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May 21, 2013, 7:57:09 PM5/21/13
to Unknown
Hello fellow photoshoppers/photographers!

Snapcious, a new photo-sharing app for iOS, has just launched in the App Store for you to try out! It's a free app for photographers who see the world in an interesting light, just as all of you do: 

We're a young, completely self-funded startup, so we wanted to share this with all of you and would love to get feedback as early good reviews are vital to our survival! Let us know what you think, and we'll be working really hard to fix the next build.

If you love Snapcious, we hope you'll give it a 4 or 5-star review in the App Store. And if not, we hope you'll tell us here instead. We want to make this app into something you'll love using every day. Let us know what you think - we really do want to hear from you!


Cherise Osaki
F.8 Interactive
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