Hi there,
It looks like there are various formatting issues in your input files:
1) The format of your alignment file is not a PHYLIP format. You should have the tag ID of your sequences (i.e., the "tag" or "identifier" you use to name your sequence) separated by at least two spaces from their corresponding sequence (i.e., protein sequences in your case). In addition, the tag IDs you use to identify 68 taxa are not the same tags you used in your tree file (they need to be the same or PAML programs will abort). In addition, your tag IDs have spaces and are longer than they should be.
2) Your tree file lacks the PHYLIP header (i.e., <num_taxa 1>, first type the number of taxa, introduce one or two spaces, then type `1` as you only have one tree).
In addition, I would suggest that you run PAML programs from the terminal instead of using the outdated PAML-X Gui.
Hope this helps!