+. Again when they are public and geolocated in G+, they will be transferred to Views automatically. It happened to some of my photos that I had made public in G+ . Because I have many relatives scattered over the world I uploaded photos of my grandson to G+. In that way I suddenly found photos from my grandson in Views. Made them private of course.


Feb 28, 2015, 6:45:13 AM2/28/15
I know what happened. In 2008 I tried Picasa, I uploaded there and geotagged over 200 pictures, which I already had in PA. They were moved to views, but even some Picasa pics are missing :(  Well, no wonder, it's google

Kevin Childress

Mar 3, 2015, 3:42:10 PM3/3/15
Herman and Wim,   Sorry if I'm repeating what you have already said ...

Just to make sure I'm clear on this: Are you saying that only photos that include geodata in the metadata will be automatically transferred from Panoramio to Views?

So, if I uploaded ALL of my photos (without geodata in the metadata), and then geo-located them at Panoramio, those will not be transferred to Views?

Thanks in advance!


Wim Constant

Mar 3, 2015, 6:20:53 PM3/3/15
Hi, Kevin,

I'm not absolutely sure, because I never transferred directly from Panoramio to Views.
I once clicked in my Panoramio settings on "Transport to Google+" or something like that. That possibility doesn't exist anymore.
In Google+ I got 5 albums of 750 photos and 1 album of 676 photos.
So a total of 4426 Panoramio photos in Google+
All of a sudden I discovered that I had photos in Views, apparently the Google+ Photos.   ( )
But only 1140 made it to Views.
Unfortunately almost all of the titles were gone and renamed "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA"
All my photos, that I have now in VIews, were GEO-tagged with my i-gotU.
The photos, that did not make it to Views, were put on the map only in Panoramio.
So I think that it is justified to assume that only photos with GEO location in the EXIF make it to Views.

Greetings, Wim

Op dinsdag 3 maart 2015 21:42:10 UTC+1 schreef Kevin Childress:

Stephen SteveT

Mar 3, 2015, 6:56:45 PM3/3/15
Hi Kevin,
I've had no photos at all transferred to views since photos taken and uploaded to Panoramio November 2013. I think I can still upload directly to Views.



Google views are still receiving 20x clicks than that of Panoramio monitored daily over 6 months


Mar 4, 2015, 1:04:25 AM3/4/15
Just to make sure I'm clear on this: Are you saying that only photos that include geodata in the metadata will be automatically transferred from Panoramio to Views?

That would be correct. Only photos that are geolocated will be accepted in Views:

Geotagging photos
If you don’t want to share the location(s) of your photo(s), please don’t use this service.
Your publicly shared Google+ photos that are tagged to a specific geographic location and your uploaded geotagged photos will appear automatically in Google Maps Views.
Google Maps requires that photos shared through this service be accurately geolocated for the benefit of other users who may view them on the map. This service uses the geotag that is included in the image’s metadata or that you otherwise provide. Use of this service does not impact how other services may use the geotags in your photos and is independent of, and not affected by, your geo location preferences for photos in Google+. 

quote Views:

Photos with location info that you made public on Views, Google Maps or Google+ appear below. Photos on Google Maps are marked.

The way I understand it you will be asked if you want to transfer your PA photos to Views. After a confirmation from you the photos will be transferred to G+ . All photos on G+ that are public and geolocated will , like all the others on G+ go to Views. There a part will be selected to appear in GM.

I guess that, after G+ photos has become a standalone application, this will be the same but then without G+. 

a little bit off topic, I assume that there will be a lot of work to keep the comment stream working in Views when G+photos is going to be stripped of from G+. In what way this is going to affect Panoramio, well, a huge amount of question marks.  



Kevin Childress

Mar 4, 2015, 6:57:28 AM3/4/15
Thank you, Wim, Stephen, and Herman.  

I've been waiting patiently for my Panoramio photos to magically appear on Views. I checked again yesterday and still none of my Panoramio uploads had been transferred to Views. And now I know why ... I never made it a habit to include geo-location into my metadata.  The same goes for uploads to G+. As a matter of fact, I don't even geo-locate my G+ uploads because "that's what Panoramio was for".  And I've only uploaded one photo to Views as a test to see what would happen with it. 

It feels like I am being systematically eliminated from Google Maps and Google Earth photo layers.  How sad for me.  Feels like a nice little kick in the head.

