Anyone still interested in this group?

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Paul Gareau

Dec 1, 2016, 5:24:11 PM12/1/16
to PanAm Riders
I set this up way back in 2009-2010 when I was on the road myself. It seems like there are either fewer people on the route than before, or everyone is getting there information somewhere else.

Please reply quickly with your feedback and I'll decide what to do next with the group.


Stephen Duzs

Dec 1, 2016, 5:36:08 PM12/1/16

I'm totally into it!!

Hope it stays live. 

There is much to know from each other. 


Stephen G. Duzs
Ordained Dudeist Priest at Dudeism, the Church of the Latter-Day Dude
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O'car Johann Campos

Dec 1, 2016, 7:36:42 PM12/1/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi Paul, I still follow the group, and I've also noticed how it has faded on time, maybe the folks who were more active are already at home? We could try linking the group in some places to bring people who is planning or on route through the panam, me myself will depart from Punta Arenas by the end of January and I want to reach Alaska so I'm definetely sticking here.

I've noticed how facebook is providing some info to cyclists, we could link them there so we bring them here and give more life and updated info to the group, wht do you think?

Sorry for my typos, i'm on the phone.



Jorge Biciviajero

Dec 1, 2016, 10:26:04 PM12/1/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi Paul!

I think it will be important to let this group open.
Only with the old comments it is a source magnific of information.

Thanks for opening this group and for all your work these years.


Ken Tofts

Dec 2, 2016, 2:28:45 PM12/2/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi Paul, I too have noticed that much of the information is a few years old. I am a cyclist from England, planning to start my cycle from San Francisco to Buenos Aries in about 2 months now, and ( all being well) will post any infomation about the road as and when I get it. Incidently, I have heard that there are 3 countries ( Costa Rica/ Panama/ and Colombia ) who are keen on insisting on the old "proof" of onward travel milarke when crossing their boarders. How was your experiance, I am also using some chat rooms on the CTC website ( now Cycle UK) and most people there said that with the exception of the USA they didn't have any trouble so long as they were entering at a land boarder. ( I have learnt the spanish for ' do you have proof of onward travel' and intend to learn the spanish for ' You see this bike? THATS my onward travel, and my proof is the thousands of kilometers I've pedeled, the months of toil and sweat to get to this place here so that you can insult me with this shit!" / I think it'll work)

Frank Weidemann

Dec 2, 2016, 3:07:37 PM12/2/16
Hi Ken,
No one was asking for any such proof on the columbian land border coming from Ecuador... in 2011 though. Given the recent political developments I'd doubt that they would start asking for it now. It might be worth checking the facts on the websites of the ministries of foreign affairs of the respective countries.

Good luck! 


Davide Travelli

Dec 2, 2016, 3:25:48 PM12/2/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi Paul

I think the group it's a good source of information at the same time sadly it's old technology. I know someone will say that that it's not true but most people now connect and seek for info in FB. In FB there are a bunch of big bike touring groups and the are a few Panamerican related groups like:

There's one for overlanders too:

I find it's just easier to post in there and connect with people currently on the road through FB. There is the odd traveller here and there that doesnt use FB and it's usually impossible to keep contact with or exchange infos, it would mean sending him/her her an email when I can go in the Bike Touring Americas group on FB and reach with the same message hundreds of people I met on the road.

I left Prudhoe Bay in August 2015 and I'm currently in Ecuador, whenever I have a problem or an issue in two seconds I can post in the Bike touring Americas group, to be honest I wouldnt even come to mind to dig up this google group.

Thats my two cents.

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O'car Johann Campos

Dec 2, 2016, 7:24:42 PM12/2/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi guys;

I also notice how facebook has become more efficient to communicate, but for me personally a daily diggest with the activity on my email is much easier to follow than facebook. Facebook is to fast for when I'm on the road I think.
Maybe we could migrate to a wiki and update the info through time, i guess there is plenty of it here still usable, and that we could update through time with the other sources like facebook and members of the forum.



Velo Vagabond

Dec 3, 2016, 12:20:54 PM12/3/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi Paul.  I still frequent the group nearly 3 years after the arctic to antarctic tour. We couldnt' have done it with out the group. Thanks for your work and dedication. It does seem to be less frequented recently. My guess is there are fewer people on the road. This is based on what I've seen here in NorCal - Bay Area. I'm right on the Pacific Coast Bike Route and the numbers have decreased lately. On a tangential note- We're off to Africa soon. Do you know of a similar group for Africa?



Davide Travelli

Dec 3, 2016, 12:31:12 PM12/3/16
to PanAm Riders
Hi James

Not sure about that it looks like it's increasing, especially talking about that topic with the owner of the Casa del Ciclista in Quito (Tumbaco). He got an average of 3 to 10 people practically on a daily basis sometimes there are even 15 people crushing in there.

