Monthly No Prize Contest (NPC): Comments (5/5)

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Daniela Brocca

Jul 20, 2015, 4:05:02 PM7/20/15
We can wait, I already asked Andrea Allasio yesterday.If  he doesn't send  me the results I will ask you, Rada, thank you so much.Or maybe I will try myself :-)

Il giorno lunedì 20 luglio 2015 21:56:33 UTC+2, CGabi ha scritto:
 Ok Vicktor

Daniela Brocca

Jul 20, 2015, 4:44:19 PM7/20/15
As it seems  the bug is now definitely mad. It opened a new topic after only 16 posts.

Daniela Brocca

Jul 20, 2015, 5:22:20 PM7/20/15
The Googler answered in the moderators forum that he reported the bug to the forum team.

Andrea Allasio

Jul 20, 2015, 5:38:47 PM7/20/15
I've just passed the toolkit filled in to Daniela. I believe that she will post the NPC ranking rather quickly.
The toolkit can cope with that situation, Please use it normally, filling the first form and dowload entries. Then go to votes, download votes, at this point select the first topic containing the first section of votes, select from first vote to the last of the topic, copy and go to toolkit and paste, but don't close the dialog box. Go to the second topic with the same name of the NPC, called Re: ***2015 July NPC - Lakes***   (is about 20 lines down), select all the votes in the topic, copy and then go again to the toolkit and this time press "append". Now the txt viewer file of the toolkit contains all votes and the toolkit can continue nominally.

This method works as well with the TTT.

Kind regards and good nite everybody.


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Jul 20, 2015, 6:36:13 PM7/20/15
I think that may have been exceeded storage capacity allocated to the forum and why we have so many problems. Perhaps it would be helpful if we delete the old threads to large capacity data storage. But I do not know who has the ability to erase the old threads that are no longer useful. 

And it is logic the fact notified by Andreea Allasio (99+), but old competitions were over 100 pictures submitted plus votes cast, so sometimes exceeded 200 posts.

Daniela Brocca

Jul 20, 2015, 6:46:53 PM7/20/15
We will now wait at the answer  of the Googler. If  this is the problem I can delete the old topic that are not needed any more.

Il giorno martedì 21 luglio 2015 00:36:13 UTC+2, Argenna ha scritto:
I think that may have been exceeded storage capacity allocated to the forum and why we so many problems. Perhaps it would be helpful if we delete the old threads to large capacity data storage. But I do not know who has the ability to erase the old threads that are no longer useful. 

And it is logic the fact notified by Andrea Allasio (99+), but old competitions were over 100 pictures submitted plus votes cast, so sometimes exceeded 200 posts.


Jul 20, 2015, 6:47:03 PM7/20/15
This topic was doubled too.


Jul 21, 2015, 2:05:55 PM7/21/15
That is  Daniela, we should wait the opinion of Googler . And I'm glad you can delete those old topics that are no longer useful (if it will need this).

franco benf

Aug 27, 2015, 6:19:42 PM8/27/15
to Games & competitions
Confident in collaboration for the success of this NPC September 2015

I am delighted with the victory and I feel honored! Many thanks to Mauro for the great topic and to everyone who voted for my photo.
I will take on the moderator’s role for NPC September 2015, hopefully with the help of Daniela

Subject: : 'O sole mio 

A theme already done back in 2009
 It may be more useful than a thousand words

Greetings, franco

franco benf

Sep 4, 2015, 4:15:47 PM9/4/15
to Games & competitions
... attention to the numbering to the NPC

Daniela Brocca

Sep 4, 2015, 4:54:46 PM9/4/15
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Daniela Brocca

Sep 29, 2015, 7:35:17 AM9/29/15
to Games & competitions
We have only 2 days left before the new October  game begins.  I'm asking here also for a volunteer moderator, in case  the people in rank is not available.

Daniela Brocca

Sep 29, 2015, 3:52:33 PM9/29/15
to Games & competitions
Nobody answers to me, we have only one day left, it's possible that we will not have  the NPC , in October. It would be the first time  in a lot of years.

