Call to action to join ISM, please spread widely

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International Solidarity Movement

Jun 27, 2014, 4:02:24 PM6/27/14
to International Solidarity Movement
Dear friends

In the last two weeks, the Israeli military has arrested over 566 Palestinians in the West Bank, they have stormed homes, invaded cities, and murdered seven Palestinians.

ISM is sending an urgent call for volunteers to join us in Palestine. Check the join us section of our website or email ISM at for more information.

Ahmad Arafat Sabareen, 20-years-old, was shot in the chest by live ammunition bullets in Jalazoun refugee camp, near Ramallah, during a raid by the Israeli army.

Ahmad Arafat Sabareen's father speaks of his son at the funeral (photo by Middle East Monitor).

Ahmad Arafat Sabareen’s father speaks of his son at the funeral (photo by Middle East Monitor).

15-year-old Mohammad Dudeen, was killed by a single live bullet during a night raid in his home village of Dura, near Hebron on June 20th.

Mohammad Dudeen (photo from Defence for Children International Palestine).

Mohammad Dudeen (photo from Defence for Children International Palestine).

Hajj Jamil Ali Jaber Souf suffered a heart attack during a raid on his village of Hares, and died soon after.

Ahmad Sa’id Fahmawi (Abu Shanno) was shot and killed on June 22nd in the city of Nablus. The Israeli military fired several bullets at him from a close range when he was on his way to a mosque near his house for dawn prayers, because he “did not obey their orders to stop”.

Mahmoud Ismael Atallah was shot and killed as the Israeli military invaded the de-facto capital of the West Bank, Ramallah, in the early hours of June 22nd.

Mahmoud's wife and son (photo by Fadi Arouri).

Mahmoud’s wife and son (photo by Fadi Arouri).

Mustafa Husni Aslan, 24 years old, was shot last Friday during clashes that erupted in Qalandya refugee camp, north of Ramallah, he died from his injury yesterday afternoon.

Early yesterday morning, June 26th, Israeli soldiers raided el-Arrub refugee camp north of Hebron. During this raid, a 78-year-old Palestinian woman, Fatima Ismail Issa Rushdi, died of a heart attack.

The situation in the last weeks is escalating; Palestinians are facing increasing military violence and the largest campaign of collective punishment seen since the Second Intifada.

Now more than ever, internationals are needed to travel to Palestine and stand in solidarity against occupation and apartheid.

Document and report on the crimes committed by both the Israeli military and the colonial settlers living on Palestinian land throughout the West Bank. Take part in protests and demonstrations against the occupation, use your privilege as an international to stand alongside Palestinian communities, and join ISM.

ISM is also sending an urgent call for volunteers to join the 2014 olive harvest campaign.

ISM volunteers join Palestinian farming communities each year to harvest olives in areas where Palestinians face settler and military violence while working their land. Your presence can make a big difference, with Palestinian communities stating that the presence of international volunteers reduces the risk of extreme violence from Israeli settlers and the Israeli army.

The olive tree is a Palestinian national symbol, and the Israeli military systematically prevents agricultural fruition, in order to make life for Palestinians more difficult. The Israeli occupation provides a platform for Palestinian rights to be violated in an array of ways; the attack on agriculture is at the forefront.

Already documented this year, and to list a few cases; the trees have suffered settler sewage runoffsabotaging fires, and being cut down. Olive trees comprise of an essential 14% of the Palestinian agricultural economy.

In January 2014 alone approximately 2020 olive trees were reportedly destroyed.

We support Palestinians’ assertion of their right to earn their livelihoods and be present on their lands. International solidarity activists engage in non-violent intervention and documentation and practical support, which enables many families to pick their olives.

The campaign will begin mid October and will last around 5-7 weeks.  We request a minimum one week commitment from volunteers, but stress that longtermers are needed as well. We ask that volunteers start arriving in the first week of October, so that we will be prepared when the harvest begins.


We request a minimum two week commitment from volunteers, but stress that longtermers are needed as well. The ISM will be holding mandatory two day training sessions which will run weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please see the join ISM page or contact for further information.

In solidarity,

ISM Palestine

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