Parish eBulletin - Volume 13, No. 9, February 28, 2020

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Chris Lundin

Feb 28, 2020, 11:39:01 AM2/28/20

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
The Catholic Community of Palo Alto, California

St. Thomas Aquinas parish is a Roman Catholic community of disciples 
working together for the glory of God and our spiritual growth in Jesus, the Christ. 
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we live and share the Gospel
through worship, education and service.

Parish eBulletin - Volume 13, No. 9 - February 28, 2020

Wonderful New Parishioner-Led Volunteer Activity

Table of Contents:
1. TOMORROW: Saturday, February 29: Alicia Placone-Combetta Memorial Mass
2. What Will This Lent Be For You?
3. UPDATE: Human Concerns: Our Heart and Home Collaborative Women's Winter Shelter Support
4. To Keep a True Lent
5. Parents Of Young Kids?
6. Wanted: Artists
7. Green Corner: Lenten Calendar
8. Lenten Purple Sheets
9. THIS Sunday, March 1: STA High School Youth Ministry
10. Tuesday, March 3:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Satan in the Bible
11. Wednesday, March 4: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)
12. Confirmation Class: SAVE March 14
13. Volunteer Opportunity: New Parishioner-Led Project: Take Them A Meal
14. Volunteer Opportunity: Pastoral Home Ministry
15. Volunteer Opportunity: Join The SAG Donuteers
16. Weekly Stewardship Report: Thank You For Sharing God’s Gifts!
17. Annual Diocesan Appeal 2020
18. Want To Become A Catholic? 
19. Wednesday, March 11: Peaceful Presence
20. Saturday, March 14: Annual Parish St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Celebration
22. Human Concerns: March 14-15 Parish Collection for Seton School 2nd Grade Summer Reading Growth
23. Saturday, March 28: Next Pastoral Garden Maintenance
24. Human Concerns: Saturday, March 28: Next Human Concerns Committee Meeting
25. Save the Date - Monday, May 11 - Seton Golf Tournament and Silent & Live Auction

Outside The Parish:

26. Thursday, March  5: Mass of Healing
27. Sunday, March 14: Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2020
28. Friday, April 10: Live Re-Enactment of Good Friday Events
29. Pilgrimage Opportunities in 2020-2021
30. Presider Schedules for the First Sunday of Lent,  And Sunday Mass Readings

Bonus Information:   Cartoon

1. TOMORROW: Saturday, February 29: Alicia Placone-Combetta Memorial Mass

Parishioners Dick and Jeanne Placone’s daughter, Alicia Placone-Combetta, gave up her nine-month battle to be with God’s angels on Wednesday, February 5, 2020. Dick and Jeanne, and Alicia’s two daughters Meradith and Elena were with her as she breathed her last earthly breath. Alicia led a dynamic and active life as a music and science teacher, with her final appointment as Music Director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Pittsburg, California. Over the years, hundreds of 6th - 8th graders became good musicians, with many moving on to the area’s high school program. 

A memorial Mass will be celebrated in honor of Alicia’s life on Saturday, February 29, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto at 9:30 a.m. 

Following the Mass, there will be a reception for all guests in the Thomas House next door to the church. The family invites all to attend, and thanks everyone who helped with these arrangements and who have sent prayers and condolences. Those wishing to honor Alicia’s memory may do so with a contribution to the American Cancer Society.

2. What Will This Lent Be For You?

This week marks the 1st Sunday of Lent, our annual “check-up” on how we are doing in our relationship with God. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are what we are called to during this season of renewal: more time for focus on our relationship with God, giving up something that is holding us back from being the person that God created us to be, and intentionally sharing more of what we have with others in need. We tend to focus on what we will give up, but maybe we should consider what we might “take on,” what we might choose to add to our lives to draw us closer to God.

Can we make more time for God?  In our relationship with Jesus? Might we spend more time with Sacred Scripture, studying more deeply God’s Living Word. Such exploration can be done alone or as a family or in small groups. We can also commit ourselves to more time participating in communal prayer, perhaps attending Mass more often during the week (in addition to Sunday)or joining with others in Taize prayer or even praying the Rosary with others. And let’s not forget the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Our experience of fasting should be one that truly helps us becom a better person. Perhaps we should look at this period of time as an opportunity to make a change in our lives that carries beyond the 40 days of Lent. Or maybe it is not what we give up but what we take on, making healthier choices: more whole foods, plant-based choices (healthier for both ourselves and our planet), and adding a level of physical activity that improves our overall health. Maybe what we give up or take on has nothing to do with food: perhaps it is less TV, less time on social media or more time in face-to-face conversation with friends and family.