Dottor Topy

Sep 29, 2015, 4:37:31 PM9/29/15
to Games & competitions
Dani,  I accept to moderate the next NPC , but only because your friendship and because I know how much energy and effort you spent FOR US !!! I am "a bit" disappointed to see every month in all the contests the same "ballet" of the  "running winners" always busy. Maybe it's better to stop if nobody is interested ? Tomorrow the topic ( Although I have not so much time to think about ) . Ciao Dani !

Daniela Brocca

Sep 29, 2015, 5:34:59 PM9/29/15
to Games & competitions
Thanks a lot, Dotty. Grazie Dotty, un bacio. In effetti eri in classifica dopo Oliviero che già modera  di nuovo il TTT. Sono felice che tu lo faccia. Teniamo duro, almeno noi...


Oct 7, 2015, 4:25:08 AM10/7/15
to Games & competitions
Per Summertime si intende anche PRIMAVERA ed Autunno? grazie della risposta.

Dottor Topy

Oct 7, 2015, 6:22:18 AM10/7/15
to Games & competitions
Ciao Luciano ! Per Summertime io intendo solo ESTATE . Sicuramente ci sara' qualche foto borderline,certo dovrei vedere gli exif, ma mi affido alla intelligenza degli "elettori" nel saper distinguere una atmosfera estiva da una primaverile ed autunnale. Anche perche' nell'ultimo NPC che ho moderato,pur avendo dichiarato off topic una foto e quindi non votabile,qualcuno e' riuscito pure a dare ben 3 voti!!! E ti assicuro che oltre ad essere off topic era di una qualita' e bruttezza inaudibile. Se pero' hai qualche dubbio fammelo presente,e' un aiuto per me, anche se ho cercato di proporre un tema facile ed apparentemente non equivocabile. Ciao !!

Lné Zana Judit

Oct 11, 2015, 7:09:10 AM10/11/15
to Games & competitions

Dear Daniela!

I can't to vote it NPC in a competition.
Something not good, at me, you are in the system.
Greeting, Judit

Daniela Brocca

Oct 11, 2015, 7:42:29 AM10/11/15

We had a problem in the night. Now I uploaded the VM and it's possible to vote. Daniela


Oct 25, 2015, 8:05:45 AM10/25/15
to Games & competitions

Big thankyou for your votes and your congrats in NPC.  See you in a few days with the new topic.


Warm regards, Uni


Oct 30, 2015, 1:03:12 PM10/30/15
to Games & competitions

2015  November  NPC

Hi everybody, I am Uni,  the moderator of this month's No Prize Contest. 


                             W I R E

Details and hints:

All things made of wire

Every day objects like wire springs, clips, cables, spokes

Design objects


Fences… et cetera

The following link lead you to a wire museum which is full of ideas and where you can take a look around.

Good luck!!


Oct 31, 2015, 4:08:35 AM10/31/15
to Games & competitions
Please read dates and times and don't post your entries till november 1st.

See you..


Oct 31, 2015, 8:49:54 AM10/31/15
to Games & competitions

Hi Uni!

You're right in the opening text of the contest, but you wrote this:


,,Dates and times:

Times are based on Berlin

Post your picture from 00:01 Octoberr 1st, until 21:59 October 10th.

Voting will be from 22:00 October 10th, until 21:59 October 20th.’’

Is this true?


Buna Uni!

Tu ai dreptate, dar in textul de deschidere a concursului scrie asa:


‘’Dates and times:

Times are based on Berlin

Post your picture from 00:01 Octoberr 1st, until 21:59 October 10th.

Voting will be from 22:00 October 10th, until 21:59 October 20th.’’

Care este adevarul?
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Oct 31, 2015, 10:08:03 AM10/31/15
to Games & competitions
Thanks CGabi, I corrected my mistake :)
Regards Uni
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Nov 25, 2015, 1:40:00 PM11/25/15
to Games & competitions

Congrats to Larry Workman for the close race and I extend my congratulations the top 10 participants.

I was delighted in the submitted photos this month and I would like to thank all who took part in the contest and all who voted too.


A special thanks goes to Daniela for keeping a close eye on the game and the results.


See you in a few days with the next topic.


Warm wishes




Nov 30, 2015, 5:31:34 AM11/30/15
to Games & competitions

2015  December  NPC

Hi everybody, I am Uni,  the moderator of this month's No Prize Contest.

