Dr. Mimi Sheller Public Lecture, Sat. Mar. 24, 2018

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Judith Nicholson

Mar 13, 2018, 11:29:00 AM3/13/18
to pan-american-mo...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,

If you're near Waterloo, Ontario, please see below about a public lecture by Dr. Mimi Sheller.

Judith Nicholson, PhD
Associate Professor
Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA
Laurier is located on traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishnawbe and Haudenosaunee peoples.

Mobility Justice and Urban Equity:

Pedagogies, Activism and Sustainable Cities


A PUBLIC LECTURE  by Dr. Mimi Sheller



Saturday March 24, 2018  |  6-8 PM

Centre for International Governance Innovation

67 Erb Street West, Waterloo, ON


FREE PUBLIC EVENT followed by reception

RSVP Registration Required by March 23, 2018


This lecture will address intersections between academic research into mobility justice and more activist stances that seem necessary in the face of climate change and social injustice. Transitions toward more sustainable and equitable cities demand that we develop more dynamic transdisciplinary fields and relational practices that can question the very grounds we work from, make room for excluded voices, and open alternative pathways toward change. What is mobility studies? What is it for? Who does it? What does it do? This talk will specifically explore how we can mobilize pedagogies in ways that extend beyond the classroom to engage with wider publics in re-imagining and re-making extended urban systems including transport, energy, and communication infrastructures that span micro and macro scales, near and far, horizontal and vertical, slow and fast, North and South, onshore and offshore, urban and rural.


Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Balsillie School of International Affairs, Centre for International Governance Innovation, International Migration Research Centre

Wilfrid Laurier University

Cultural Studies Program; Department of Communication Studies; Department of Religion and Culture; Faculty of Arts; Office of Research Services; Office of the Provost and Vice-President: Academic; Women and Gender Studies Program


Contact: mob...@wlu.ca



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