Voting Machine Contest (VMC): Comments

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Apr 20, 2014, 9:09:58 AM4/20/14
Hi everybody
For the NPC series of games, how many of you would prefer not to have to cut and paste entries and votes, and ensure the correct <tags> in the post.

How many others would come back to the games if they did not have to use the new forum, or need to have a google account.

Let me announce the VMC. The name? well it is hosted on the VM site, and relies on the VM software for voting.

Visit the VM site home page, and note the location of the following, that will be discussed below.
At the bottom, the large VMC link, with "Your Entry" beside it, and via the top menu, the links for "Register""Login", and "Contests Central".
You can click the main VMC link, and it will include the latest entries.
You will have to wait until later to see how easy submitting your vote will be, but there is no copy and paste.
Back on the VM site home page, now click the "Your Entry" link, to see the photo entry form.
There is no input for user Id, and the entry# is generated automatically, which prevents duplicate numbering.
To Enter your own photo, you will need to Register, wait for a temporary password by PM, and then login.
The form has a button for seeing Contest Details, and the menu has links to Help, Rules, and a Guide for the MM.
Now click the Contest Details button at the bottom. This shows the data that the MM enters, and changes, to control the contest.

From the home page, click the "Contests Central" link, and click the [E], under Review E | V | R.
These links let you see the entries, votes and results, but only the MM can edit and submit any changes.
Here, the MM has better direct control over approving the entries, and until approved, they have a neutral blue frame in the VM,
as guidance to people who have not yet entered.
I hope you will now decide to click the Register link, so that you can take part, and that the idea of moderating is less daunting.
For the contestant:
Still use a form like the MEP to submit your entry, but it is stored on the VM site, you do not paste it to the forum.
Still use the VM for voting, again your vote is stored on the VM site, not pasted to the forum.
Use the entry phase VM to view the photos, because there is no forum thread.
The results will be available on the VM site, something like this, (needing the addition of the full list).
So is there any great change from how you participate in the game, other than making it easier?
The game rules are the same, it is still restricted to Panoramio members, and uses the photos uploaded there.
For the MM:
You create a new topic on the VM site, instead of in the forum. Filling in a form with the details that you would otherwise edit in a template for the forum post.
New entries appear in the VM immediately, shown with an neutral blue frame until approved by the MM.
You confirm each photo as on or off topic, to change how they appear in the entry phase VM, this avoids the undesirable trend when others follow the lead of an earlier off-topic entry.
No errors with the format of the post to be dealt with, either by sending a direct PM, or a request to the forum moderator.
Instead of posts in the forum for close of entry, and close of voting, you set the phase on the VM site to make the change.
For the counting and results, you do not need Excel and the Toolkit, nor the help of someone who does.
The counting is done on the VM site, where the results can be viewed, not posted to the forum.
For the Forum moderator:
No posts to check or edit.
No duplicate entry numbers, because the system will assign the next available.
No VM to upload.
For the VM site administrator:
No need to add the contest details from the forum, to a table on the VM site, which was then available to download to the Toolkit.
Updating the contest table, for the different phases of the contest, can be done by the MM.
No need to edit the contest table with the link for the Top Ten post.
No need to upload a results version of the VM.
Primary issues:
You will have to register at the VM site as a contestant or a moderator, and you will have to use the VM to vote.
Registration needs a login name and password, and the only details needed will be Panoramio user name and account number, no personal email address (or mobile phone) required.
Contact will be via the Panoramio PM, so this must be turned on.
Logging in will only be required to submit your entry or vote, or to edit them.
Just viewing the photos in the VM willl not require logging in, and therefore open to all, even non-Panoramio members.
It is essentially the same contest as far as entrant and voters are concerned.
Easier for MM who can be more in control without needing Excel and Toolkit.
Less work for forum moderators, not fixing minor mistakes.
Will it attract players back who left due to the new forum?
A few answers:
Still use the forum for the contest comments.
No email notification when new entries or votes are submitted, except to the MM if a personal email address is provided.
The voting could be secret until the close of voting, if we want to try it.
No need to register again, if already authorised as a moderator.
You can register more than one Panoramio account, (and obey the rules for multiple accounts).
Regards, Rob


Apr 27, 2012, 6:35:44 AM4/27/12
Thank you very much for the 22 entries so far.
The entry phase is open until the end of the month, and it would be great if we can double that figure.
To that end, may I request that you each contact a friend and persuade them to register and submit a photo,
particularly if you know they have ceased participation in the forum.
As a simple introduction, instead of the long post above, here are the basics.
The Entry form only needs Title and Photo Id

The Registration form requires minimal details

Link to the VM Site

Best wishes, Rob


May 1, 2012, 6:10:23 AM5/1/12
I have just had a hard task getting my selection down to 5.

Let me know your thoughts on counting the "orange" selected photos as half votes.

It is already a feature of the VMC, that as well as saving your "green" votes, it saves the orange and red too.

This was more with the idea of allowing you to come back later to finish voting, rather than actually changing your vote.
You can open the VM again, and your existing vote is used to set the colours, (provided you login).

So, with this in mind, may I suggest that as well as your 5 green votes, you also choose a maximum of 5 orange.

This is a compromise to the more complicated idea, that instead of having 5 votes, you have a total of 50 points. So you could give 5 photos, 10 points each, or by spreading the points out a little, you can give other photos some points, instead of the problem of deciding which ones you have to totally exclude.