Thanks again, gentlemen.



Mar 4, 2015, 7:15:25 AM3/4/15
Any transfer from PA photos to Views is still in the future.

Our photos are rarely found in GM,  Most of your views are still coming from GE, The selected ones should all show in GE in some way.

Kevin Childress

Mar 4, 2015, 8:03:57 AM3/4/15
hvbemmel wrote:
Any transfer from PA photos to Views is still in the future.

Herman,  sorry if I'm missing the obvious, but what is "PA photos"? 


Mar 4, 2015, 9:32:37 AM3/4/15
We are lazy people :-) so we do use abbreviations for words we use a lot, ( but we explained them in the FAQ) So we say GE for Google Earth, GM for Google Maps, PA for Panoramio.

So at the moment no Panoramio photos have been transferred to Views by Google. This will happen, according to Google, when the Views environment is ready to suit the Panoramio users needs. 
Some time ago (more then a year) it was possible for users to transfer photos to Google+, but this feature doesn´t work anymore. These transfers don´t hold all titles and no positioning if this is not in the EXIF  
So again, no photos from Panoramio are in views unless you´ve put them there yourself.   

The transfer from PA to Views Will be done by Google after your permission and should include Geodata and title as they are in PA. There will not be a transfer from comments and captions. Be aware that this info is from September 2014, since then we don´t know who is responsible for PA and have not had any communication with Google, despite that we tried. All team data has been deleted from PA, we only have contact with two engineers and someone who can overrule the review / delete abusive accounts  

Roger Powell

Mar 30, 2015, 8:42:10 AM3/30/15
Clearly we are still waiting for Google to introduce their Panoramio to Views Transfer Tool.

In the meantime I have been experimenting with Views for the last six months and I have been trying to explore the strange relationship between Google Maps Views and Google Plus. I have not seen any formal Google article explaining this relationship.

Google+ has albums and Views does not. When I posted images in one of my albums in Google+ and geolocated them, I found that that they eventually tranferred automatically from G+ to Views - an uncomplicated but slow process which sometimes took several days to complete!

Dissatisfied with this long delay, I tried posting photos directly to Views instead - and this is where things started to really muck up. 

Although I found that the images automatically copied fairly quickly from Views to Google+, the downside was that, when this happened, the images appeared in an unwanted, newly created G+ album called "Images from Posts" and a subsequent move to the desired album was not permitted!

Exasperated, when I later copied them to the G+ album of my choice and deleted the original, they retained their title and all other details - but the view count reset to zero! 

Worse still, when I did this, G+ then sensed a new image had been uploaded and proceeded to send yet another copy of it back up the pipeline to Views (which already had one); and so I ended up with two copies of the same images in Views!  

The moral of this story is to only post images in G+ but not directly to Views.

So when the much heralded Panoramio to Views Transfer Tool becomes available, I hope that we are given an option to transfer them to Views via G+ - otherwise the whole procedure will become an Almighty Mess!


© Tom Cooper not going to Views

Mar 30, 2015, 9:05:24 AM3/30/15
I seem to recall being told not to upload to both Panoramio and G+ as when the Panoramio photos were transfered to Views, it would create duplicates.  I don't think this duplication is related.  But I suspect, if it ever happens, that the transfer tool is going to make a huge mess.

Wim Constant

Mar 30, 2015, 6:53:39 PM3/30/15
Hi, Tom,

"A huge mess".
Made by Google?
Impossible! How can you say that?
I've never experienced anything messy at Google.
Well .... apart from Panoramio, that is.
And a few other programs and experiments.
And .... and ....
But the rest of Google is impeccable most of the time!

Op maandag 30 maart 2015 15:05:24 UTC+2 schreef © Tom Cooper not going to Views:

Hans Sterkendries

Mar 31, 2015, 5:14:42 PM3/31/15
Actually I'm pretty sure there will never be a transfer tool.

Why waste money and energy on a few million pictures when you hold the key to a powerful platform such as Google Maps? 

Eventually those dumb-ass users will all start over again anyway...

Op dinsdag 31 maart 2015 00:53:39 UTC+2 schreef Wim Constant:

© Tom Cooper not going to Views

Mar 31, 2015, 9:47:34 PM3/31/15
There's nobody at Google that remembers anything about a transfer tool anyway.

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