On a different note after reaching Ushuaia I'll most likely head to Cape Town and cycle up Africa so if you'd like to connect find me on FB: Davide Travelli



Frank Weidemann

Dec 4, 2016, 2:48:08 AM12/4/16
Hi Paul,
True, there are many blogs/FB online providing informationen on routes, places to stay and see etc. However, what I always liked best in your group was to be able to ask questions on specific issues. I believe most of the "old guys" are still part of the group and happy to answer these questions. 
So please keep it up. In any case: Thanks a lot for all your work and shared knowledge!

All the best!

O'car Johann Campos

Dec 5, 2016, 3:22:38 PM12/5/16
to PanAm Riders
Hello Paul;

So what have you decided to do finally? I have felt tempted to post the link to the group to attract new riders but it would be cool to know your thoughts on what you are going to to do with the group and the info!

Thanks for everything anyways, this has been a marvelous source of information for me.



Karina Derl

Dec 14, 2016, 9:51:46 AM12/14/16
Dear Paul,

your group and the information in the achive was very helpful being on tour. But indeed, we're already back home. Like others already suggested, would it be possible to have a place where the information could be still reachable, like the wiki you were starting to build?! Is it open to the public? That would be great!

Thank you for your effort!

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Fiona Sheil

Jan 9, 2017, 1:29:31 PM1/9/17
to PanAm Riders
I found this group so useful when i was cycling. i plan to return to south america in two years time and hope it will still be here to use! i think it's great.


Jan 9, 2017, 8:53:49 PM1/9/17
to PanAm Riders
This was a great resource when i was on the road, especially on route selection.  i'd love to see it preserved in some form or another.   but i do admit it is hard to answer the same questions over and over again, especially now that i am at home saving for another trip.

Paul, many many thanks for your efforts in this regard!  You definitely made my trip better!


On Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 2:24:11 PM UTC-8, Paul wrote:

Beatrice Filippini

Jan 10, 2017, 4:14:31 AM1/10/17

sorry for the very late replay!
I hope that is not to late..!
First I would like to thank everyone for this group.. it has been really helpfull ..and it gave me a lot of information =)

I'm writing because this february I will cycle from Colmobia..Santa Marta and I would like to reach Ushuaia..

I'll be happy to keep this gorup open ..but if you have already decided to close it's ok..!

I'm nearly finish to get everything ready ..but I didn't decide yet what to use as naviagator ..
And given you experience.. I would like to ask you an advice..

It's better to use a phone..and in case..which app is the best?
Or it's better a bike computer? and in case which one?

many thanks in advance =)
hope everyone will have a great day!



O'car Johann Campos

Jan 10, 2017, 11:24:01 AM1/10/17
to PanAm Riders
Hello Beatrice;

I think the best for the phone would be the app with the offline maps, they base their maps on openstreetmap which is quite complete here in south america (i'm based in chile, soon starting from punta arenas following the panam north) and I have found that of all the apps I've used, the ones that rely on openstreetmap are the most complete of them all. They even have trekking trails if you zoom in enough, and in my personal experience, at least here in Chile, they are quite reliable. Before mapsme I would use Mapdroyd (also based on openstreetmap) but the features of mapsme are much better than mapdroyd and therefore I shifted. So mapsme + some paper map to have a bigger idea would suffice to navigate through south america, at least for me :)

I have no experience with bike computers, just the typical kilometer counter.

I'll see you on the road!



Jan 10, 2017, 2:00:15 PM1/10/17
Hi O'Car!

many thanks for the quick answer! 
I will follow ur advice and I will use the phone..

good luck with ur travel:)
Will be nice ti meet u there!


Sent from my iPhone

Beatrice Filippini

Feb 17, 2017, 9:20:44 PM2/17/17
Hola to everyone!
I start to cycle in Colombia from s.marta few days ago..
 now I'm close to cartagena..And while I was along the road I had been robbed today and I don't feel safe anymore to continuos alone..

anyone know someone interested to continuous to cycle towards south Colombia?
Or different group where could I ask?
Many many thanks!


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Davide Travelli

Feb 18, 2017, 1:11:39 PM2/18/17

Ah bummer! Try on FB groups they are much more active.

Bike Touring Americas:

Cycling from Alaska to Patagonia:

Dont give up, I had a similar experience exept I was told they were gonna kill me:

Good luck!

From: <> on behalf of Beatrice Filippini <>
Sent: 17 February 2017 20:20:01
Subject: Re: [panam-riders] Re: Anyone still interested in this group?

Beatrice Filippini

Feb 19, 2017, 6:33:37 AM2/19/17
Ok many thanks I will try there..I don't want to give up! I just would like to feel bit more safe..may be I will skeep Colombia..many thanks!

Inviato da iPhone

Leah Manning

Feb 19, 2017, 10:56:50 PM2/19/17
to PanAm Riders
Hi Bea-
So sorry to hear this. I was robbed in the same area. I really recommend giving the rest of Colombia a chance. I loved the mountainous regions which are quite tranquil and felt safe. Feel free to email me at if you want any info.
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