Basic question, does it only work if everyone selects 5 green, and 5 orange.


May 2, 2012, 8:45:11 AM5/2/12
As a couple of you have asked about viewing the votes, let me explain here.

From Contests Central, under the Review column, for the VMC, you can click the [V], you can see who has voted, whether they are an entrant or not, but not what their votes were.
[Update - see 02May2012 below]

The MM can see the votes, and >99% of the time, should be able to approve the vote as valid. It is better to have the 'exclusion' feature available, than find a need for it in a hurry later.
(Ok, so I was having too much fun programming).

It is not your usual secret voting ballot, because when the votes have been counted, you will be able to see a list of names of who voted for each photo.
There will be an [R] for results, (next to the [E] and [V]), and the table will show the rank and scores, with buttons for viewing the photos.

It is different from the way the voting works in the forum, and you might miss the excitement of seeing who is in the lead.
This was limited to those who could use the tools to check on the progress, and also there is a concern about how much the voting is affected by knowing how others have voted.
So we give it a try, and see how it works, and how it is liked.

[02May2012] Links for viewing the Entries, Votes, and Results, in tables, are now also beside the main VMC link on the home page (login required).


May 3, 2012, 1:38:36 PM5/3/12
The affect of the extra half votes, for the "second choice" orange selection.
Based on real votes so far, names replaced by letters.
K and M did get four extra half votes, indicating that they were liked more than I,J,L.
So it seems right to me, that they should be nearer the top.
G might be unhappy with the new scoring system, although still received 3 votes.

A   8   B   8.5

B   8   A   8

C   6   C   7

D   4   D   4.5

E   4   E   4.5

F   3   F   4

G   3   K   4

H   3   M   4

I   2   H   4

J   2   I   3.5

K   2   J   3.5

L   2   G   3

M   2   U   3

N   2   L   2.5

O   2   O   2.5

P   1   P   2

Q   1   Q   2

R   1   R   2

S   1   N   2

T   1   T   1.5

U   1   V   1.5

V   1   W   1

W   0   S   1

X   0   X   0.5

Y   0   Z   0.5

Z   0   ZZ   0.5

Y   0


May 7, 2012, 2:46:57 PM5/7/12
There are various reasons for not voting.
Different people have different feelings about how bad the behaviour is,
and the level of punishment that is appropriate.

I think it is particularly unsettling when the non-voter is in the top ten.

So in the VMC I propose that an entrant loses 1 vote, if they do not vote.
Hopefully this is an incentive, and better than the idea of excluding someone from the results,
after their photo has been looked at and voted on.

Some people might decide not to enter a contest, when they know they will be on holiday, and feel they should vote.
Now they have the option to enter, and accept the small penalty.

So, I hope this will keep most of you happy, most of the time.

Too late to be revising the rules?
As this contest is under development, it seems sense to try out a new idea on the first run.
And reminders to vote were sent on Saturday morning.

C. Johnston

May 7, 2012, 9:47:49 PM5/7/12
I don't know if I like the idea of the half vote.  When I vote, I first choose all the photos that stand out to me and usually it ends up being more then the allowed votes.  Then I go through the ones that I have chosen, and I "weed out" the ones that are less liked then the final ones. 
With the 'half vote' theory, I would keep those yellow ones in as half votes.  That does not mean that they are more popular then the means that I had to leave them in for a half vote.  So there might be a lot of people that like them for half votes...but they still like the finals better.  I don't think that a photo with more half votes should surpass a full vote photo.  
I don't know if I have made myself clear...
In conclusion......I don't care for the half vote option.  


May 8, 2012, 2:39:28 AM5/8/12
Rob I have not understood correct, but in the vote 5 whole votes and 5 must be given to half? I am not sorry the idea, but I would like to understand as it does him in correct way hi good day bruno


May 8, 2012, 4:01:10 AM5/8/12
First, I am thankful that I not talking to myself in this thread, while I can see that it has had a good many views.

In an earlier post on 1 May, I did write, "Basic question, does it only work if everyone selects 5 green, and 5 orange."

As it is not compulsory in the other contests to use all your standard votes, and it is only the mimumum of 5 votes rule that is enforced,
I think it best to apply the same for the VMC.

This extract from the current VMC rules:
3c) maximum number of votes: 10% of total valid entries, rounded up,
3d) minimum number of votes: 5 no matter how many entries,
3e) you may include upto 5 second choice photos to receive a half vote each, by using the orange "Maybe" button,

4a) Automated counting where 1 vote is counted for each of the photographs selected by the voter,
   and a half vote for each of the second choice photos selected with the orange "Maybe" button,
   1 vote is deducted for any entrants who did not vote, for whatever reason,

So, thank you Bruno, your recent vote is acceptable.
For the interest of future MM, the approval of votes is realy done by the VM, it only allows valid votes, it prevents self vote, double vote, too few, too many.

Cathy, I think you explain the situation very well, and it was the one that I was addressing, the weeding out that can be difficult.
You say, "So there might be a lot of people that like them for half votes...but they still like the finals better.  I don't think that a photo with more half votes should surpass a full vote photo."

This seems to be the debating point, do the extra half votes give a better indication of how well a photo is liked, or is it unfair.
Instead of the situation where a voter likes two photos equally, but cannot include both, and one of them gets 1 vote, the other gets 0.

