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ANN: pandoc 3.2

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John MacFarlane

May 11, 2024, 5:12:16 PM5/11/24
to 'John MacFarlane' via pandoc-announce
I'm pleased to announce the release of pandoc 3.2,
available in the usual places:

Binary packages & changelog:

Source & API documentation:

This release includes a number of bug fixes; inspect the changelog
for details. Some changes of particular note:

* Markdown numbered example lists with repeated labels now do something
more sensible.
* --file-scope no longer adds Divs with an identifier derived from the
* The LaTeX template now has a titlegraphicoptions variable.
* custom-style now works for spans in ODT.
* The Typst writer now allows extensive customization of elements
through specially marked attributes that can be added in filters.
* The default output for docx is now closer to Word's own defaults.
* Better control over logging in Lua filters.

API changes:

* New module Text.Pandoc.Transforms.
* Text.Pandoc.Shared no longer exports headerShift, filterIpynbOutput,
or eastAsianLineBreakFilter; these have been moved to Text.Pandoc.Transforms.
* Text.Pandoc.Logging: New ScriptingInfo, UnsupportedCodePage, and UnclosedDiv
constructors for LogMessage. DocxParserWarning is now a WARNING, not INFO.
* Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared now exports isOrderedListMarker.

Thanks to all who contributed, and a special welcome to new contributors
Gordon Woodhall, James P. Ascher, Leo Heitmann Ruiz, guqicun, and mbracke.

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