Washington Seeks an Excuse to Wage a Nuclear War on Russia? “We’re Close to the Precipice. Will the Public Remain Silent?” , plus 9 more

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Dr. Paul

Dec 19, 2014, 8:21:05 AM12/19/14
to paka...@googlegroups.com

Washington Seeks an Excuse to Wage a Nuclear War on Russia? “We’re Close to the Precipice. Will the Public Remain Silent?” , plus 9 more

Link to Pakalert Press

Washington Seeks an Excuse to Wage a Nuclear War on Russia? “We’re Close to the Precipice. Will the Public Remain Silent?”

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 03:40 AM PST

The world is more nervous about the drift toward nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia than at any time since 1962’s Cuban Missile Crisis. When French President Francois Hollande urgently side-tracked his return-flight from a diplomatic mission recently, in order to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport, at a private room that had been scoured ahead of time to eliminate any possible bugging devices, there was speculation as to what had caused Hollande’s sudden detour, and there were even rumors of a possible cause being an American “false-flag” event in the works to be blamed on Russia as a pretext for going to war against Russia, just as Russia had been falsely blamed for the Ukrainian military’s downing of Malaysia’s airliner MH17 onJuly 17th.

Pentagon confirms military buildup along Russian borders for ‘peace and stability’

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 02:37 AM PST

The Pentagon has confirmed the military buildup along Russia’s borders to ensure long-term “peace and stability” in the region. Earlier Moscow accused NATO of a sharp increase in air activity and intelligence flights in the border zone. Replying to RIA Novosti’s query on the increased number of NATO flights around Russia's borders, a Pentagon representative told the news agency that the military presence of the alliance has increased, but all operations are carried out under utmost “transparency.”

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 02:30 AM PST

Human experimentation was a core feature of the CIA’s torture program. The experimental nature of the interrogation and detention techniques is clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summary of its investigative report, despite redactions (insisted upon by the CIA) to obfuscate the locations of these laboratories of cruel science and the identities of perpetrators

86 Year Old German Woman lays charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 02:24 AM PST

Here is a story you won’t hear in the “mainstream media” nor the alternative, unless it is first put through the wash and spin cycle. Thus, I will do my best to simply translate and present this important and very newsworthy story to the world for consideration as provided by the original author, whom I shall introduce, as well as provide some context for her perspective, as well as my own

Strange Rock from Russia Contains 30,000 Diamonds

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 02:18 AM PST

Here's the perfect Christmas gift for the person who has everything: A red and green rock, ornament-sized, stuffed with 30,000 teeny-tiny diamonds. The sparkly chunk was pulled from Russia's huge Udachnaya diamond mine and donated to science (the diamonds' tiny size means they're worthless as gems). It was a lucky break for researchers, because the diamond-rich rock is a rare find in many ways, scientists reported Monday (Dec. 15) at the American Geophysical Union's annual meeting

Western Bankers Have Committed Two Acts of War Against Russia

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 03:44 AM PST

In the past several days, Western bankers have committed two overt acts of war against Russia, namely, the plunging of oil prices and the recent cutting off of all liquidity to Russian banks. This reminds me of the days before World War II in which the United States followed a doctrine called the eight point plan which was designed to provoke Japan into attacking America so Roosevelt could use this as the excuse to get involved in World War II. As Mark Twain once said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme”

Peter Schiff: “Be Very Careful” – “Chickens Coming Home To Roost!” – Putin Getting Ready To Go Nuclear

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 03:43 AM PST

Peter Schiff gives us 160 seconds of cold hard truth in this brand new video just released by FinanceAndLiberty.com, warning us that our own govt is hastening the end of the dollar by antagonizing the world while warning that the chickens are soon coming home to roost

Unapproved GM Mosquitoes Being Shipped to US for Release NOW

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 03:43 AM PST

Are you aware that genetically modified mosquitoes are being set for release worldwide? Right after GM mosquitoes were let loose in Brazil, dengue fever cases spiked. Now, the Florida Keys are in danger of facing a similar fate. The mosquitoes haven’t even been officially approved, but Oxitec, the British company who created the mosquitoes, has already shipped them to Florida. The only hope is a very vocal grassroots effort to tell the Governor of Florida that these mosquitoes will ruin tourism and possibly turn the natural ecosystem there on its head

Fulford: Bush Arrest Soon, Death Penalty On Table

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 03:41 AM PST

The latest update excerpted below from the website of Benjamin Fulford tells us that the arrest of former President George Bush and his cabal is soon likely and the death penalty for their crimes is on the table. Warning us that this entire Nazi cabal in America (i.e. the NeoCons) are likely to face severe penalties, will we soon see George Bush and his criminal cabal executed for their war crimes or is Fulford completely out of his mind with this assessment? If Bush and his cabal of criminals ARE NOT arrested, does that mean that the Nazi’s are in charge here in America as we tumble further into a police state? Video reports are also below.

Cop With Five Pounds of Marijuana in His House Won’t Face Charges

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 03:41 AM PST

A Richmond police officer found with marijuana in his home earlier this year likely won’t be charged with a crime, authorities said, but his future on the police force is undetermined

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