Subject:   Twilight or Dawn



The time just before night when the daylight has almost gone but when it is not completely dark

and when the sun itself is not directly visible because it is below the horizon.



The first appearance of daylight in the morning before sunrise

Good luck to you all!   Uni

Larry Workman QIN

Dec 1, 2015, 10:15:52 PM12/1/15
to Games & competitions
I entered the NPC for December (#19) and the photo is centered on the page and not over the text.

Daniela Brocca

Dec 2, 2015, 7:49:00 AM12/2/15
to Games & competitions
Now it seems ok.i think you fixed it.

Amelia Royan

Dec 4, 2015, 1:13:31 PM12/4/15
to Games & competitions
Sorry to keep bothering you, Dany.  I received your reply, but the VM isn't available yet for the December topic.  I would like to change the entry to photo 50173733.  Would I do this using the entry form?

Daniela Brocca

Dec 4, 2015, 3:01:31 PM12/4/15
to Games & competitions
Yes,Amelia, you have to redo the work  in the entry form and copy it in your post, after deleting the photo and data  inside.Use the edit in the post. You don't need the VM.   ------------------ I did the work for you.

Amelia Royan

Dec 5, 2015, 2:22:20 AM12/5/15
to Games & competitions
You are such an angel, Dany.  Sometimes I feel so stupid when it comes to computers etc. 

Daniela Brocca

Dec 5, 2015, 7:38:36 AM12/5/15
to Games & competitions
No problems, Amelia, I have my problems too,I leeve the others moderators do the work :-(

Viktor Mandryka

Dec 27, 2015, 3:31:39 PM12/27/15
Hi everybody,

I would like to submit to your attention the topic of the January NPC:

Snowy landscapes

Even if it is not really winter now in many countries I hope that many panoramians will participate, because the topic is easy.



Daniela Brocca

Jan 2, 2016, 6:19:08 PM1/2/16
to Games & competitions
Hi all, I had to change the numbers of the entries from 10 to 18, as we had 2 numbers 9.

Viktor Mandryka

Jan 4, 2016, 3:43:30 AM1/4/16
to Games & competitions
Thank you very much Daniela for your attention and changing of numbers! I am only yesterday back from my holidays...


Jan 23, 2016, 1:35:19 PM1/23/16
to Games & competitions
A special Thanks for all who have put in a great deal of time and effort creating and maintaining the "Spirit of Competition" for the Panoramio community! 

WARNING!!! This will be my first time as a contest moderator so all your help will certainly be appreciated.

As for the subject of our next contest, I'm open for suggestions, perhaps something not used before, that we can all enjoy.

Daniela Brocca

Jan 23, 2016, 3:44:56 PM1/23/16
We wait at the new theme. Do you know how to use the Toolkit? It's in the panoramio game site to download  in the button Links. In the site you find also the rules for how to use it. I upload the file at the beginning of the game and of the vote. If you need help ask.

Nicola Manini

Jan 25, 2016, 9:24:46 AM1/25/16
to Games & competitions
Hello cwicks, congrats for the well-deserved win!
Since you ask for suggestions, there come to my mind several simple & inclusive themes such as "beach" or "river/torrent/creek" or "public building". Otherwise you may prefer a more "specialized" & focused theme such as "mountain top", or "rock", or some kind of flower, e.g. "poppies", with the disadvantage of preventing someone from participating. Or you may focus on some color, e.g. "yellow".
I discourage you to select a too local theme, e.g. "New Zealand" or "Black Sea", since most Panoramio users would be left out.
Anyway, it's up to you, have fun!



Jan 26, 2016, 12:02:41 AM1/26/16
to Games & competitions

Thanks Nick, I think I’ll keep the winter scenario, which hopefully doesn’t exclude too many of us, but put the focus on ICE.

Daniela Brocca, I have downloaded the toolkit but am unsure how or when to use it. I have not used Excel or macros before. Could you send me a link to the instructions?

Daniela Brocca

Jan 26, 2016, 10:01:36 AM1/26/16
to Games & competitions
Do you have username and Pin for the Toolkit? If not write to Rob and ask  for them using the contacts in the VM, they are needed in the info page of the Toolkit. I see you already are registered.  Here to read

Please read all the buttons in the Voting Machine site.


