FW: [mailinglist@cosmobilities.net] Call for Papers - COSMOBILITIES CONFERENCE 2016: Sharing Mobilities

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Phillip Vannini

May 12, 2016, 9:51:22 AM5/12/16
to pan-american-mo...@googlegroups.com, Sven.Ke...@hfwu.de

Sharing Mobilities

New perspectives for societies on the move?

12th Cosmobilities Network Conference

30. November – 2. December 2016, Stuttgart/Bad Boll


Keynotes: Bridgette Wessels (University of Sheffield), Tim Cresswell (Northeastern University, Boston), Philipp Rode (London School of Economics)

John Urry memorial session: Roundtable conversation on the legacy of John’s work on the mobilities turn in social science.


Fishbowl session: Sharing mobilities from a practitioners perspective: Invited speakers from mobility-related industry and city planning will engage with conference participants in a lively, moderated discussion.


Moving on – Closing Panel: Mimi Sheller (Drexel University), Kevin Hannam (Edinburgh Napier University), Sven Kesselring (Nürtingen-Geislingen University). The panelist will pick up on themes they have encountered

throughout the conference and engage with conference participants in a discussion on the future of sharing mobilities.



The mobility world is massively changing. New policies, new modes of transport and new socio-spatial practices of mobilities are on the rise. Jeremy Rifkin saw this clearly in 2000. In his bestseller ‘The Age of Access’ he says the future of modern societies will no longer be solely organized through individual property and ownership. Rather, new collaborative forms of consumption and sharing would play a key role in the organization of everyday life and business. 

The 12th Cosmobilities Network conference invites contributions looking at the social, cultural, spatial, ecological and socio-economic consequences of new sharing concepts. Papers and contributions elaborating aspects of related risks, chances, utopias and dystopias are welcomed in particular. Cosmobilities encourages scholars and practitioners to present and discuss theoretical, conceptual, empirical and applied work and perspectives on the past, present and future of sharing mobilities. 

Cosmobilities conferences aim for creating inspiring, creative and thought-provoking environments. The location in Bad Boll is a venue where accommodation and meals are included. This provides the opportunity for concentrated time for networking and engaging with the field. This also means that the number of participants is limited. The majority of sessions will foster exchange and discussion. Therefore, we especially encourage participants to submit abstracts for the 7/7 and the panel sessions. 

Please, submit your abstract of no more than 300 words no later than May 25th2016 to Cosmobil...@cosmobilities.net.




Dr Sven Kesselring

Research professor in sustainable mobilities

Nürtingen-Geislingen University 

Park str. 4, room 012

73312 Geislingen



Sharing Mobilities - Call For Papers.pdf
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