Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks and How to Stop Them

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Katherine Jackson

Apr 3, 2010, 8:37:05 PM4/3/10
to Panic and Anxiety
Panic Attacks are now said to occur regularly in millions of people
worldwide. They tend to get worse overtime as they are triggered by
worrying, and when the symptoms arise this worrying gets worse and
therefore so does the panic attack.
Common Symptoms
Some of the common symptoms of panic attacks include:
A Racing Heart - As we worry and stress about situations, adrenaline
in the body increases and the heart begins to race faster. Not only
does your heart rate increase but your heartbeat will also begin to
feel considerably stronger.
Feeling Faint - Some people begin to feel very faint and dizzy during
a panic attack. It is as if whatever situation they are in has become
too much for them and they can not deal with it much longer. Some
people will become very pale and weak rather quickly, finding it
difficult to walk and focus on their surroundings.
Although some people feel faint, it is rare for them to be physically
sick during a panic attack.
Breathing Becomes Shallow - This symptom is usually found in
conjunction with a racing heart. Panic attacks often make the
breathing of the sufferer become very rapid and very shallow at the
same time. This is quite a serious issue as it means the lack of
oxygen the person is getting makes the situation even worse. If you
notice this symptom you should consciously try to slow down your
breathing and take long, deep breaths to help combat the problem.
Symptoms Make Themselves Worse- It is quite the paradox, but the
symptoms of panic attacks often make the panic attacks much worse. It
is usually the thought of having a panic attack that starts to bring
them on, then the reaction people have that makes them worse. If
someone notices their heartbeat getting stronger and faster then they
worry even more and the cycle continues.
How to Stop Panic Attacks
Although suffering from panic attacks can be a nightmare problem to
have, it is possible to deal with the issue and put it behind you.
Although millions of people have this problem, millions have also been
able to deal with the problem and never worry about it again.
Take Slow, Deep Breaths - This is used to combat one of the natural
reactions to having a panic attack which is short, shallow breaths
that are rapid. If you can combat the symptoms you can usually combat
the end result and as far as breathing goes, this is no different.
Focusing on your breathing also takes your mind away from worrying
about the situation and helps you relax.
Eliminate the Stress - It is useful if you can try to work out what is
causing the panic attack so you can tackle the problem head on or
eliminate the situation. If it is the thought of a panic attack that
causes the issue then you need to deal with the mental side of the
problem. If it is social situations which increase your anxiety and
make an attack likely, then try to take a break by going outside or
just excusing yourself for a few minutes to calm down.
Visit a Doctor - If panic attacks continue then you need to visit a
doctor. There could be an underlying health problem in play that the
above techniques will not help with.

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