Jan 31, 2016, 9:37:08 PM1/31/16
to Games & competitions
"Will you be able to put the end of entry post in the afternoon of the 10th? You live in Wyoming, do you? "

Yes and yes, Daniela, and a big THANKS for all your help!

Message has been deleted


Feb 29, 2016, 12:04:24 PM2/29/16

We usually see Daniela chasing for a moderator, and I only took notice this morning, seeing that White1 gave thanks for winning, but had not actually agreed to moderate.

I wrote to White1 9 hours ago, and also to Daniela, but no answers. So, if White1 has declined to moderate, I think it is time to ask for a volunteer to be ready.

From the top ten, please write to me or post here as you wish.

Daniela Brocca

Feb 29, 2016, 1:08:00 PM2/29/16
to Games & competitions

But no, Rob,  we have the topic Town or village, view from above.  I closed it because someone already uploaded a photo
.I will open it later.



Feb 29, 2016, 1:26:48 PM2/29/16
to Games & competitions
Ah, excuse me for not scrolling down the list of threads to find White1 had added March NPC


Mar 1, 2016, 2:59:54 AM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
 It seems to me it does not work the post of entry

 Mi sembra non funziona il post di entrata

Daniela Brocca

Mar 1, 2016, 7:30:24 AM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
I don't know why it is always blocked, I open it each time I look the topic,


Mar 1, 2016, 8:02:44 AM3/1/16
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Niente da fare non riesco ad entrare,mi dice che il post è chiuso.

Daniela Brocca

Mar 1, 2016, 8:08:25 AM3/1/16
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Neanch'io.Ho provato a scrivere  a google, ma non so.Magari lo riapriamo più tardi.

Daniela Brocca

Mar 1, 2016, 9:44:20 AM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
I opened a new topic for the game.Please try to post the photos!


Mar 1, 2016, 11:52:19 AM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
Ho caricato...adesso funziona.

Daniela Brocca

Mar 1, 2016, 12:16:36 PM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
It seems impossible to delete the old topic, as the answer is the same as before, that the topic is blocked and is not possible to do anything.


Mar 1, 2016, 1:56:31 PM3/1/16
to Games & competitions
I'm also unable to do something about this topic. Must be another bug.... :/

Nicola Manini

Mar 27, 2016, 3:48:50 PM3/27/16
to Games & competitions
This thread is for commenting on the NPC, I undestand.
I see no comments, let me put one.  My apologies if this is the wrong place!

First of all, congrats to Tom & Andrea for their tied victory of this month's NPC!

Second, I'd like to comment on the way I practice voting on the NPC.
When I choose my 5 or 6 pics I use the following criteria:

1- I should first like the pictures: I automatically exclude what is not capturing my eye as beautiful;
2- the pictures must fit well the theme: I tend to drop even nice pictures which adhere to the theme too much loosely;
3- pictures may be technically sound: no blur, no over/underexposure...
4- picture resolution must be sufficient: I'm excluding automatically anything below 2 Mpixel, and it's hard for me to vote anything below 5 Mpixel. A low pixel count can hide any kind of defect. This is why I didn't vote e.g for the potentially nice picture by Victor (1.5 Mpixel only).

So, after a general screening for points 1- and 2-, points 3- and 4- require looking the original file of each potentially votable picture. It takes some time, but it's also very nice&interesting&fun to focus these nice pics at pixel resolution!

All in all, it's an stimulating exercise, that I'd like to promote among you NPC fans.



Mar 29, 2016, 1:25:31 PM3/29/16
to Games & competitions
Daniela mi ha comunicato via cellulare che causa guasto alla linea telefonica non avrà internet per qualche giorno.
Ciao a tutti
Maria Grazia

Tom Portschy

Mar 29, 2016, 6:30:31 PM3/29/16
Dear friends!

I am very happy and honored that I was one of the winners of the NPC in March. Congratulations to Andrea's, with whom I performed in the lead. Thanks for White1' for the good topic, which received a lot of great pictures and, of course, thank you very much for your votes!

