Parish eBulletin - Volume 13, No. 11, March 13, 2020

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Chris Lundin

Mar 13, 2020, 11:30:24 AM3/13/20
to 'terry atkinson' via PaloAltoCatholic-EBulletin

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 13, No. 11 - March 13, 2020

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner CANCELED Due To Corona Virus

Table of Contents:
1. CANCELED: Saturday, March 14: Annual Parish St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Celebration
2. THIS WEEKEND: Human Concerns: March 14-15 Parish Collection for Seton School 2nd Grade Summer Reading Growth
3. 40 Days Of Lent
4. THIS Sunday, March 15: STA High School Youth Ministry
5. THIS Tuesday, March 17:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "What St. Patrick Can Still Teach Us Today”
6. CANCELED: THIS Wednesday: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People
7. Parents Of Young Kids?
8. Wednesday, March 18: Confirmation Class: Plus TOMORROW, Saturday, March 14
9. Volunteer Opportunity: Pastoral Home Ministry
10. Weekly Stewardship Report: Thank You For Sharing God’s Gifts!
11. Annual Diocesan Appeal 2020
12. Want To Become A Catholic? 
13. CANCELED: Saturday, March 21: Lenten Morning Retreat
14. Saturday, March 28: Next Pastoral Garden Maintenance
15. Human Concerns: Saturday, March 28: Next Human Concerns Committee Meeting
16. Save the Date - Monday, May 11 - Seton Golf Tournament and Silent & Live Auction

Outside The Parish:

17. THIS Sunday, March 14: Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2020
18.  Leadership Roundtable Brings A Dose Of Reality To The Church
19. Weekly Intercessions
20. Words Of Comfort
21. Pope Urges Priests To Tend To Sick, Health Care Workers During Epidemicd
22. Friday, April 10: Live Re-Enactment of Good Friday Events
23. Pilgrimage Opportunities in 2020-2021
24. Photos: Surreal Scenes From Rome’s Coronavirus Lockdown
25. Presider Schedules for the Third Sunday of Lent,  And Sunday Mass Readings

Bonus Information:   Papal Cartoon

1. CANCELED: Saturday, March 14: Annual Parish St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Celebration

Saturday, March 14th WAS going to be the date of the Parish Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner/Celebration! However, due to the Corona Virus, it is canceled. See you next year! See your ticket-seller or Helen Baumann for refunds.

2. THIS WEEKEND: Human Concerns: March 14-15 Parish Collection for Seton School 2nd Grade Summer Reading Growth

Our parish collection for new books for Seton 2nd grade students books will be held on the weekend of March 14-15.   Your generosity in past years has provided a package of 5-7 books for each 2nd grade student to read at homeduring the long summer weeks.  These emerging readers benefit from this educational opportunity inspiring them to read, learn and share these books with others while maintaining skills during their school break.  

Last year, each 2nd grader received 4 favorite individual choices which was a real winner!  Recent feedback from those students was very positive!  

Any cash donations may be given to a Human Concerns rep after each mass that weekend.  We are happy to shop for you!  You will see lots of smiling faces in photos of the handing-out event come June.  

The Human Concerns Committee

3. 40 Days Of Lent

Traditions are built on past experiences. Characterized by discomforts, the season of Lent seems to last forever. We observe 40 days of Lent with all the inconveniences and discomforts so as to be detached from our slavery to sin.

Our observance of 40 days of Lent has direct roots from biblical events.  It seems most of the significant biblical events lasted for periods of counts of 40. The number 40 significantly runs through the Old and New Testaments. According to the testimony of Stephen, Moses the Law giver's life is marked by three 40-year segments: his growth to adulthood, fleeing from Egypt into the desert near Mount Sinai, and return to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Acts 7:23,30,36). Moses spent three consecutive periods of "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 9:11; 9:25; 10:10). The Israelites roamed the desert for 40 years.

Israel roamed the desert for 40 years so as to experience a detachment from Egypt, the land of slavery. Moses sent spies to explore the Promised Land “for forty days” (Numbers 13:2, 25). The desert is always permeated with various discomforts. Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry, during which Satan tempted him (Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13;
Luke 4:2). The date of the March equinox determines the date of the commencement of Lent and it goesfrom Ash Wednesday to three days before Easter. Lent ends on Maundy Thursday with the commemoration of the Last Supper.

Lent actually lasts for 46 days. However, the six Sundays of Lent are not days for fasting. Sunday is always the Day of Resurrection in all liturgical seasons and therefore not counted. Thus, Lent lasts for 40 days mirroring the time that Jesus Christ spent fasting in the wilderness before starting his public ministry.