My view is that the better liked photos will still come out ahead of others, and for some people the voting selection is made easier.
It is a compromise that allows some extra votes, but without increasing the 10% rule.

And finally, any of you who did include all 5 orange votes, which was my indication at the time, you can change you votes, without knowing how it affects the results, or anybody else being aware of your changes.

Daniela Brocca

May 8, 2012, 7:24:37 AM5/8/12
I love the half vote. Sometimes you really have difficulty in choosing 5 photos and let the others be. That way at least you  have the possibility to choose some more, even if not with whole vote. And for someone half vote, or 2 half vote that makes 1 vote is a joy, better than 0 .


May 8, 2012, 12:48:04 PM5/8/12
What I would like to understand is if I can give 5 whole votes and 5 half votes, that would be 10 or they are 5 total


May 8, 2012, 1:19:29 PM5/8/12
I do see that I can improve the wording of the rules, to:
3c) maximum number of full (green) votes: 10% of total valid entries, rounded up,
3d) minimum number of full (green) votes: 5, no matter how many entries,
3e) number of second choice (orange) votes: 0 to 5, in addition to the green votes,

Daniela Brocca

May 8, 2012, 4:49:18 PM5/8/12
Bruno, the orange votes are half votes. 0,5. Five half votes make 2,5 votes.  5 whole votes and 5 half votes, would be 7,5 votes.


May 9, 2012, 3:08:02 AM5/9/12
You Daniela, wants only to know if 5 votes can be given, these have to correspond to 5 total among means and whole? hi good day  bruno

Daniela Brocca

May 9, 2012, 7:31:57 AM5/9/12
No,Bruno,  you have to give 5 green votes, and some, 2, 3 or all 5 orange if you want. I always have some votes more that  I cannot give. I'm very happy that in this game I can do it, even if it's only half per photo.


May 9, 2012, 9:14:42 AM5/9/12
Ok thanks I hope to have understood well hi bruno


May 9, 2012, 3:36:06 PM5/9/12
In an hour and half, the results will be available at the VM site.
Without needing to login, ie available to everyone, the main "VMC" link on the home page, will show the ranked photos.

At Contests Central, in addition to a "VM" link, which does the same, there will be a "TT" link for the Top Ten.

To see the detailed results table, you will need to login, to find the "[R]" link at Contests Central under the Review column,
or the "Results" link on the home page beside the "VMC" link.
While the Results form shows who the votes came from, you can use the "[V]" or "Voting" links, to see how people voted, which was secret before.


May 9, 2012, 5:39:37 PM5/9/12
Hi, Rob! Thanks for your message...I am the winner....ok....but I am not sure to be able enough to manage VM for new contest.....probably.....surely ...I will need some help!!!



May 9, 2012, 6:04:45 PM5/9/12
you compliment lalla, I don't know whether to go to see the vote, : - ( hi bruno

Daniela Brocca

May 9, 2012, 6:09:50 PM5/9/12
Bruno, login and go to Results, in the Voting Machines, in the VMC, or go to votes to see the votes.


May 9, 2012, 6:34:50 PM5/9/12
Rob, compliments, a great job, has to get used me to the new way, beautiful the gallery of the tops ten hi bruno


May 9, 2012, 6:35:59 PM5/9/12


May 10, 2012, 11:57:36 AM5/10/12
Dear friends of VMC, I am Lalla - effeelle
The new theme  of contest  will be GENTLE CURVES OF THE HILLS in any season, any weather, with or without villages.

off topic: The mountains: the hills are high max 800 m! - The detailed scenes, where there are no obvious curves of the hills!

good job!




May 15, 2012, 11:29:48 AM5/15/12

Sorry, but this is not a good beginning of a contest!


New tread needs to be started, with subject and name VMC1 clearly stated in the subject title!

Rules and help needs to be repeated in the body of the first post!


I have a problem with the subject too. Very limited, especially for new contest!

This tread needs to be reserved for discussion! 

Daniela Brocca

May 15, 2012, 12:10:43 PM5/15/12
In the contest Central go to the Go in the VMC.. There you will find all the data and the subject, Tom


May 15, 2012, 1:40:34 PM5/15/12
I am the first person to moderate this game after Rob and I didn't know understand that you should open a new tread on the forum for a new competition. I spoke with Daniela of things to organize for the new game and has not hinted at a new tread! You could create an ad, however, to advertise the contest every month! Each new competition could be announced by a message on the forum.



franco benf

May 16, 2012, 3:55:22 AM5/16/12
It is possible to change the photo title ?

it not  is nice to go on the picture and see that it is not the same (patience for the number)
but at least the title (confusing)

greeting  franco

Daniela Brocca

May 16, 2012, 4:39:50 AM5/16/12
Franco you have no photo in the game yet, what do you mean?  When you are logged in and click on My entry you may be able to edit your title,and even change your photo before voting time.

franco benf

May 16, 2012, 5:24:13 AM5/16/12
I wonder why the photos uploaded in the game VMC do not have the same title as charged on Panoramio

you can change the title? (Regulation)

Title dobrebbe be part of the original picture?
not nice to open a picture and see a different title

This is my idea is not a problem

Daniela Brocca

May 16, 2012, 6:16:01 AM5/16/12
In all the games  you can have  a title in the Pano gallery and change it in the game, to have it more suitable for the game or may be translated, when you want to have it in English.
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Message has been deleted


May 22, 2012, 8:45:29 PM5/22/12
Please forgive me.  I'm so sorry but I have accidentally entered in 2012 May VMC using my jean~ge account.  My entry  photo is in account of jgevans.  