I'll the moderator of the next NPC, which start on April 1, 00: 01 pm.

The topic is: the Shadow

In the meantime, you can earn a good photo of the contest. Good work! Tom 


Apr 3, 2016, 7:55:54 AM4/3/16
to Games & competitions
the reflections in the water are shadows?  better specify.Adriana


Apr 3, 2016, 1:15:59 PM4/3/16
to Games & competitions
The shadows are shadows caused by the light that does not pass, the reflexes are another phenomenon !! Adriana is right!



Apr 3, 2016, 2:34:47 PM4/3/16
to Games & competitions
I know, but in the contest there are at least 2 photos of "reflections",.  I asked for and expected the moderator's response.Adriana

©Photo Luciano.F.

Apr 3, 2016, 3:00:16 PM4/3/16
to Games & competitions
Non votare le foto con riflessi..e sei a posto.

Tom Portschy

Apr 3, 2016, 4:14:57 PM4/3/16
to Games & competitions
I asked the author of two controversial pictures of the exchange.


Apr 4, 2016, 4:31:24 AM4/4/16
to Games & competitions

Tom Portschy, I have changed the photo to the one in which students are in a procesion and their shadows are prominent,,,I Hope it is OK as I could not find anything better in my gallery.....Thank you.....

Rossano Nana

Apr 8, 2016, 3:51:41 PM4/8/16
Dear Tom, as per your request I've replaced my picture.


Tom Portschy

Apr 9, 2016, 4:19:40 AM4/9/16
to Games & competitions
Thank you Ross!

Tom Portschy

Apr 9, 2016, 5:52:45 PM4/9/16
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Attention! The time to upload pictures in the 2016 April NPC tomorrow, Sunday 23 pm to expire!

The topic is: Shadow

Dottor Topy

May 8, 2016, 6:30:16 AM5/8/16
to Games & competitions
Hi Dani and Rob. We have lost a number because the photo n.18 was cancelled and not edited. Sorry. Ciao and thank you ! Mauro

Daniela Brocca

May 8, 2016, 11:15:18 AM5/8/16
to Games & competitions
No problem, Dotty.

Петар Бојић

May 10, 2016, 12:32:01 PM5/10/16
to Games & competitions
**Dottor Topy** I have changed my photo #28, if it's not late!?  Petar

Dottor Topy

May 10, 2016, 12:47:27 PM5/10/16
to Games & competitions
Hi Petar,no problem


Jun 22, 2016, 3:00:15 AM6/22/16
to Games & competitions
Non ho potuto chiudere il contest NPC per un inaspettato OFF Line del mio computer !! Ieri il problema è stato risolto.
Ringrazio molto Rob Stamp per il suo veloce intervento !
Grazie Rob e grazie a coloro che hanno votato la mia foto ponendola ancora al primo posto.
Ora tocca a me dimostrare che si può ancora trovare un nuovo tema per il mese di Luglio.....Cercherò un tema che consenta di utilizzare soggetti fotogenici e interessanti.
A presto, Paolo.


Jun 28, 2016, 12:57:27 PM6/28/16
Il tema del nuovo NPC Contest per il mese di Luglio sarà :

                                               Antichi borghi sopravissuti al tempo
                                                                         Immagini  di cività del passato

                                                   Ancient villages that survived the time
            Images of past civilizations

 No : rovine di tempi antichi                                                 
           scavi archeologici                                                               
           castelli e fortificazioni
           reperti di antiche città in seguito a scavi
           particolari di antiche case

           NO: ruins of ancient temples
            Archaeological excavations
            castles and fortifications
            relics of ancient cities as a result of excavations
            detail of old houses

SI :
per es: I trulli di Alberobello
            Briggen in Bergen
            Mulini a vento nei Paesi Bassi
            Alambra in Granada
            Paesini isolati e quasi abbandonati sulle montagne

            The Trulli of Alberobello
             Briggen in Bergen
             Windmills in the Netherlands
             Alhambra in Granada
             Villages isolated and almost abandoned in the mountains

Questi luoghi sono molto amati dai fotografi.

Ciao, Paolo.


