Emergency 2013 Unlock Code

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Chau Keane

Dec 11, 2023, 5:40:27 AM12/11/23
to pandaboard

Emergency 2013 Unlock Code: How to Cheat and Hack the Game

Emergency 2013 is a simulation game that puts you in charge of various rescue missions in Europe. You have to deal with natural disasters, terrorist attacks, riots, and more. The game is challenging and realistic, but sometimes you may want to have some fun and cheat your way through the game. That's where the emergency 2013 unlock code comes in handy.

What is the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

The emergency 2013 unlock code is a cheat code that allows you to unlock all the missions in the game without having to complete them in order. You can also use it to get unlimited resources, such as money, vehicles, and personnel. The emergency 2013 unlock code works for both PC and console versions of the game.

emergency 2013 unlock code

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How to Use the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

To use the emergency 2013 unlock code, you need to edit a file in your game directory. First, make sure you create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Then, use a text editor to open the file called "campaignprogress.xlm" in the folder "C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Local\\Quadriga Games Emergency 2012". In this file, you need to add a line for each mission you want to unlock. The line should look like this: . You can change the index number to match the mission number, from 1 to 15. You can also change the score, efficiency, and missionmedal values to whatever you want. Save the file and start the game. You should see all the missions unlocked in the menu.

What are the Benefits of Using the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

Using the emergency 2013 unlock code has some benefits for your gaming experience. For example, you can:

    • Play any mission you want without having to follow the story order.
    • Experiment with different strategies and scenarios without worrying about resources or time limits.
    • Enjoy the game at your own pace and difficulty level.
    • Have fun with cheats and hacks that make the game more exciting and entertaining.

    What are the Risks of Using the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

    Using the emergency 2013 unlock code also has some risks for your gaming experience. For example, you may:

      • Lose some of the challenge and realism of the game.
      • Miss some of the story and gameplay elements that are part of the mission progression.
      • Ruin your save file or corrupt your game if you edit the file incorrectly.
      • Get banned or penalized by online servers or platforms if you use cheats or hacks online.


      The emergency 2013 unlock code is a cheat code that can help you unlock all the missions in the game and get unlimited resources. It can be useful for players who want to have more freedom and fun in the game, but it can also have some drawbacks for players who want to enjoy the game as it was intended. Whether you use it or not, it's up to you. Just remember to always backup your files before editing them and play responsibly online.

      Where to Find the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

      The emergency 2013 unlock code is not an official feature of the game, so you won't find it in the game manual or the official website. However, you can find it online on various websites that offer cheats and codes for games. Some of these websites are:

        • CheatCodes.com: This website has a page dedicated to Emergency 2013, where you can find the emergency 2013 unlock code and other cheats and tips for the game.
        • ChapterCheats.com: This website has a page for Emergency 2012, which is the predecessor of Emergency 2013. The emergency 2013 unlock code works for both games, so you can use the same instructions to edit the file and unlock the missions.
        • Xenosystems.space: This website has a PDF file that contains the emergency 2013 unlock code and other information about the game.
        • Gaming-walker.com: This website has a PDF file that contains the emergency 2013 unlock code and other information about the game.

        Before you use any of these websites, make sure you check their credibility and safety. Some websites may contain viruses or malware that can harm your computer or your game. Also, make sure you follow the instructions carefully and backup your files before editing them.

        How to Use the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code Safely?

