Visiting and Recording your location's Antipodean spot on Planet Earth

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Aug 6, 2014, 6:30:45 AM8/6/14
In April 2013, I was fortunate to be in the position of visiting the exact antipodal location of my home in Auckland, New Zealand. In Auckland, we are one  the few city in the world that actual have a land-based antipodal location on Planet earth - In fact most of New Zealand "surfaces" in Spain and Morocco. So many countries including all of Nth America, have their antipode oceans on their other side of the planet. 
My home location was carefully plotted to the City of Olvera in Spain's Andalusia region. I was able to pinpoint the exact point, where should I dig a hole, some 12715 kms  through the Earth's core I would surface in my backyard in Auckland. At this point I was as far from Home as it was possible to be on Planet Earth, which ever way i turned home was over 20,000Kms away from home.
I made a short video of this escapade should you be interested -

I would be love to hear from others who can share similar experiences.

In fact, I think it would be a valuable enhancement to Google Earth, if the software gurus could design a split screen arrangement that would enable users to track to see exactly what/who is on the other our planet from any given spot - for many unfortunately you would end up in the middle of an ocean, but for other - well who knows - we were sure lucky to have the people of Olvera living "under" here in Auckland NZ.

what are your thoughts ??

© Tom Cooper

Aug 6, 2014, 1:40:29 PM8/6/14
For Me, assuming I did the calculations right, I end up in the southern Indian Ocean, about 2/3 of the way from Perth to an island identified on GE as "French Southern and Antarctic Lands"


Daniela Brocca

Aug 6, 2014, 4:20:51 PM8/6/14

I've found this

It seems  Italy  has the antipods in the Southern Pacific Ocean, not very interesting.I always tought it was in New Zealand.


Aug 7, 2014, 1:32:42 PM8/7/14
Interesting site, thanks. So I found that Sumatra opposes Ecuador and Columbia. And, no surprise, Greenand's antipode is in the Antarctica. The same for the northern islands of Canada.

But as almost half of the world is covered by the Pacific Ocean, there is a very small chance not to land on water. Maybe this is the main reason why never a tunnel through the core was built :-)

© Tom Cooper

Aug 8, 2014, 12:12:11 AM8/8/14
It looks like I did the calculations right ;)


Tomas K☼h☼ut

Aug 22, 2014, 9:43:14 AM8/22/14
Interesting story...

For me, real "antipode point" is in the ocean too (Prague, CZ -> South Pacific).
Nearest land are Chatham Islands, which belongs to New Zealand. And I am very glad I had a chance to make independent exploring of this distant and wonderful "kiwi country" - almost 4 months of independent bicycle touring covering area  around NZ from Auckland to Invercargill. Best travel experience of my life...

As of "find my antipode land" function in GE - I think it is not needed. This function will not be used frequently and you can help yourself...
In GE you can see coordinates of selected cursor position. Calculation of antipode point is not difficult:
e.g. change sign of latitude and subtract longitude from 180°
than you can enter calculated coordinates into GE search box and fly to location.


Aug 22, 2014, 7:44:12 PM8/22/14
Thanks Daniela - this is a very good tool - wish I had found it ealier when putting video together.


Aug 22, 2014, 7:44:22 PM8/22/14
Gtgs Tomas- and yes agree with your comments- the only advantage Google could offer would be being able to simultaneously scroll and track. This would have helped when making video as had to use the formula you mentioned each time i wanted to find location. I agree use would be limited as there are only 23 cities in the world with Antipodal cities ! The site Daniela suggested is excellent also - virtually scrolls.
Congrats on your Cycling experiences around NZ. We have recently purchased a couple of bikes and planning a group tour of the Otago Rail trail in April. Have travelled most of our country, but not pedal-driven. Something every Kiwi should do before their big OE - sure makes you appreciate what we are so lucky to have downunder - so much beauty in such a small country !


Tomas K☼h☼ut

Aug 23, 2014, 11:18:43 AM8/23/14

On Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:44:22 AM UTC+2, Richard-NZ wrote:
I agree use would be limited as there are only 23 cities in the world with Antipodal cities !

Interesting, I did not know this...
Congrats on your Cycling experiences around NZ. We have recently purchased a couple of bikes and planning a group tour of the Otago Rail trail in April. Have travelled most of our country, but not pedal-driven. Something every Kiwi should do before their big OE - sure makes you appreciate what we are so lucky to have downunder - so much beauty in such a small country !

Thanks Richard! 
I know Otago Rail is recommended cycle trail, good idea. However, I did not make this one - I was on the roads from Oamaru to Dunedin and Invercargill mostly along the ocean. Next time. ;-)
Trouble with NZ is - after visiting this country, you can hardly find anything comparable. And many thanks to local kiwies - NZ people are great!
Best wishes to you and your country!
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