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Dr. Paul

Nov 17, 2014, 8:19:36 AM11/17/14


Link to Pakalert Press


Posted:Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:48:38 +0000

The headline is not a mistake. Yes, you can still go to the ATM and withdraw funds. You can take small amounts of cash out of the bank without the IRS seizing everything you own. However, because of new rules that went into effect this morning, your bank deposits have no insurance and it is a matter of time until they are stolen right from under your nose

CDC documents influenza outbreak among population that was 99% vaccinated with flu shots

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:47 AM PST

If flu shots are really as effective as the U.S. government claims they are, then why did nearly a quarter of the Navy crewmen aboard the U.S.S. Ardent earlier this year contract the flu, even though 99 percent of them had been previously vaccinated with flu shots

Ukraine’s President, to the People He’s Bombing: Go to Hell!

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:45 AM PST

“We will have our jobs. They will not. We will have our pensions. They will not. We will have care for children, for people, and retirees. They will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens. Theirs will hole up in basements [from our bombs]. Because they are not able to do anything. This is exactly how we will win this war! [I.e., we will starve and terrorize them into submission.]”

Obama Is Counting on Rejection of Impeachment

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:44 AM PST

The recent elections delivered the most crushing defeat a political Party has suffered since Ronald Reagan's 1984 Forty-nine state landslide. Democrats were rejected by every voting block demographic: young, old, men, women, rich, poor. Everyone said, "Enough is too much already!" Exit polls everywhere say their handling of the economy and the general direction of the country were the major reasons. BHO tried to make the election about him as he tries to make everything about him. His party spent millions trying to run away from him, his record, and his agenda. However in the end the President's repeated statements that his policies were on the ballot and that all these Democrats had supported him and his agenda outweighed his friends protests that they hardly knew him.

‘US withheld sat. image of MH17 downing’

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:43 AM PST

The Russian news service, Itar-Tass today published satellite photos clearly proving that Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, which crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, was downed by a Kiev-backed jet fighter

It’s Time to Strike At the Root

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:42 AM PST

Yes, it’s time to strike at the Root Cause of all the Evil that has engulfed the United States of America Our Republic and most of the World

​West concerned about Russia and China economic ties

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:41 AM PST

Russia’s growing economic ties with China is causing Western countries to threaten more sanctions and even block it from the G20 summit, historian Gerald Horne told

Russell Napier Declares November 16, 2014 The Day Money Dies

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:40 AM PST

In the musical Cabaret, Sally Bowles and the Emcee sing about money from the perspective of those witnessing its collapse in value in real terms in the great German hyperinflation of

Russia Just Gave France A Final Deadline To Hand Over The Mistral Warship

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:38 AM PST

Russia has given France until the end of November to deliver the first of two Mistral-class helicopter carriers currently stuck in a shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, according to reports

Interview with Henry Kissinger: ‘Do We Achieve World Order Through Chaos or Insight?’

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:36 AM PST

Henry Kissinger is the most famous and most divisive secretary of state the US has ever had. In an interview, he discusses his new book exploring the crises of our time, from Syria to Ukraine, and the limits of American power. He says he acted in accordance with his convictions in Vietnam.

Gun Confiscation Begins in NY Via Dead Family Members

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:35 AM PST

Gun confiscation has indeed begun in New York. This is not an over-hyped claim although this confiscation has yet to take the form of kicking down doors and SWAT teams.

US was wrong to say Assad must go: Kissinger

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:34 AM PST

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has admitted that Washington’s scenario to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been a mistake

ISIS Agrees To Work With Itself – US Calls For Panic, Attack On Assad

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:33 AM PST

In yet another example of how the actions of death squad terrorists in Syria conveniently seem to benefit the agenda of NATO and the United States, new reports suggesting that ISIS and the al-Nusra Front are now working together to defeat the elusive “moderate rebels” fighting against Assad are timed right alongside reports of Obama’s decision to refocus his Syria strategy to openly pursue the ouster of Assad as a part of his plan to “defeat ISIS.” These new reports will ultimately be used to justify NATO and America’s plan to openly overthrow Assad even while claiming to be fighting ISIS and extremists

Ebola outbreak: Drug banned in US given to British soldiers fighting the virus in West Africa

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:32 AM PST

British troops sent to help combat the Ebola outbreak in West Africa are at increased risk of becoming psychotic or suicidal due to the Ministry of Defence's refusal to stop using mefloquine, the controversial anti-malarial drug

Child Pornography Case: Couple Sent to prison for 2,340 years collectively.

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:30 AM PST

In an aftermath of what can be termed as the most disturbing and horrific example of sexual exploitation of a young child, the cruel couple Patricia and Matthew Ayers have been given an extraordinary punishment of 2,340 years behind bars collectively. Man received 750 years while woman received 1,590 years in jail

The Boy With the Lego Hand

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 03:29 AM PST

After wearing prosthetics all his life, 9-year-old Aidan Robinson has designed one that fits a Wii controller and screws on a Super Soaker

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