Do I need to change it?  ... Entry #17.

How do I change it?  I tried but was unable to delete my entry.  If I had been able to delete it, I would have tried to sign in again as jgevans and enter it again. 


May 23, 2012, 5:53:31 AM5/23/12
When the voting machine uses the API for the full screen image, it will only work if the user id is correct for the photo id.

So this is an important issue for people with more than one account.
They have to register another account on the VM site, with a different login.

I have gone direct to the table data to make the changes for Jean.
To not allow the deletion of an entry, is a deliberate design feature, certainly not after voting has started.
The less tidy solution could have been for the MM to have excluded #17 from the contest, and then a new entry with the same photo, using a new account would have been allowed.


May 23, 2012, 9:00:18 AM5/23/12
Thank you, Rob!  I really appreciate your help!   Thank you for setting up my second account.  

Daniela Brocca

Jun 5, 2012, 11:28:44 AM6/5/12
There is a problem in the counting, some participants have the right score, other not. I cannot find any error. I thought it was because 2 people had voted before the date , but excluding them  did not change the errors. Sometimes the error seems in the green votes, sometimes in the orange ones.

 As Rob is away in Sudan until the middle of the month we will have to wait to have the Top Ten. I wrote him, but I don't think he can connect. Or maybe he does not try.

But maybe someone can find the error and tell us ;-)

Daniela Brocca

Jun 8, 2012, 8:42:14 AM6/8/12
Another error.  remarked  by  Luciano 54. vote. He gave 5 votes but 6 are counted. The VM counts non giving orange votes (half votes) as undefined and count  the word as a name and  vote.

Lalla thinks to count the votes manually and give the result here in the forum. We will then need Rob to look after the errors.

But at least we will know the winner and prepare for next game.


Jun 10, 2012, 4:19:07 PM6/10/12
Hi everybody! I arranged the ranking with the Simple Counter adding later the half votes. The  final ranking of May VMC is:

Photo        Score

7               15  -  Winner:    nasanton

12             14,5  -  second place :      Rob Stamp

1               11   -   third place  :  effeelle     

22             10,5   -  fourth place :   Mario Gestri  

4                8     -    fifth place  :  Luciano     

9               7,5    -   sixth place  :   Carlo Tosti

17             7      -   seventh place  :    jgevans

14             6,5   -   eighth place:   brunosma

10             4,5   -   ninth place  :  Oliviero Masseroli

11             4,5   -   ninth place  :    Rossano Nana

We still wait Rob to investigate which problem has occurred to VM ..... or to MM!



Jun 10, 2012, 2:25:58 PM6/10/12

Dear friends

I am happy and proud to be the second winner of this contest, even though the number of participants is still limited. Thank you all who participated. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the votes which helped me achieve this honour.

At lalla, many thanks for his work as MM.

If ROB confirm the ranking i accept with pleasure to moderate the VMC of June.

I ask you from now the help of Rob and Daniela, because I have serious problems using the Toolkit: i use a Mac and Excel macro do not work.

As for the theme of the next contest. Give me a few days to decide

See you soon.

Pier Luigi


Jun 11, 2012, 5:13:23 PM6/11/12

Hi everybody my name is Pier Luigi (nasanton). I am the moderator of this month's Voting Machine Contest (VMC). 

Subject: Markets and shops

Details and hints:

Markets are places where people rally every day for exchanging goods.  They can be outdoors or indoors and in images of the doors. Very sophisticated facilities like Malls or simple squares where the people bring their products for selling or exchanging them.  In the markets there are many opportunities for interesting photos: Buildings with attractive structures and shapes, people in action both sellers and buyers, and all kind of goods that are a source of colors and composition.


Jun 14, 2012, 4:22:23 PM6/14/12

Congratulations Pier, and while I am pleased with all the votes I received,  I am also thankful I avoided a win, and am happy that someone else can, hopefully, enjoy moderating with the new system.

The apparent errors in the counting you saw are due to the subtraction of one vote for each of 4 entrants who did not vote, including myself, ie the automatic counting is correct. (A minus result is amended to zero)

I have identified the cause for Luciano’s indicated 6 votes, which did not affect the count, and which I have manually corrected direct in the database, because it is not a system requirement that such edits should ever need to be made.

If you have previously saved your vote, and then open the VM again, it will reload your previous vote.

If you make a change, and click the save button, it will be correctly stored.

If you make no changes and close the VM, it will remain ok.

But if you made no changes, yet then did click the save button, this was when the bad data was stored, adding a space in front, and a comma at the end. It is the area of code I can look for, and change, to prevent the problem in future.

Note my illegal, and excluded, vote that shows the consistent operation of this bug, when the “open VM” and “save vote”, steps are repeated.

San Isidro

Jun 18, 2012, 12:16:27 AM6/18/12
Hello...I was wondering how you enter the VMC...and where can I see the photos from last month's VMC?