How do we embrace almsgiving? Are we generous with all that we have - our time, our talent, our treasure - sharing them for the good of others? What can we do to focus this season on our service to those in need and/or our community of faith? Donating our time and/or money in service of others could prove to be life-changing for us and for those to whom we offer our gifts.

And what might we do to affirm the lives of those around us, especially those people we know who are facing challenges in their lives?
Maybe it’s as simple as telling people how much they mean to us and affirming their role in our lives.

In Gaudete et Exultate, Pope Francis has invited us on a path to holiness. This is the season to truly bring focus to that mission. How will this Lent be different for you? If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to reflect and take action!

Susan Lee Olsen, Director of Catechetical Ministry 

3. UPDATE: Human Concerns: Our Heart and Home Collaborative Women's Winter Shelter Support

Many thanks to all parishioners who contributed to our parish effort this winter season! A small army of people offering a variety of help provided plentiful meals to some 15 ladies housed in the Heart and Home women's overnight shelter.   Our nourishing hot meals were provided at Peninsula Bible Church on December 19, University Lutheran Church on January 31 and again on February 19.  Some parishioners stayed to join in the meals and conversation with the ladies.  It is nice to get to know them better, hear their stories and their appreciation for our meals.  Many Stanford students providing their assistance were an inspiration!  

If anyone would like to provide a fourth meal at Universalist Unitarian Church until closing on April 4, please feel free to contact Human Concerns at  650-714-2131. Perhaps another meal can be organized.  

4. To Keep a True Lent
by Robert Herrick
Is this a Fast, to keep
The larder lean?
And clean
From fat of veals and sheep?
Is it to quit the dish
Of flesh, yet still
To fill
The platter high with fish?
Is it to fast an hour,
Or ragg'd to go,
Or show
A down-cast look and sour?
No: 'tis a Fast to dole
The sheaf of wheat
And meat
Unto the hungry soul.
It is to fast from strife
And old debate,
And hate;
To circumcise thy life.
To show a heart grief-rent;
To starve thy sin,
Not bin;
And that's to keep thy Lent

5. Parents Of Young Kids?

Do you have a “small person” living in your household?  Are you interested in sharing ideas with other new parents?
If so, please respond. Another eBulletin reader is interested in formed a New Parents Group if there is sufficient interest.

6. Wanted: Artists

"Are you an artist?  If you would like to hang your work for a month in the St. Albert the Great Hospitality Center, please contact Ted Baer at

7. Green Corner: Lenten Calendar

The Green Committee is delighted to provide the Lenten calendar which is within this weekend's bulletin.  It is our hope that all of us, parishioners of St Thomas Aquinas,  will make this Lent a carbon fast. Together we can make our small corner of the earth a gentler place. There are suggestions for each day during the Lenten Season for ways to make this happen.   May we have a blessed Lent!

8. Lenten Purple Sheets

The parish is pleased to provide the Lenten Purple Sheet listing all the activities in our parish during Lent. Pick one up in our vestibules.

9. THIS Sunday, March 1: STA High School Youth Ministry

A huge thanks to all of those who joined us for Bowling last Sunday! It was a lot of fun! This week we are back with our usual meetings after the 10:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary in the Dermody Center. Contact Pierina at with any questions! 

10. Tuesday, March 3:  Spirituality Tuesday Assembly: Satan in the Bible 

with our presenter Fr. Jose Rubio 

What does the bible say about Satan and what might it mean for us today?

Father Rubio is a retired priest of the Diocese of San Jose. He studied at U.C. Berkeley, Santa Clara University, Catholic University of America, and completed his doctorate at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. His career features assignments as chaplain at the San Jose State University's Newman Center and teaching at St. Patrick's Seminary. 
Fr. Jose Rubio is a warm and knowledgeable speaker and it is always a pleasure to have him with us. 

11. Wednesday, March 4: S.O.U.P (Sharing Ourselves with Undernourished People)

will be hosted at Our Lady of the Rosary Hall on the following Wednesdays during Lent at 5:45 PM:  March 4, 18, & April 1. The basic plan for SOUP is simple.  Three families bring soup to the meeting and a few bring wine and juice. Each person brings a bowl and crackers or bread.  We then have a simple dinner. Donations will be accepted for Fr. Jack Donald’s Central American Ministry, along with other worthy charitable causes. 