The invitation is for us to reflect on how to detach from our propensity to sin. The Church offers this season to help us move away from the burden of sin. The word of God, rituals, practices, and liturgies for Lent help us to do soul searches. St. Benedict, the Father of Western monasticism, said to his monks that, “The life of a monk ought to be a continuous lent.” We can make the holy season of Lent a way of life. May God bless our 40 days of Lent. 

Fr. Sev Kupo, Parochial Vicar 

4. THIS Sunday, March 15: STA High School Youth Ministry

Our usual meeting after the 10:30 am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary in the Dermody Center. Contact Pierina at with any questions! 

5. THIS Tuesday, March 17:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: "What St. Patrick Can Still Teach Us Today 

with our presenter, Deacon Daniel Hernandez

Though he lived over fifteen centuries ago, St. Patrick has a lesson to teach our world today. Come join us to learn more about St. Patrick, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the Hospitality Center at St. Albert the Great Church.

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

14. Wednesday, March 18: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

6. CANCELED: THIS Wednesday: S.O.U.P. (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

NOTE: Due to the Corona virus, S.O.U.P. is canceled.

7. Parents Of Young Kids?

Do you have a “small person” living in your household?  Are you interested in sharing ideas with other new parents?
If so, please respond. Another eBulletin reader is interested in formed a New Parents Group if there is sufficient interest.

8. Wednesday, March 18: Confirmation Class: Plus TOMORROW, Saturday, March 14

We will be meeting Wednesday, March 11, plus SAVE The DATE: Inviting ALL 2020 Confirmation Candidates to an Inspiring And Meaningful 1/2 day Retreat:  Confirmation: It's Just the Beginning" on Saturday, March 14th, 8:30AM-1:30PM at the Thomas House (next door to St. Thomas Aquinas Church.) 

Contact Carmel Caligaris questions at 

9. Volunteer Opportunity: Pastoral Home Ministry

I am looking for more volunteers to assist in our Pastoral Home Ministry. If you are interested in bringing Communion to those homebound or in assisted living faculties and nursing homes, contact me at

Mary Fong, Pastoral Home Ministry

10. Weekly Stewardship Report: Thank You For Sharing God’s Gifts!

Our Weekly Offering
March 8 Actual : $11,080
          Weekly Goal : $12,000
11. Annual Diocesan Appeal 2020

ADA - Our Annual Diocesan Appeal has begun. Fr. Stasys hopes that each family discern what kind of a pledge they can offer. Our parish goal is $144,750. This is doable with all parishioners pledging according to their means. Thank you for sharing God's gifts! 

UPDATE: 3/15/20

ADA Goal: $144,750

Pledged: $80,620

# Donors: 127

% of Goal: 56

The 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal requests your help to meet our parish goal! 

12.  Want To Become A Catholic?

Are you an adult who has been Baptized and received Eucharist but missed the Sacrament of Confirmation? WE WANT YOU!! NOW IS THE TIME!!

It’s time to step forward and complete your initiation into the Catholic Church. We will begin a series of preparation sessions for Confirmation for adults (post-high school and up) on Saturday, March 7 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in the Dermody Center. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Susan in the Faith Formation Office or at Hoping to see many people step forward to receive this important sacrament that seals our commitment to the Church, completes our Baptismal Grace, and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit.

13. CANCELED: Saturday, March 21: Lenten Morning Retreat

NOTE: Due to a recent death, the presenter is unavailable. The Merton Center hopes to reschedule later in the Spring.

Fr. Kevin Ballard, S.J., will lead a Lenten morning retreat, “Making Room YOURSELF for Getting to Know God:  How are you GIVING IN for Lent?.”  

Come to St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, 1095 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, from 9:00 am till noon for this time to listen, reflect, discuss, and meditate on Fr. Ballard’s unique blend of soul work and humor.

Light refreshments will be available.  No cost to attend, although donations to the sponsoring group, the Thomas Merton Center, are appreciated.

14. Saturday, March 28: Next Pastoral Garden Maintenance

Thanks to Eleanor, Laura, Veronica, Heike, Liza, Mary Ann and Arlen who gathered on a beautiful morning last Saturday, weeded garden beds and the center oval, and made a big dent in the spring cleanup tasks of the Pastoral Garden.  Thank you, Chris, for the tasty donut treats and the refreshing jug of water!
Our next work day is planned for the 4th Saturday in March, the 28th, from 9 to 11:30am (or however much time you can spare.

Thanks to those who came on Saturday, February 22.  Much good work was done.

Please join us for donuts and goodies and whatever good work you will do. This is just behind the Pastoral Center at 3290 Middlefield Road. Easy parking; easy working.