Jun 18, 2012, 2:11:12 AM6/18/12
Hello San Isidro, primary issues:
You will have to register at the VM site as a contestant or a moderator, and you will have to use the VM to vote.
Registration needs a login name and password, and the only details needed will be Panoramio user name and account number, no personal email address (or mobile phone) required.
Contact will be via the Panoramio PM, so this must be turned on.
Logging in will only be required to submit your entry or vote, or to edit them.
Just viewing the photos in the VM willl not require logging in, and therefore open to all, even non-Panoramio members.
A friendly greeting, Pier Luigi


Jun 18, 2012, 3:09:06 AM6/18/12
Thanks Pier
For PAST contests, not just the VMC, but any of the others, go to Contests Central from the VM site home page
To change from the initially shown "current" contests, select or input to one or more of the boxes in "Contest search", and click "Find".
Then use the "VM" and "TT" links under the "Results" column to view photos.
For the VMC, instead of going to posts in the forum, use the "[R]" link for the table of Results, and the "[V]" link to see how people Voted.
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San Isidro

Jun 19, 2012, 10:21:26 PM6/19/12
Thank you Pier Luigi!

Daniela Brocca

Jun 27, 2012, 2:28:38 PM6/27/12
We hope some other user will participate in the monthly Voting Machine Contest.  Market and shops

VM site home page

Join the game , we are waiting for you


Jun 29, 2012, 6:36:02 AM6/29/12
Watching the voting can be an interesting aspect of the game, and perhaps the secret voting makes for a boring phase of the game.

Idea: You will be allowed to see the votes, and current scores, but only AFTER you have voted.

However, to be allowed to do this, you will have to agree that your vote is frozen, and that you will not be allowed to change it.

I realise the opportunity for someone who has voted, to reveal the information to another, so you should refrain from even friendly comments like, "Good luck, it looks like you have a healthy lead".

What do you think?


Jun 30, 2012, 2:41:43 AM6/30/12
Dear friends, missing few hour the closing of VMC June.
those wishing to participate are asked to post the photos within 24 hours, time zone of Rome, today.
Greetings  Pier Luigi


Jun 30, 2012, 6:09:54 PM6/30/12



Panoramio users  are invited to CAST A VOTE!

From here on, only the votes are expected until the 23:59 10th July, Rome time.


This extract from the current VMC rules:

3c) maximum number of votes: 10% of total valid entries, rounded up,

3d) minimum number of votes: 5 no matter how many entries,

3e) you may include upto 5 second choice photos to receive a half vote each, by using the orange "Maybe" button,


4a) Automated counting where 1 vote is counted for each of the photographs selected by the voter,

   and a half vote for each of the second choice photos selected with the orange "Maybe" button,

   1 vote is deducted for any entrants who did not vote, for whatever reason.


you must vote 5 photos of first choice

and also possible but not obligatory, vote 5 photos of second choice.


Good luck everyone :-)


Jul 9, 2012, 5:56:14 PM7/9/12
The deadline for voting expire at 23:59 of  9th july, Rome Time

I apologize for the error in the last post.


Jul 9, 2012, 6:10:51 PM7/9/12

* * * VMC June 2012 - VOTING PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED * * * 


Aug 9, 2012, 9:19:20 AM8/9/12

VMC 2012 June Results

The Winner is

 # 09 - Vitamins and Colors - Vitamine a colori

  #11 - El Mercado de Sucre - Bolivia   by - Dottor Topy    voti   19,5


#11 - El Mercado de Sucre - Bolivia  

Dottor Topy

votes  19,5

2°  place

#13 - One Man Shop – Hats


votes  15

3°  place

#20 - market place_olives   


votes  13

4°  place

#2 - il mercato di Port Victoria - Seychelles


votes 12,5

5°  place

#5 - The rainy season in Bangladesh - Market in Dhaka

Oliviero Masseroli

votes   11

6°  place

#9 - Market at Nobding

♠ c0l0gne1

votes  9,5

7°  place

#12 - Market Tha Ley, Inle Lake, Myanmar


votes  8

8°  place

#10 - 'A box of macaroons Traverso, Sandra!'- 'Oh .... Thanks Grandma! The macaroons, j'adore!'


votes  7,5

8°  place

#16 - Negotiation ... con il caldarrostaro

Carlo Tosti

votes  7,5

10°  place

#6 - London: Portobello Road


votes  7


Jul 10, 2012, 2:18:43 AM7/10/12

Dear VMC panoramio adicts:

It has been a great pleasure to moderate this month contest. It has been a very smooth and easy to moderate

Congratulations to Dottor Topy , to the Top Ten and to all who participated in this VMC.

Thank you all of you for your participation with the great pictures and votes.

I am grateful Rob that designed the program that allowed an easy and fun moderation of this VMC

Warm regards Pier Luigi

Dottor Topy

Jul 11, 2012, 5:53:28 AM7/11/12
Ciao a tutti !!  First of all  I would like to thank those who have enjoyed my picture. Special thanks to Pier Luigi  who invited me to participate. I am ready to be moderator for the next VMC  but I will be away for vacation from July 21 to August 2 . So  if someone can take my place in this period I could  moderate. But  If anyone likes to be moderator  in my place, no problems and I could help him when I come back from holiday. Daniela and Rob you choose what may be the best solution. Happy holidays to all !!  Mauro

Dottor Topy

Jul 12, 2012, 5:18:40 AM7/12/12

Hi everybody my name is Mauro ( Dottor Topy ). I am the moderator of this month's Voting Machine Contest (VMC). 