12. Confirmation Class: SAVE March 14

SAVE The DATE: Inviting ALL 2020 Confirmation Candidates to an Inspiring And Meaningful 1/2 day Retreat:  Confirmation: It's Just the Beginning" on Saturday, March 14th, 8:30AM-1:30PM at the Thomas House (next door to St. Thomas Aquinas Church.) 

Contact Carmel Caligaris questions at 

13. Volunteer Opportunity: New Parishioner-Led Project: Take Them A Meal

Please join a new parishioner lead project, which will provide Sunday dinner to our priests. Named, Take Our Priests A Meal, the meal project is an outreach program that lets the parish priests know they are appreciated. To participate, parishioners cook and deliver a meal on the busiest day of the week for the priests, Sunday. If you chose to join, you will pick a date that is convenient for your schedule and prepare a meal for three; Fr. Stasys, Fr. Sev, and Fr. Maurice. There are no food allergies, although dietary stipulations include low salt and mild to medium spice. Also, if beef is served, please include an alternative dish such as chicken, pork, or seafood for one.

Delivery is set on Sunday between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM to the Saint Albert the Great rectory. Located in the rectory carport is a blue Igloo cooler where prepared food will be placed inside. Our priests are not always home for dinner at 5 PM, but they are happy to reheat the meal when arriving back in the evening.

If you have further questions or you are ready to sign-up, please reach out to Julie Sanford at julsan@umich. edu or by phone, 408-829-8717. For Spanish speakers, please contact Raquel Fleischmann at or by telephone @ 650-739-5830

14. Volunteer Opportunity: Pastoral Home Ministry

I am looking for more volunteers to assist in our Pastoral Home Ministry. If you are interested in bringing Communion to those homebound or in assisted living faculties and nursing homes, contact me at

Mary Fong, Pastoral Home Ministry 

15. Volunteer Opportunity: Join The SAG Donuteers
Happy New Year!  The current donut schedule goes through the end of January and we just lost a long time volunteer, so we really need new volunteers.  We have five, but ideally would have eight or nine.  we really are in desperate need of a few families to help out.  If we don't get more families, we might need to switch to offering donuts just twice a month.
Saint Albert the Great Church is looking for volunteers to help with donuts after the 9am Sunday mass.  Commitment is 6-8 Sundays a year. Responsibilities include:

1) purchasing donuts, milk, orange juice and bringing these to the hospitality center 
2) preparing coffee
3) supervising donut and coffee gathering after 9 am mass
4) light clean up

For more information (or to volunteer): contact Brigid Farrell at

16. Weekly Stewardship Report: Thank You For Sharing God’s Gifts!

Our Weekly Offering:
February 16 Actual : $10,762
February 23 Actual :  $ 8,954
          Weekly Goal : $12,000
17. Annual Diocesan Appeal 2020

ADA - Our Annual Diocesan Appeal began last weekend. Fr. Stasys hopes that each family discern what kind of a pledge they can offer. Our parish goal is $144, 750. This is doable with all parishioners pledging according to their means. Thank you for sharing God's gifts! 

UPDATE: 2/24/20

ADA Goal: $144,759 
Pledged:     $29,465
# Donors: 33

20 % of Goal

The 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal requests your help to meet our parish goal! 

18.  Want To Become A Catholic?

Are you an adult who has been Baptized and received Eucharist but missed the Sacrament of Confirmation? WE WANT YOU!! NOW IS THE TIME!!

It’s time to step forward and complete your initiation into the Catholic Church. We will begin a series of preparation sessions for Confirmation for adults (post-high school and up) on Saturday, March 7 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in the Dermody Center. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Susan in the Faith Formation Office or at Hoping to see many people step forward to receive this important sacrament that seals our commitment to the Church, completes our Baptismal Grace, and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit.

19. Wednesday, March 11: Peaceful Presence

Peaceful Presence: sponsored by Multifaith Prayers for Peace & Justice (of which our parish is a member)
Wednesday, March 11, 7-7:30pm
 First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, 1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto 94303

21. Saturday, March 14: Annual Parish St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Celebration

Saturday, March 14th is the date of the Parish Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner/Celebration! The party starts immediately after the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Albert the Great in the Elizabeth Seton School Gym. 

Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for children and go on sale next weekend (February 29-March 1). Buy your tickets early, as we do sell-out! For more information or to volunteer, call Helen Baumann (650) 327-9236, or Jerry Buday (215) 459-4387

22. Human Concerns: March 14-15 Parish Collection for Seton School 2nd Grade Summer Reading Growth

Our parish collection for new books for Seton 2nd grade students books will be held on the weekend of March 14-15.   Your generosity in past years has provided a package of 5-7 books for each 2nd grade student to read at homeduring the long summer weeks.  These emerging readers benefit from this educational opportunity inspiring them to read, learn and share these books with others while maintaining skills during their school break.  

Last year, each 2nd grader received 4 favorite individual choices which was a real winner!  Recent feedback from those students was very positive!  

Any cash donations may be given to a Human Concerns rep after each mass that weekend.  We are happy to shop for you!  You will see lots of smiling faces in photos of the handing-out event come June.  

The Human Concerns Committee

23. Saturday, March 28: Next Pastoral Garden Maintenance

Thanks to Eleanor, Laura, Veronica, Heike, Liza, Mary Ann and Arlen who gathered on a beautiful morning last Saturday, weeded garden beds and the center oval, and made a big dent in the spring cleanup tasks of the Pastoral Garden.  Thank you, Chris, for the tasty donut treats and the refreshing jug of water!
Our next work day is planned for the 4th Saturday in March, the 28th, from 9 to 11:30am (or however much time you can spare).

Some signs of spring last Saturday in the garden (see at the end of today’s eBulletin)

Thanks to those who came on Saturday, February 22.  Much good work was done.

Please join us for donuts and goodies and whatever good work you will do. This is just behind the Pastoral Center at 3290 Middlefield Road. Easy parking; easy working.

24. Human Concerns: Saturday, March 28: Next Human Concerns Committee Meeting

We will again gather at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 28 in the OLR Hall to work on various human concerns initiatives.  

25. Save the Date - Monday, May 11 - Seton Golf Tournament and Silent & Live Auction

Play Golf at Stanford and empower children of low- income families. Contact Carmel at 

Outside The Parish

Weekly Intercessions
Excerpt from Alice Walker’s, “Forgiveness”

Looking down into my father’s
dead face
for the last time,
my mother said without
tears, without smiles,
without regrets,
but with civility
“Goodnight, Willie Lee, I’ll see you
in the morning.”

And it was then I knew that the healing
of all our wounds
is forgiveness
that permits a promise of our return
at the end

  • Let us pray for those who are broken down by shame and guilt; that they will overcome their self-doubt and learn to accept the things that they cannot change and commit themselves to focus on the things that they can change…
  •  Let us pray for those who take it upon themselves not only to be the “moral voice” and champion the cause of righteousness, but who impose their views on others without regard to feelings or the desire for reconciliation… 
  • Let us pray for those who have been emotionally scared and turned off by hypocrisy in our parish communities, scandals in clergy, and declarations of partisan motivated excommunications; that those harmed by Church, may find healing from God…
  • Let us pray for pastoral ministers who promote understanding and dialog and for those who work with marginalized communities; that they will not give up hope on the possibility of a Church that is open and welcoming of all people….

A prayer for Ash Wednesday

Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of all life.
Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light.
Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; feast on trust.
Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.
Fast from hostility; feast on nonviolence.
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal Truth.
Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.
Fast from facts that depress; feast on truths that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from shadows of sorrow; feast on the sunlight of serenity.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.
Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on prayer that undergirds.

Gentle God, during this season of fasting and feasting, gift us with your presence, so we can be a gift to others in carrying out your work. 


~Attributed to William Arthur Ward

26. Thursday, March  5: Mass of Healing

Mass of Healing and Reconciliation for Survivors of Clergy Abuse and Their Families
Please join us for a Mass of Healing and Reconciliation for survivors of clergy abuse and their families on March 5, from 7 - 8pm at Saint John Vianney Parish, San Jose.  All are welcome.  Bishop Oscar Cantu will preside.

27. Sunday, March 14: Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2020

9:30 - 10:30am
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, San Jose
Couples celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries (1st – 5th, 25th, 40th, 50th, and greater) this year are invited to attend the celebration Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph in downtown San Jose.

28. Friday, April 10: Live Re-Enactment of Good Friday Events

We invite you to join a live re-enactment of Good Friday events at St. Francis in East Palo Alto. It is a not-to-be-missed experience within a very diverse and loving community.

Good Friday, April 10 at 5:00 pm
Park cars behind St. Francis of Assisi Church
1425 Bay Rd. near University Ave, East Palo Alto, CA

Re-enactment begins in Jack Farrell Park, 2509 Fordham Rd. a short walk from St. Francis 

Procession will walk from park back to St. Francis church where final events will take place. 