        Using the emergency 2013 unlock code can be fun and helpful, but it can also have some negative consequences if you use it irresponsibly or carelessly. Here are some tips on how to use the emergency 2013 unlock code safely:

          • Use it only for offline mode: The emergency 2013 unlock code is not meant for online mode, where you can play with other players or compete in leaderboards. Using cheats or hacks online can get you banned or penalized by the game servers or platforms. It can also ruin the fun and fairness of the game for other players. Therefore, use the emergency 2013 unlock code only for offline mode, where you can play by yourself or with friends.
          • Use it only for fun: The emergency 2013 unlock code is not meant for serious gameplay, where you want to challenge yourself and enjoy the realism and difficulty of the game. Using cheats or hacks can make the game too easy and boring, and you may miss some of the story and gameplay elements that are part of the mission progression. Therefore, use the emergency 2013 unlock code only for fun, when you want to experiment with different scenarios or have some laughs.
          • Use it sparingly: The emergency 2013 unlock code is not meant for constant use, where you rely on it for every mission or every situation. Using cheats or hacks too often can make you dependent on them and lose your skills and creativity. It can also make you lose interest in the game and its features. Therefore, use the emergency 2013 unlock code sparingly, when you really need it or want it.


          The emergency 2013 unlock code is a cheat code that can help you unlock all the missions in the game and get unlimited resources. It can be useful for players who want to have more freedom and fun in the game, but it can also have some drawbacks for players who want to enjoy the game as it was intended. Whether you use it or not, it's up to you. Just remember to always backup your files before editing them and play responsibly online.

          What are the Alternatives to the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

          If you don't want to use the emergency 2013 unlock code, or if you can't find it or use it for some reason, there are some alternatives that can help you unlock the missions and get more resources in the game. Some of these alternatives are:

            • Official patches and updates: The game developers may release patches and updates that fix some of the bugs and glitches in the game, or add new features and content. These patches and updates may also unlock some of the missions or make them easier to complete. You can check the official website or the online platforms for any available patches and updates for your game version.
            • Mods and trainers: The game community may create mods and trainers that modify or enhance some aspects of the game, such as graphics, gameplay, or difficulty. These mods and trainers may also unlock some of the missions or give you more resources in the game. You can find these mods and trainers on various websites that offer them for download. However, be careful when downloading and installing them, as they may contain viruses or malware, or conflict with your game files.
            • Guides and walkthroughs: The game community may also create guides and walkthroughs that provide tips, tricks, hints, and strategies for completing the missions and getting more resources in the game. These guides and walkthroughs may also show you some secrets and Easter eggs that are hidden in the game. You can find these guides and walkthroughs on various websites that offer them for free or for a fee.

            Before you use any of these alternatives, make sure you check their credibility and safety. Some of them may not work for your game version or platform, or may have negative effects on your game performance or quality. Also, make sure you follow the instructions carefully and backup your files before modifying them.

            How to Enjoy the Game Without Using the Emergency 2013 Unlock Code?

            If you want to enjoy the game without using the emergency 2013 unlock code, or any other cheats or hacks, there are some ways to do so. Some of these ways are:

              • Play on different difficulty levels: The game has different difficulty levels that affect how hard or easy the missions are. You can choose a difficulty level that suits your skills and preferences, or challenge yourself by playing on a higher difficulty level. You can also change the difficulty level anytime during the game.
              • Play on different modes: The game has different modes that affect how you play the game. You can choose a mode that suits your style and goals, or try something new by playing on a different mode. You can also switch between modes anytime during the game.
              • Play with friends: The game has a multiplayer mode that allows you to play with other players online or locally. You can cooperate with your friends to complete the missions, or compete with them to see who is better. You can also chat with them and share your experiences and opinions about the game.

              By playing on different difficulty levels, modes, and with friends, you can have more variety and fun in the game, and discover new things that you may not notice otherwise.


              The emergency 2013 unlock code is a cheat code that can help you unlock all the missions in the game and get unlimited resources. It can be useful for players who want to have more freedom and fun in the game, but it can also have some drawbacks for players who want to enjoy the game as it was intended. Whether you use it or not, it's up to you. Just remember to always backup your files before editing them and play responsibly online.


              The emergency 2013 unlock code is a cheat code that can help you unlock all the missions in the game and get unlimited resources. It can be useful for players who want to have more freedom and fun in the game, but it can also have some drawbacks for players who want to enjoy the game as it was intended. Whether you use it or not, it's up to you. Just remember to always backup your files before editing them and play responsibly online.

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