Tiny PILOT for KIM-1 resurrected

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D Hassler

Feb 4, 2023, 5:40:08 PM2/4/23
to PAL 6502 computer
Hi folks.  Reading the BYTE article from Dmitri's post about WADUZITDO, I noticed it mentioned PILOT.  I kind of remembered that language being available for the C64, and went on an internet hunt.  I found a version written specifically for SYM-1 (close enough!), scanned the source code, typed it up, and I present to you Tiny PILOT, in all its 1979 glory!

Included in the attached ZIP file: a PTP, the source code, documentation/User Guide, the relevant pages of MICRO #16 and #27, and 7 demonstration programs I either found or adapted or wrote.  Loads at $0200 and leaves 3.5K for a program in an unexpanded PAL-1.  Easily relocatable, but I'm holding out for a more feature-rich version to sit at $2000.  This will also be available on my PAL-1 website at www.vanportmedia.com/PAL-1

Have a great weekend, all.


GN Liu

Feb 4, 2023, 11:13:46 PM2/4/23
to PAL 6502 computer
Thank you for sharing another piece of history AGAAIIIN!!!

Neil Andretti

Feb 5, 2023, 6:07:58 AM2/5/23
to PAL 6502 computer
Wow, again.
I love to dig deeper into  the Tiny Interpreter.

BTW: did anyone port EHBasic to the KIM-1/PAL-1?
I tried but miserably failed :D

Here is Hans' page with all infos and sources:

and here's a port to the SYM-1

have a good retro weekend,

Jim McClanahan

Feb 5, 2023, 11:33:24 AM2/5/23
to PAL 6502 computer
Good stuff. I wrote a version of Pilot (actually two of them) back in my days with the Ohio Scientific. The first version was in BASIC and I wrote it on the C1P. I converted it to assembly language when I upgraded to the C4P-MF. Unfortunately I never made a hardcopy listing of a lot of the things I did. I have the computer and the disks, but they've been packed away for around thirty years and about a half dozen moves. (I probably have the C1P version on one of the cassettes I have also, although I haven't tried to pull anything off of them either.) When retirement gets here, getting the C4P out and trying to see what I can recover is high on the list of things to do.

I had actually thought about it a while back when I was tinkering with Linux and different languages. I was surprised to find that there isn't an "official" flavor of PILOT for Linux. I did find one called RPILOT and with a few minor tweaks got it running on my Linux machine.


Hans Otten

Feb 6, 2023, 9:32:29 AM2/6/23
to PAL 6502 computer
Thank you for all the work you out into resurrecting old KIM-1 software!
Bob Applegate, he was 17 when the (second) Micro article was published in 1980. He is still active in the KIM-1 clone world, Corsham Technologies is his (evening/weekend) company and he sells good hardware. His health is not so good alas.

Hans Otten

Feb 6, 2023, 12:53:48 PM2/6/23
to PAL 6502 computer
I cross posted in the Corsh...@groups.io | Home group about TinyPilot, this is Bob's response:

Yes that was me!  Being paid for that article allowed me to convince my mother, a very traditional person, that I could make a living writing software and that I should drop out of high school at the end of 11th grade to attend college early.

The code has bugs in the random number generator (produces a binary number, not BCD) and the whole article sounds like a kid wrote it.  I still have the envelope from Micro with my special copy of that issue and a copy of the check.  Some of my teachers seemed uncomfortable having a paid author in their class ;-)

BTW I took a typing class in 10th grade and the teacher pulled me aside and said he could transfer me to a course about repairing cars and farm equipment (I lived on a farm) which would be more appropriate for a young man.  No, I really wanted to learn how to touch-type so I was the only boy in that class.

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