Subject: Animals' world

II think that everybody has photos about animals,often they are our best friends. A photo of any animal will be considered on topic,but I would appreciate seeing animals in their natural environment,so it would be better to avoid photos of zoo animals in cages. Also it will be better if the reason for taking the photo was because of the animal and not an accidental inclusion in the frame. No photos of dead animals are allowed.So..... I'm waiting for you !!! Ciao a tutti - Mauro

franco benf

Aug 2, 2012, 5:11:47 AM8/2/12
Hello Rob

  I have trouble voting in VMC ...  can depend on me?

a greeting

Daniela Brocca

Aug 2, 2012, 3:22:28 PM8/2/12
Now is fixed

franco benf

Aug 2, 2012, 5:24:19 PM8/2/12
I see who voted ..... but I cannot log in voting ... patience


Aug 2, 2012, 5:43:32 PM8/2/12
So you are logged in at the VM site. When you open the VMC voting machine, it will show your name at top right.

You are still logged in, so select the photos, and click the Save button, (instead of the red post button that you would for other contests).

Only if you open the VM without logging in first, will you have the option of a Login button on the VM, which will not be showing your name.

©franco benf

Aug 2, 2012, 6:27:28 PM8/2/12
Ok Rob

My problem is, the machine VM-Central (votes) - no I am not clear, but I thought I (votes) to go to vote

ok now .... but I think it is too difficult when you do not know very well the operation (red button is nice for me to watch), but it's not a problem

simple things are sometimes hard - thank you -

greetings franco

Dottor Topy

Aug 4, 2012, 3:39:18 PM8/4/12
Hi Everybody !! Ciao Rob and Daniela !! Sorry for the delay but I had many problems with  internet connection of my home pc until now. I hope that I've resolved it at last and definitively, and I can do my "moderator job" .I remind that  : deadline for voting expire at 23:59 of  9th August, Rome Time. Ciao patient with me!!!Ciao Everybody

Dottor Topy

Aug 9, 2012, 5:58:36 PM8/9/12
* * * VMC July 2012 - VOTING PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED * * * 

Dottor Topy

Aug 9, 2012, 6:39:26 PM8/9/12

VMC 2012 July Results

The Winner is

                                        # 7 - Pelicans,Malibu Lagoon - by    Hubert J -  votes   12,5

2°  place 

#1 - Pas de deux

Dottor Topy

votes  11,5

3°  place

#11 - Golden mantled squirrel 

Maria Gizella Nemcsics

votes  9.5

4°  place

#2 - Scatti o non scatti 


votes  9

4°  place

#15 - Frog

Oliviero Masseroli

votes 9

6°  place

#5 - The white goslings


votes   7

7°  place

#3 - My first photo safari

m patrizia rossitto

votes  6,5

7°  place

#10 - Un giovane maschio di sparviero


votes  6.5

7°  place

#12 - Attention to those two

franco benf

votes  6,5

7°  place

#16 - This is my best side


votes  6,5

7°  place

#21 - Bathroom grashopper-Locusta Latrina

Wim Janssen

votes  6,5

Hubert J

Aug 10, 2012, 11:03:54 AM8/10/12
Thank you for all the votes, I appreciate every one and each of them! I am very happy that you liked my picture and I'm honoured to be a winner of this Contest. Also thanks to Dottor Topy for moderating!

I understand that now is my turn to be a moderator? I'm ready to moderate, and soon I will come back to you with a new theme. One problem I can see on the horizon is that I might not be able to make the announcement of the final results, because on 10 September I'll be on vacation, away from my computer. Could anyone do this for me, please? Thank you in advance.

PS. Being the monthly moderator - should I do something to start the new contest (apart from announcing a new subject on the forum)?

Daniela Brocca

Aug 10, 2012, 11:22:26 AM8/10/12
The results are in the Voting Machine. I will copy them here in the forum, no problems.

 In the Voting Machine you have to go to the Contest Central, add a new game and dates and description, copying from the one you will post here.. You can also choose the Phase,, Entry beginning from the 15th, Pre-start if you enter it before the 15th.

You can see it in the old games.

Hubert J

Aug 13, 2012, 4:43:15 AM8/13/12
Thank you Daniela for your help. I will post a new subject later today or tomorrow.

What do you think about creating a new, separate VMC Contest thread (like for other contests) instead of publishing new subject here in this one? This thread is called "VMC comments", so I suspect that there may be some people who don't read comment threads, and therefore are unaware of the existence of this contest. Let me know what do you think.

Daniela Brocca

Aug 13, 2012, 7:44:21 AM8/13/12
I think it's better to continue here, as we don't have so much posts anyway. The other games too have the  new subject in the comments..The participants should be aware of that, as it's the same in all the games.

Hubert J

Aug 14, 2012, 12:05:21 PM8/14/12

Hello I'm Hubert J, and I am the moderator of August Voting Machine Contest (VMC).

Subject: Sport

Olympic Games have just ended in London, but let's prolong them here on Panoramio. The subject of the next VMC contest will be the Sport. All the photos showing people engaged in all kind of sport activities are accepted (it may be either pro or amateur, competitive or casual, team games or individual sports, indoor or outdoor etc).