15. Human Concerns: Saturday, March 28: Next Human Concerns Committee Meeting

We will again gather at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 28 in the OLR Hall to work on various human concerns initiatives.  

16. Save the Date - Monday, May 11 - Seton Golf Tournament and Silent & Live Auction

Golfers and Guests - Join us for our 25th Annual Seton Scramble for Students - Monday, May 11th, 2020 - a SILVER Anniversary! Not only do you get to golf at Stanford, but so much more! Enjoy a Hobees breakfast, a lovely boxed-lunch, beverages and snacks throughout the day, and a delicious Coupa Café buffet dinner reception (including wine, beer and beverages). Non-golfers, please join us also for our fun reception at 4PM. (There’s a suggested donation of $25 for each guest). Tournament Prizes, a Silent and Live Auction and a terrific dinner with a little student entertainment makes for a lovely afternoon on the green by the 18th Hole.

All proceeds directly support tuition assistance for students at St. Elizabeth Seton School.
Registration at

(Be sure to take advantage of the Early Bird Pricing before 4/17/20) Any questions or to RSVP for the tournament, Contact Carmel Caligaris at or 650-326-1258

Outside The Parish

17. THIS Sunday, March 14: Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2020

9:30 - 10:30am
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, San Jose
Couples celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries (1st – 5th, 25th, 40th, 50th, and greater) this year are invited to attend the celebration Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose

18.  Leadership Roundtable Brings A Dose Of Reality To The Church

Sponsored by the Leadership Roundtable, more than 260 people gathered in small groups at, appropriately enough, round tables for a by-invitation only discussion of some of the weightiest questions facing the U.S. church in the 21st century.

Among the over 260 participants were 12 bishops and archbishops and at least one cardinal — Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, who also participated as a panelist. Among the women religious present was St. Joseph Sr. Carol Zinn, executive director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and a panelist and co-host of the event. The hierarchy present included Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, also a panelist, and Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States and a co-host. Other co-hosts listed included cardinals Sean O'Malley of Boston and Blase Cupich of Chicago.

Attendees hailed from more than 60 dioceses in the United States and checked off an impressive array of demographic characteristics. By the Leadership Roundtable's own calculation, the crowd included canon lawyers, corporate professionals, senior diocesan staff members, theologians, abuse survivors, media professionals, philanthropists and Catholic community foundations, seminarians, women and men religious, ordained and lay, and by my count, representatives of enough Catholic agencies and organizations that one might be convinced anew that the church still matters.

Read more at:

2==19. Weekly Intercessions

From Martin Buber’s, “Between Man and Man”

“Trust, trust in the world, because this human being exists - that is the most inward achievement of the relation in education. Because this human being exists, meaninglessness, however hard pressed you are by it, cannot be the real truth. Because this human being exists, in the darkness the light lies hidden, in fear salvation, and in the callousness of one's fellow-men the great Love.”

  •  In a time of increased indifference to the plight of migrants and escalating violence against refugees here, Greece, Italy and Spain. let us pray that all those who are fleeing desolate poverty, violence and war will find refuge and those caring for refugees be protected from fascists, nationalists and racists.
  •  In a time of COVID-19 panic, misinformation and governmental incompetence, let us pray for scientists and health care workers who are providing care for the sick and information to the general public. We pray especially for the scientists who risk their careers by putting care for others above politics.
  • In a time of a widening wealth gap and increased poverty resulting in displacement from rising costs of housing and food insecurity, let us pray for those who struggle to keep their families together, clothed, sheltered and fed and those who care for the neediest among us.
  • In a time of political fear and social anxiety, that those who long for stability and social progress not give up on the vision of a country that believes in equality, respect, social justice and accountability.
(Taken from Fr. Jon Pedigo’s weekly email).

20. Words Of Comfort

We found comfort in these words from Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky as we head into the weekend:

  • "Every hand that we don't shake must become a phone call that we place."
  • "Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern." 
  • "Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise."
21. Pope Urges Priests To Tend To Sick, Health Care Workers During Epidemic

ON: 3/10/2020,  by Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis prayed that priests would find the courage to visit those who are sick and offer accompaniment to health care professionals and volunteers working during the coronavirus epidemic.

During a live broadcast of his daily morning Mass, Pope Francis again prayed for the many people who have fallen ill because of the virus and for health care workers.

"Let us also pray to the Lord for our priests, so that they have the courage to go out and go to those who are sick, bringing the strength of the word of God and the Eucharist and to accompany health care workers and volunteers in the work they are doing," he said March 10 at the start of the Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae.

