Lenten video series update from ELCA’s SUMUD

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Jan Miller

Feb 15, 2024, 12:30:37 PMFeb 15
to Palestine Connection, Google Group Sabeel-CO
Here are links to the series:

From: Jennifer Sung-Torgerson <Jennifer.Su...@elca.org>
Date: February 14, 2024 

Apparently there has been a delay posting the videos to the website. 
The videos you can find here: https://vimeo.com/showcase/10972735. The Study Guide is attached.


Blessed Ash Wednesday to you all! As we begin the season of Lent, Sumud: for justice in Palestine and Israel would like to make sure you are aware of several current and upcoming resources:


  1. Following the Way of Jesus: a Lenten Holy Land Journey

Our Lenten video and discussion series is available NOW at elca.org/sumud in English and in Arabic. Find links to all videos on YouTube and downloadable versions on Vimeo. The PDF discussion guide is also available on the website and as an attachment to this email.

  1. February 24 webinar: On Saturday, February 24 from 10-11:30am Central time, Sumud will offer the first in a spring webinar series together with colleagues from ELCA Witness in Society/Advocacy. For this month’s topic, we’ll have Pastor Munther Isaac with us from the ELCJHL and will focus on “Updates from the Ground and Advocacy Efforts.” Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T2Wf1j69QNGlbZLjfDIZbg. Future webinars will include information on bringing Sumud to ELCA synod assemblies.
  2. NEW Social Media Platforms! Our new Sumud social media platforms are up and running! Find us on Facebook and Instagram @elcasumud.

Sumud; (8).pdf
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