New ferry between Panama and Colombia (possibly)

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Will Fulford-Jones

Aug 30, 2014, 10:43:35 AM8/30/14

This may prove to be another false dawn, but a few of the papers here in Panama are reporting that a ferry service between Colón and Cartagena will begin on 24 October. There's a fair amount of detail in this article - - but the key points are as follows:

- Colón to Cartagena every Monday & Wednesday
- Cartagena to Colón every Tuesday & Thursday
$99 per person, 18 hours

- Colón to Isla Colón (Bocas del Toro) every Friday (overnight, arrives Saturday morning)
- Isla Colón (Bocas del Toro) to Colón every Sunday (overnight, arrives Monday morning)
$75 per person, 12 hours, and would theoretically allow cyclists entering or leaving Panama at the Sixaola-Guabito border to bypass much of the country

It's probably safe to assume that there'll be an extra charge for bicycles.

This isn't the first time such a service has been announced, and it may fizzle out sooner rather than later. Still, worth monitoring.

Will Fulford-Jones

Dominic Luther

Aug 31, 2014, 1:47:47 PM8/31/14
That’d be great if it came about. Don’t get me wrong, there was something enjoyable about sitting in a motorboat for hours on end as it bounced down through the San Blast, but oh god my bum hurt after the 12 hours it took to get to Puerto Obaldia. I also enjoyed the stretch from Turbo up to Cartagena… but

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paul g

Aug 31, 2014, 11:55:21 PM8/31/14

I'm currently in Peru and can post to anywhere in the country (or you can collect in person from Lima up until 3rd Sept). If interested make me an offer…

Happy Riding


anna k

Sep 1, 2014, 8:10:26 PM9/1/14
Interesting. Worth keeping an eye on. (The part of me that lived in Panama for over a year says: "Huh! I'll believe that when I see it!" The bit about the joint Panamanian/Columbian police force patrolling the boat for passenger security struck me as particularly fanciful. But I'd be happy to be proved wrong.)

Pat Callahan

Sep 29, 2014, 12:12:49 AM9/29/14
Hi all,

The new guy here.  I was recently in Panama for a surf trip and did a little reconnaissance regarding the Darien Gap.  From what the locals told me, they are somewhat more optimistic regarding the new ferry, as opposed to the last one which never got going.

Another option... Air Panama has a one way ticket from Panama City to Medellin (or vice versa) for $75 US.  It takes off from the domestic airport in PC.  I'm not sure if they can take a bike box or not, but it might be worth checking.  It's not as exciting as a San Blas sailboat crossing, but it's cheaper and quicker.

Happy travels,


Will Fulford-Jones

Oct 4, 2014, 9:06:01 PM10/4/14

The service now has a website - The 'Información General' link currently leads to a PDF that contains an updated schedule and details of additional costs and conditions. Bicycles will cost US$99.

Will Fulford-Jones

Elif Uzer

Jan 15, 2015, 6:30:56 AM1/15/15
i took the ferry 108 dollars per person including taxes and 25 dollars for the bicycle. food is very expensive in the ferry. they have showers in the public restrooms. you can prepare a bag of food on top of your bici and smuggle it inside :) later entering colombia no food. especially rice they have taken our closed packaged rice.

it is a good price instead of searching for a cargo boat i guess

Mike Vermeulen

Oct 10, 2015, 6:31:03 PM10/10/15
to PanAm Riders
I notice that the link now no longer seems active.  Anyone know if the ferry is still running?

Mike Vermeulen 

Pat Callahan

Oct 11, 2015, 2:21:08 AM10/11/15
to PanAm Riders

On Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 4:31:03 PM UTC-6, Mike Vermeulen wrote:
I notice that the link now no longer seems active.  Anyone know if the ferry is still running?