I hope that the subject is broad and easy enough, and available for everyone. I'm waiting for your entries!

To submit your entry login to VM Site:
Message has been deleted

Hubert J

Sep 6, 2012, 6:10:58 PM9/6/12
As I already signaled before - I'm starting my vacations tomorrow, so I will not be able to review any more votes and announce the results. Could someone (Daniela?) please replace me in my duties? Thanks in advance.

Daniela Brocca

Sep 7, 2012, 6:14:42 AM9/7/12
I will do it, and maybe Rob too. Rob, are you home?

©Luciano. F.

Sep 7, 2012, 8:40:36 AM9/7/12
Scusate una domanda facile:

Perchè non si può avere la traduzione in Italiano anche in questo forum?

Excuse me a simple question:

Why can not you have the translation in Italian in this forum?


Daniela Brocca

Sep 7, 2012, 8:54:49 AM9/7/12
Luciano, non è qualcosa a cui possiamo risponderti noi. (e non ha niente a che fare con l'argomento). E' una  domanda da fare nel topic dei bug..Immagino che anche in altri topic succeda.

Daniela Brocca

Sep 9, 2012, 6:37:27 PM9/9/12
You can find here the results of the August VMC

We have 2 winners, nasanton and Vallus. Congratulations!!!!


Sep 10, 2012, 2:49:33 PM9/10/12

Dear friends

I am happy and proud to have won for the second time this competition even if on a par with Vallus.

A big applause to Vallus and all other participants for the beautiful pictures.

Thank you all who participated. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the votes which helped me achieve this honour.

A Hubert, many thanks for his work as MM.

I'm ready to moderate the VMC in September;

I would leave however to Vallus this honor if he has the pleasure to do the MM

See you soon.

Pier Luigi



Sep 13, 2012, 2:06:02 AM9/13/12
Vallus not taken a decision!!!!
The moderator of the month of September will be me.
We feel tomorrow for the subject. 
You soon Pier Luigi


Sep 13, 2012, 5:07:30 PM9/13/12

Hi everybody my name is Pier Luigi (nasanton). I am the moderator of this month's Voting Machine Contest (VMC) of September.

The subject for this month is very simple:


Is enough point the camera up and shoot

Important as a good subject: the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the sky lit by stars or covered with clouds, the branches of a tree (taken from bottom up), the bell tower of your church .....

The essential is that the camera is facing up possibly without framing the ground or that the amount of ground is reduced to a minimum (only for shooting the sky with a wide angle)

Good luck to everybody and thanks again Pier Luigi


Sep 30, 2012, 6:04:35 PM9/30/12


Panoramio users  are invited to CAST A VOTE!

From here on, only the votes are expected until the 23:59 9th September, Rome time. 

This extract from the current VMC rules:

3c) maximum number of votes: 10% of total valid entries, rounded up,

3d) minimum number of votes: 5 no matter how many entries,

3e) you may include upto 5 second choice photos to receive a half vote each, by using the orange "Maybe" button, 

4a) Automated counting where 1 vote is counted for each of the photographs selected by the voter, and a half vote for each of the second choice photos selected with the orange "Maybe" button, 1 vote is deducted for any entrants who did not vote, for whatever reason. 

you must vote 5 photos of first choice

and also possible but not obligatory, vote 5 photos of second choice.

Good luck everyone :-)


Oct 8, 2012, 3:06:07 AM10/8/12
Dear friends, missing few hour the closing of VMC October.
Please note that the deadline for voting expire at 23:59 of  9th October, Rome time.
Greetings  Pier Luigi


Oct 9, 2012, 6:07:50 PM10/9/12

* * * VMC September 2012 - VOTING PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED * * * 


Oct 9, 2012, 6:40:11 PM10/9/12

VMC 2012 September Results

The Winner is 

  #27 Milano  - Ago, filo e nodo -Needle, Thread and Knot (by  Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen 2000)

  #27 - Needle, Thread and Knot - By Daniela Brocca    votes   15,5


 Needle, Thread and Knot

Daniela Brocca

votes  15,5

2°  place

Jet Trail Blazer


votes 13.5

3°  place

San Gimignano: La Torre del Diavolo dalla Cisterna


votes  12

4°  place

Backlight with... surprise


votes 10,5

4°  place

Ghiaccio bollente


votes   10.5

4°  place


Viktor Mandryka

votes  10,5

7°  place

fly free

 ©franco benf

votes  10.0

8°  place

Controluce stellare - Against stellar light


votes  8.5

8°  place

The Bridge of aspiration

by Nicchio

votes  8,5

10°  place

Mezzi di trasporto... a basso consumo

Oliviero Masseroli

votes  7.5

10°  place

Cupola della Galleria Vittorio Emanuele a Milano


votes  7.5


Oct 9, 2012, 6:51:42 PM10/9/12
Dear VMC panoramio adicts:

It has been a great pleasure to moderate this month contest. It has been a very smooth and easy to moderate

Congratulations to Daniela , to the Top Ten and to all who participated in this VMC.

Thank you all of you for your participation with the great pictures and votes.

Warm regards Pier Luigi


Oct 9, 2012, 7:04:22 PM10/9/12
Complimenti a Daniela Brocca,meritatissimo 1° posto.

