I'm trying to get the average dN/dS for the entire tree, I'm running mode = 0. Yet, my output file does not have a dN/dS printed out. I attached my control file and screenshot of my output file. Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help offered.
Codon position x base (3x4) table, overall
position 1: T:0.21108 C:0.25373 A:0.32882 G:0.20636
position 2: T:0.40644 C:0.28178 A:0.19059 G:0.12118
position 3: T:0.21908 C:0.27579 A:0.45483 G:0.05031
Average T:0.27887 C:0.27043 A:0.32475 G:0.12595
Codon frequencies under model, for use in evolver (TTT TTC TTA TTG ... GGG):
0.01958765 0.02465826 0.04066624 0.00449795
0.01357970 0.01709504 0.02819304 0.00311834
0.00918531 0.01156309 0.00000000 0.00000000
0.00584023 0.00735208 0.01212500 0.00134111
0.02354484 0.02963984 0.04888184 0.00540665
0.01632314 0.02054867 0.03388873 0.00374832
0.01104098 0.01389913 0.02292235 0.00253536
0.00702010 0.00883738 0.01457455 0.00161204
0.03051345 0.03841239 0.06334947 0.00700687
0.02115432 0.02663049 0.04391883 0.00485771
0.01430879 0.01801287 0.02970671 0.00328576
0.00909785 0.01145299 0.00000000 0.00000000
0.01914978 0.02410704 0.03975718 0.00439741
0.01327614 0.01671290 0.02756280 0.00304863
0.00897998 0.01130461 0.01864349 0.00206209
0.00570968 0.00718773 0.01185395 0.00131113
TREE # 1: (1, 2, (((((((3, 4, 5), 6, (73, 74, 75)), (76, (77, 78))), (((62, 69), (67, 68)), (70, 71))), 10, (12, 16, 19, 20), (21, (29, 30))), (((((((((7, 8, 83), ((9, 56, 57), 61)), ((58, 59), 60)), 41), ((11, 81), (28, (35, ((36, 37), 38))))), (((((22, 31), 23, 25, 26), 24), (47, 49)), ((55, 72), (63, (64, 65), 66)))), ((27, 32, 33, 34), (45, (48, 54))), 46, (50, 51), 52), 53), 39, 44, (79, 80, 82)), (13, (14, 15, 17, 18))), (40, (42, 43)))); MP score: 4469
lnL(ntime:140 np:142): -34946.486437 +0.000000
84..1 84..2 84..85 85..86 86..87 87..88 88..89 89..90 90..91 91..3 91..4 91..5 90..6 90..92 92..73 92..74 92..75 89..93 93..76 93..94 94..77 94..78 88..95 95..96 96..97 97..62 97..69 96..98 98..67 98..68 95..99 99..70 99..71 87..10 87..100 100..12 100..16 100..19 100..20 87..101 101..21 101..102 102..29 102..30 86..103 103..104 104..105 105..106 106..107 107..108 108..109 109..110 110..111 111..7 111..8 111..83 110..112 112..113 113..9 113..56 113..57 112..61 109..114 114..115 115..58 115..59 114..60 108..41 107..116 116..117 117..11 117..81 116..118 118..28 118..119 119..35 119..120 120..121 121..36 121..37 120..38 106..122 122..123 123..124 124..125 125..126 126..22 126..31 125..23 125..25 125..26 124..24 123..127 127..47 127..49 122..128 128..129 129..55 129..72 128..130 130..63 130..131 131..64 131..65 130..66 105..132 132..133 133..27 133..32 133..33 133..34 132..134 134..45 134..135 135..48 135..54 105..46 105..136 136..50 136..51 105..52 104..53 103..39 103..44 103..137 137..79 137..80 137..82 86..138 138..13 138..139 139..14 139..15 139..17 139..18 85..140 140..40 140..141 141..42 141..43
0.000274 0.000004 0.003245 0.000542 0.000274 0.000274 0.000273 0.000274 0.000274 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000274 0.000274 0.000004 0.000541 0.000004 0.000274 0.000274 0.000004 0.000004 0.001350 0.000543 0.001080 0.000274 0.000004 0.000273 0.000004 0.000004 0.000541 0.000274 0.000004 0.001620 0.003241 0.000004 0.000541 0.000273 0.000540 0.001890 0.000274 0.000541 0.000004 0.000004 0.000812 0.001083 0.001560 0.538161 0.163144 0.114172 0.062298 0.013112 0.003566 0.001904 0.001088 0.001359 0.003261 0.000276 0.001089 0.002724 0.003541 0.002177 0.011926 0.000319 0.001897 0.001306 0.002734 0.063359 0.175188 0.001123 0.000817 0.000817 0.000788 0.000276 0.000276 0.000546 0.001362 0.000276 0.000004 0.000276 0.000277 0.171425 0.124601 0.047403 0.000967 0.001621 0.001079 0.001347 0.001886 0.004324 0.003238 0.001460 0.041916 0.004174 0.006671 0.172053 0.002254 0.000275 0.000004 0.002383 0.001089 0.001089 0.000004 0.000004 0.001634 0.004008 0.005989 0.000541 0.001890 0.002701 0.001889 0.009571 0.002156 0.001284 0.003868 0.004134 0.003575 0.002163 0.001023 0.000329 0.003303 0.003524 0.003241 0.004055 0.006512 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000809 0.001353 0.001892 0.000004 0.000004 0.000274 0.000004 0.002436 0.000539 0.001083 0.000004 0.000541 7.876402 0.041451