HRCP condemns the Mustang killing of Hazaras _____ Press release

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Jul 19, 2017, 7:48:21 AM7/19/17

Press release

HRCP condemns the Mustang killing of Hazaras

Lahore, July 19: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) strongly condemns the latest incident of wanton violence against the Hazara Shia Community in Balochistan and takes serious notice of the government’s failure to curb violence against a minority community and its inability to crackdown on known militant outfits.  The latest targeted killing to occur near Mastung, leading to the death of four persons, including a woman, is a part of a long series of sectarian-terrorist attacks, disproportionally targeting the Hazara community. 

More than 1,400 attacks have taken place in the province over the past 15 years.  Despite all claims by government towards ensuring the protection of Hazaras, the community remains as vulnerable as ever and the perpetrators of violence as free as ever.  It is critical that the perpetrators are brought to justice swiftly and all elements responsible for fermenting the conflict confronted.  HRCP calls upon all segments of society to unequivocally condemn the latest atrocity.

The continued prevalence of violence in parts of the country and the breakdown in law and order are symptomatic of the absence of government writ in these areas. HRCP remains dismayed by the fact that the deployment of law enforcement agencies and direct administrative measures, have only led to further slide in the situation.

The continued marginalization and disenfranchisement of certain segments of the population not only has adverse implications for the country, in terms of adverse economic and investment implications, but also tarnishes the nation’s image internationally.  All possible integrative steps need to be taken, by the government, to assure a sustainable growth path for the country. 

At this tragic time HRCP stands in solidarity with the victims’ families and the Hazara community in general, in looking to the government to provide equitable redress and safeguarding the community. It is HRCP hope that all possible steps are taken by government and all law enforcement agencies in preventing any future attacks, targeting a particular community, on ethnic and religious basis.  

Dr Mehdi Hassan


Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
107-Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Lahore - 54600
Phone: (92-42) 35845969 Fax: (92-42) 35883582
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