The Italian government issued a late-night measure March 9 extending "red zone" restrictions already in place in the north to all of Italy, urging people to stay at home and avoid all unessential travel as part of already implemented plans to prevent the further spread of the virus.

The move came as Italy became the nation with the second-highest number of deaths related to the coronavirus and the second-highest number of confirmed cases in the world with 9,172 known infections, according to the World Health Organization March 10. As of March 9, the virus has claimed the lives of 463 people in Italy, the Italian health ministry said.

The normally private daily Masses were being broadcast live on Vatican News and the Vatican YouTube channel to help people still be united in prayer with the pope, the Vatican had said.

22. Friday, April 10: Live Re-Enactment of Good Friday Events

We invite you to join a live re-enactment of Good Friday events at St. Francis in East Palo Alto. It is a not-to-be-missed experience within a very diverse and loving community.

Good Friday, April 10 at 5:00 pm
Park cars behind St. Francis of Assisi Church
1425 Bay Rd. near University Ave, East Palo Alto, CA

Re-enactment begins in Jack Farrell Park, 2509 Fordham Rd. a short walk from St. Francis 

Procession will walk from park back to St. Francis church where final events will take place. 

23. Pilgrimage Opportunities in 2020-2021

Come join our former pastor, Fr. George Aranha, who will be hosting three upcoming Pilgrimages for 2020 and 2021 which will be of interest to you!

(1) Eleven-day Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines & Barcelona including Fatima, Avila, Loyola and Lourdes - October 5-15, 2020

(2) Twelve-day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Rome including a Papal audience February 1-12, 2021

(3) Twelve-day Pilgrimage to Eastern Europe, including Krakow, Prague, Vienna and Budapest September 13-24, 2021

For general information and photographs, please visit and info@nativity
For brochures and registration forms, please visit:
For more information and to register, please contact: Jen Vazquez:
or call Jen at: 1-408-629-7777

24. Photos: Surreal Scenes From Rome’s Coronavirus Lockdown

By Edward Pentin

VATICAN CITY — The city of Rome and the Vatican had an ominous quiet about them today as Italy experienced its first full day of a nationwide, government-decreed lockdown because of the coronavirus.

Italian police, who patrol St. Peter’s Square on behalf of the Vatican, closed it off to tourists from early morning, leaving St. Peter’s Basilica empty except for Vatican staff including religious, security personnel, cleaners and musicians.

In Rome and around the Vatican, just a few hardened tourists remained, often wearing masks but looking somewhat aimless and forlorn as the museums, galleries and attractions were all closed. They at least had the compensation of early spring, sunny weather.

Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte announced late Monday that the whole of Italy would go into quarantine in an attempt to halt the spread of the virus outbreak.

Conte noted a “significant rise in the number of people in intensive care and unfortunately in the number of deaths,” and added: “Our habits must change now: we must give up something for the good of Italy.”

25. Presider Schedules for the Third Sunday of Lent,  And Sunday Mass Readings

Sunday Mass readings (English):
Sunday Mass readings (Spanish):

5:00 p.m. Saturday: St. Albert the Great: Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska* on sabbatical during Corona Virus)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas:  Fr. Maurice (Music: sing along with recorded music)
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Jose Rubio ( Music: singing with a live music group)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert the Great: Fr. Sev (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary: Fr. Stasys (Music: José Perez and Hispanic Coro)
10:30 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary: Fr. Sev (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir) - First Scrutiny
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Maurice (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska* on sabbatical during Corona Virus)
Noon: St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. TBD (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 428 parish families! (closed (bouncing) accounts recently removed). Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 429? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
Parish Elder Care Resources: Call/leave a message at the Pastoral Home Ministry (494-2496, ext. 22) Call a priest at the rectory at 327-8222
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Diocese of San Jose:
The Valley Catholic (Diocesan newspaper:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Elder Care Line and Homecare: (408) 831-0441
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Senior Activity Centers, in San Jose and Sunnyvale (408) 270-4900
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Behavior Health Clinic in downtown San Jose (408)-899-7160
Each Thursday: Mothers’ Prayers After 8:30 A.M. OLR Daily MasMothers Prayers is our name.  Mothers Prayers was started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world with contacts in over 100 countries and has the approval, support and blessing of Christian leaders of all denominations. There are now thousands of groups around the world and we are one of them.  In a 20 minute prayer, we bring all the pain and the worries we have for our children to the Lord and we trust in His words 'Ask and you will receive'. Through this promise, the Lord is just waiting to take away pain and to bless and heal us and our children when we come to Him in Faith.
It takes place every Thursday morning right after 8:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, in Kerry’s Corner, and you are very welcome to join us. Questions? Call Justine Franklin at (650) 387-1653 or

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

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