Coping With Panic Attacks - Panic Attack Cures That Work

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Katherine Jackson

Apr 3, 2010, 8:54:46 PM4/3/10
to Panic and Anxiety
Panic and anxiety attacks are a horrible condition to suffer from and
really negatively affect your quality of life. With symptoms ranging
from dizzy spells, shortness of breath, intense bouts of worrying and
panic, right through to almost heart attack like problems, anxiety
panic attacks are a very distressing thing. In this article you are
going to learn skills that will help you in coping with panic attacks;
there are natural panic attack cures that do work well.
One of the first tips for coping with panic attacks is to try and
avoid situations where you are more likely to experience one. For
example, if very crowded spaces bother you then try to avoid them as
much as possible. Eliminate the cause, and you will more than likely
eliminate the effect.
However, it is also very important to note that you cannot always rely
on this panic attack cure; it will be next to impossible to live a
normal life if you try and avoid the causes of your panic attacks.
Instead, use this method to cope with panic attacks whilst you develop
better strategies to combat them when they occur.
Another method for coping with panic attacks is to learn to distract
yourself when you feel the first signs of panic, worry or anxiety that
could lead to a fully-blown attack. Instead of doing nothing and
letting the panic spiral out of control, go do something like going
for a run, lying down, listening to music, cooking a meal; anything
that can take your mind off things for a while and give yourself a
chance to calm down.
You will find that this is one of the most effective panic attack
cures as there are so many different actions you can take to distract
yourself from having a panic attack. Coping with a panic attack is
much easier when you have a plan to combat the problem, and using (and
practising) the two techniques above will hopefully be extremely
beneficial to your needs.

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