Daniela Brocca

Oct 10, 2012, 8:37:26 AM10/10/12
Thank you all for your votes, I 'm really surprised to have won ;-)  As I will be away from the 12th to the 15th and if possible I will not use internet I will give the new subject tomorrow  and begin the game at the 15th in the evening. Thanks to all again. Daniela

Daniela Brocca

Oct 15, 2012, 5:22:25 PM10/15/12

Hi everybody my name is Daniela Brocca  I am the moderator of this month's Voting Machine Contest (VMC) of November.

The subject for this month is very simple:

Street lamps and lamp posts

All kind of  street lamps and lamp posts, no particular restrictions

The game will begin at he 15th in the evening,. I will be away from tomorrow morning until Monday in the evening.

Good luck to everybody , Daniela

C. Johnston

Oct 19, 2012, 9:48:48 AM10/19/12
Hi Daniela:

I always have trouble finding where to go to enter the VMC contest.  How do I find where to enter?

Thank you,

C. Johnston

Oct 19, 2012, 9:52:35 AM10/19/12
Hi Daniela:

I found it.  I found it in an earlier thread in this comments.  Now I have bookmarked the VM site home page so that I won't have any problem in the future.  

Thank you very much, 

Daniela Brocca

Oct 19, 2012, 11:15:45 AM10/19/12
I'm glad you found it, Cathy. It's were all the other games are .
Message has been deleted

Daniela Brocca

Nov 10, 2012, 2:55:30 PM11/10/12
2012 October VMC, Street lamps and lamp posts
The Winner is seventhheaven with 19.5 votes.

View Top Ten or All Photos or login at VM Site to access full details of votes and results.

For more lamp posts, there was the March 2010 CSP
Please let us know if you will be MM for the next contest, on the "your entry" form, there is a button for "MM Guide".

Thank you so much  to all who participated and  compliments to the winner  seventhheaven.


Nov 10, 2012, 3:16:20 PM11/10/12
Thank you dear participants for your photos and your votes!

Lately all panoramio contests have been a driving force that push me to try and make better pictures! I took the pic of this street lamp in front of Old City Hall of Toronto last year. It was April and still cold and very difficult to concentrate with the composition. So when Daniela announced the subject for November I knew that I need to make a better photo of this lamp.So there I was early in the morning before the lights go off and I am happy I did it.

I am ready to be the moderator for December contest.

Best Regards



Nov 12, 2012, 7:34:45 PM11/12/12

Hi everybody my name is Marian (seventhheaven) and  I am the moderator of this month's Voting Machine Contest (VMC) of December.

The subject for this month is :


All kind of  Moon phases (full,half,crescent), lunar eclipses, day or night.
Moon must be visible in the photo. 

The game will begin at he 15th.

Good luck to everybody



Nov 17, 2012, 8:12:18 AM11/17/12

Voting Machine Contest

Entry phase November 15 - November 30, 2012
Voting phase December 1 - December 9,20012

Subject : Moon

Hello Dear Panoramio Participants

You are invited to submit your best photos of Moon for this month of December Voting Machine Contest.

All kind of  Moon photos(strait from the camera or software enhanced) that show the Moon's beauty  during different phases, lunar eclipses, day or night. 

Moon (smaller or bigger) must be visible in the photo. 

Pictures of the dark side of the Moon are highly desirable!

Start looking in your files or you don't have ready one now is the moment to go out and 
make some great photos of this difficult but so inspiring object: the Moon. Go ahead
and capture the moon light casting shadows of the night.

Looking forward to see a lot of beautiful Moons!

Have fun and enjoyable Moon shooting!


Marian (seventhheaven)
December VMC moderator 


Nov 25, 2012, 9:50:33 AM11/25/12

New Statistics and Voting progress Chart features.

From the VM site go to Contests Central, new "Stats" button for simple statistics of total and average points.

From the displayed form, you can then lookup up the results for a certain player.

Also at Contests Central, select “VMC” instead of “Current” from the pull down, and click "Find".

Under the Results column, beside VM and TT there is new VC link, which opens a chart of how the voting progressed for the top ten.

If you use one of the [R] links from Contests Central, there is a "Chart" button on the Results form.

From the Home page, you can use the "Results" link when the current VMC voting closes.

If you lock your votes, you can get to the Results from the Votes form, before the voting phase closes.


Nov 30, 2012, 11:03:07 PM11/30/12


Panoramio users  are invited to CAST A VOTE!

From here on, only the votes are expected until the 23:59 9th December, Toronto time. 


Dec 8, 2012, 5:34:14 PM12/8/12
Hi Rob, doesn't know how to make lok your votes?, hi graces and good person evening bruno


Dec 9, 2012, 7:51:58 AM12/9/12
Friendly reminder:

Today 9th of December, 2012 till 23.59 Toronto time is the last chance to vote for VMC contest!

According to rules:
1 vote is deducted for any entrant who did not vote, for whatever reason

Best Regards


Dec 9, 2012, 1:50:19 PM12/9/12
Hi Bruno and all

I am sorry I messed up the Vote Locking button.


Dec 10, 2012, 5:38:34 AM12/10/12
A thanks to all the participants that have voted my photo to Mariano that has proposed a beautiful theme. And' a true surprise, that gratifies a lot me is. If I will find help to moderate I am well pleased to do, I wish You good day to all bruno
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