Jul 9, 2016, 1:21:59 AM7/9/16
to Games & competitions
I changed the photo # 20.Adriana
Message has been deleted

Viktor Mandryka

Aug 28, 2016, 3:09:40 PM8/28/16

Hi everybody,


the topic of the September NPC is:


man-made Landmarks

In modern usage, a landmark includes anything that is easily recognizable like: the Pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall in China, Taj Mahal, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Golden Gate Bridge, Sydney Opera House, …


Here is a detailed description in Wikipedia:


Post your photos of famous man-made landmarks, please write the name of landmark and what country it is in. The landmark has to be the focus of the photo.



Viktor Mandryka

Sep 27, 2016, 7:32:22 AM9/27/16
to Games & competitions

Hi everybody,


the topic of the October NPC is:


old streets

Post your photos of the streets, where time has come virtually to a stand long time ago. Try to create a photo that looks as authentic as possible. The more authentic objects in the picture, the better. More details in the topic.




Oct 7, 2016, 5:35:41 PM10/7/16
to Games & competitions

It was a daily news report from Ipernity, listing an article by LutzP, that first made me aware of the closure. Later I had emails from Wim and franco benf. But an email from google, oh no, far too difficult. As with the new Pano forum and the revised Pano layout, the new is buggy when realeased, will ask for user feedback but ignore any requests for features, will add what was not asked for, and in the process add to bugs, and they will never get around to fixing errors, and will move on leaving it unfinished. And then in time kill it like Views, Picassa, Pano, with promises that the new improved option will be best for us.


The announement of the shutdown of Panoramio, does not mention the forum or private messages.

They have said that we will no longer be able to comment or like other content, so I expect their intention is to only allow us to access our photos, to export, delete, or link account.


So I think it is reasonable to suspect that the forum and private messaging will also be unavailable.

Certainly we cannot assume the forum will remain active, or suddenly shutdown at some point during a contest, or that posts cannot be edited by forum moderators.

Therefore starting contests in November in the forum is to be avoided.


The NPC, CFP, DNV could be run on (the VM site) like the VMC, but because players do have to be registered there, the number of players would drop even lower than they are now, and I foresee a slow death as accounts are deleted, with a definite termination in November 2017 anyway. Also note that the VMC and SPC that run on the VM site, make use of the forum and private messaging. So I do not see the use of the VM site as an option for continuing the other contests, and infact means that the current VMC and SPC will be the last.


The renewal of the domain name is coincidentally due on November 5th, so it seems sense to allow the registration to expire, and accept the sudden death of all the contests, rather the pressing on into a slow decline.


On the technical side, it is only with the way that Pano photos, in different sizes, are readilly available for linking, that the voting machines and the VM site can display them. That is a reason for the Contest Without Prizes, the CWP at Ipernity, operates in the group feature, and does not use a voting machine, and the counting of votes is without the Excel Toolkit. See where the topic is Birds.


Oct 14, 2016, 12:33:50 PM10/14/16
Message from Wim

The server has finally given up. :-(

This afternoon it completely hung. After restarting everything looked oké, but suddenly it hung again.
My guess is a hardware error. I tried several things, but it refuses to come up now. Not even a bleep or some light in my monitor.

So now after tweaking my firewall PC a little bit. I can use my internet connection gain. And can write this e-mail. :-)
But of cause no server available now. 

The next step is to get the server up and running again on the 'new' hardware. 
I expect to need a few days. Because its a lot of work to get the old stuff copied etc. 
In the meantime I will keep you informed.

Nevertheless I very nice weekend...

Cheers, Wim

I will now try to put the voting machines, for the current games, in the little bit of space my ISP allows me.
Please be patient and I will post the links when available.


Oct 14, 2016, 2:17:36 PM10/14/16
Please use this temporary voting machine

Daniela Brocca

Oct 14, 2016, 3:07:12 PM10/14/16
to Games & competitions
Is this only for the NPC? In two days we should upload the VM for  voting time of TTT and CSP.


Oct 14, 2016, 3:23:04 PM10/14/16
to Games & competitions
It was a bit of a struggle to get it to work, but then the CFP and DNV were done quickly.

So the TTT and CSP will be available too, both due to close at 22:00 CET, which is good for me.

I will contact MMs with the alternative link to add to their closing post.

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