Mike Vermeulen 

Well, that's not good news. I just did some checking on the web and it turns out the ferry service was suspended in April.  Rumor has it that it will begin anew in November.  Still, that can't be great news if they shut down for months at a time.  Plus, I hope to cross the Darien next June or therabouts, so I sure hope the ferry is up and running during the summer months.

I may look into flights, which were pretty cheap a year ago.  But they have tiny planes, so being able to check a bike box on the plane isn't assured.

Here's an article explaining the ferry situation (en espanol) 

Pat Callahan

Dec 2, 2015, 12:19:14 AM12/2/15
to PanAm Riders
Well, November has come and gone and the promised November return of ferry service didn't occur.  The website still says the same... "NO ESTAMOS VIAJANDO; FERRY NO ESTÁ OPERANDO". We're not traveling; the ferry ain't operating.

I would guess it will be forever closed.  It looks like I'm back to looking into air travel or the five day sailboat cruise.

Aart Huijg

Dec 16, 2015, 12:30:33 AM12/16/15
Can't u take the small boats as I did: cost far less and more adventurous!?
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Lydia Caudill

Dec 16, 2015, 9:41:50 PM12/16/15
to Aart Huijg,

Aart, where did you take the ferry from? Any suggestions on how to do that, names of people or boats? I’m looking at heading north in February…. Thanks!


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Pat Callahan

Jun 27, 2016, 12:00:26 AM6/27/16
to PanAm Riders
Hello everybody,

After wasting way too much time in Central America, I finally reached Panama City last week. Looking into ways to get across the Darien Gap, I was down to the two obvious options: sailboats or airplane.

I don't have a whole lot of time to complete this trip, so getting to Colombia quickly was a concern. So I decided to go with the less romantic, yet cheaper and faster method of the airplane. It was surprisingly easy and cheap.

There are three airports in Panama City: Tucumen (the big one), Albrook and Panama Pacifico. AirPanama flies out of Albrook and Viva Colombia flies out of Panama Pacifico. I chose to fly with Viva Colombia, for no particular reason.

Bikes have to be boxed. On my day in Panama City I checked a few bike shops and found one that had boxes available. A shop called Get One Bike had boxes, however they wouldn't sell them. You have to pay to get the bike professionally packed. I hated to pay for something I could do, but for $25 I got to explore Casco Viejo while they boxed the bike.

Panama Pacifico is a new airport on the west side of the canal. It is on the old US Air Force base. It's a very nice little airport, but give yourself enough time to get there.

On week days, flights leave at 8 AM. On weekends, they leave at 3 PM.

Total cost of the flight to Medellin was $168. That included $25 late fee for booking the day before the flight and $32 for the bike. Yes, only $32.

They weren't concerned with the weight of the bike box, so I put everything in the box. It probably weighed in the 60 pound range.

The only issue was the agent at check-in. The girl had a permanent scowl and made things tough. She wouldn't allow me to load the plane without an exit plan from Colombia. I explained that I would be riding my bike to Ecuador; she said that was impossible, it was too far. She offered to sell me a return ticket. I got the manager involved who said I would have to get some sort of ticket. I explained that all the other countries had the same rule, but understand about bicyclists passing through. They wouldn't budge. So I made a reservation with a bus company, took a screenshot of the reservation, but didn't pay for the reservation. I showed her the screenshot as if it was the actual reservation and she was not intelligent enough to know the difference. So they let me on the plane. She was the only bad person I've encountered over the past two months.

When I got to Colombia, the customs agent never asked about an exit plan, just wished me luck on my journey.

Note that the Viva Colombia flight goes to the big airport outside of Medellin, not the little airport in the city. You'll need to take a bus or taxi if you plan to go directly into the city.

So all in all, an easy, fast and cheap way to cross the gap. I'll leave it up to each individual if they want to spend more time on the water, visiting the beautiful San Blas islands and enjoying Cartagena , or taking the less romantic, less adventurous, but cheaper and faster flight.

Finally, here's my blog if anyone's interested.


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