29. Pilgrimage Opportunities in 2020-2021

Come join our former pastor, Fr. George Aranha, who will be hosting three upcoming Pilgrimages for 2020 and 2021 which will be of interest to you!

(1) Eleven-day Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines & Barcelona including Fatima, Avila, Loyola and Lourdes - October 5-15, 2020

(2) Twelve-day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Rome including a Papal audience February 1-12, 2021

(3) Twelve-day Pilgrimage to Eastern Europe, including Krakow, Prague, Vienna and Budapest September 13-24, 2021

For general information and photographs, please visit and info@nativity
For brochures and registration forms, please visit:
For more information and to register, please contact: Jen Vazquez:
or call Jen at: 1-408-629-7777

30. Presider Schedules for the First Sunday of Lent,  And Sunday Mass Readings

Sunday Mass readings (English):
Sunday Mass readings (Spanish):

5:00 p.m. Saturday: St. Albert the Great: Fr. Stasys (Music: Paul Prochaska)
7:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas:  Fr. Stasys (Music: sing along with recorded music)
8:45 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Msgr. John Sanderfeld ( Music: singing with a live music group)
9:00 a.m. St. Albert the Great: Fr. Maurice (Music: Chris Lundin and SAG Choir) 
9:00 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary: Fr. Stasys (Music: José Perez and Hispanic Coro)
10:30 a.m. Our Lady of the Rosary: Fr. Stasys (Music: Chris Lundin and OLR Choir)
10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. Maurice (Music: Instrumental Ensemble and Women's Choir directed by Paul Prochaska)
Noon: St. Thomas Aquinas: Fr. TBD (Music: Gregorian chant and Renaissance motets with St. Ann Choir)


The eBulletin is an initiative of our parish Communications Board, whose ministry it is to improve communications in our parish.

As of today, our parish eBulletin is sent to 428 parish families! (closed (bouncing) accounts recently removed). Pass the word! Who will be Family No. 429? If you are interested in receiving the eBulletin on a weekly basis, send an email request to  You will be added to "" which is used to send out the eBulletin each Friday morning.

Always Useful Information:
Parish Online Giving:
Parish Elder Care Resources: Call/leave a message at the Pastoral Home Ministry (494-2496, ext. 22) Call a priest at the rectory at 327-8222
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Online Calendar*:
Steeple Talk Newsletter: (see left sidebar)
Diocese of San Jose:
The Valley Catholic (Diocesan newspaper:
Diocese of San Jose EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) - to report financial misconduct
Diocese of San Jose Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults:  (408) 983-0113 or
Vatican YouTube site:
H20 Catholic News Service:
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Daily Scripture reflections:
Mass Times While Traveling:
Courage (same-sex attraction support group): 650-450-2286 or email 
Salt + Light Blog:
St. Vincent de Paul Auto Donation Phone number: 1-800-322-8284
Trafficking: National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 888-373-7888 (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Trafficking: California Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking at 888-KEY-2FREEDOM. Texts can also be sent to “BE FREE,” or 233733.  (toll-free hotline 24 hours/day)
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Elder Care Line and Homecare: (408) 831-0441
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Senior Activity Centers, in San Jose and Sunnyvale (408) 270-4900
Catholic Charities (Diocese of San Jose): Behavior Health Clinic in downtown San Jose (408)-899-7160
Each Thursday: Mothers’ Prayers After 8:30 A.M. OLR Daily MasMothers Prayers is our name.  Mothers Prayers was started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world with contacts in over 100 countries and has the approval, support and blessing of Christian leaders of all denominations. There are now thousands of groups around the world and we are one of them.  In a 20 minute prayer, we bring all the pain and the worries we have for our children to the Lord and we trust in His words 'Ask and you will receive'. Through this promise, the Lord is just waiting to take away pain and to bless and heal us and our children when we come to Him in Faith.
It takes place every Thursday morning right after 8:30am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, in Kerry’s Corner, and you are very welcome to join us. Questions? Call Justine Franklin at (650) 387-1653 or

* If you know of events or recurring meetings which should be added to the calendar, please send them to, and we will work to get the calendar updated. 

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Western Tiger Swallowtail visiting the agapanthus in the garden.  We also saw it visiting the lunaria next to the oval.  Arlen has really sharp eyes!

One of the plum trees in bloom.

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