The U.S. Government Is Practically Begging for Global War , plus 4 more

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Dr. Paul

Dec 16, 2014, 8:12:49 AM12/16/14

The U.S. Government Is Practically Begging for Global War , plus 4 more

Link to Pakalert Press

The U.S. Government Is Practically Begging for Global War

Posted: 16 Dec 2014 03:16 AM PST

More than two decades after the Berlin Wall fell, it appears that the United States and Russia are engaging in the same sort of proxy wars that were so common during the Cold War. Everywhere that Western and Russian spheres of influence meet there is the potential for conflict, and the two aging superpowers have shown their willingness fight through their neighbors. However, this game of chess has taken on a whole new dimension that is radically different than what we saw during the Cold War

Pentagon says it will continue to arm Israel

Posted: 16 Dec 2014 03:02 AM PST

The Pentagon says it will not stop arming Israel even if halting the provision of arms could urge the Tel Aviv regime to remain committed to a cease-fire with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas. Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters on Saturday that Washington is providing Israel with arms and ammunition “through a longstanding foreign military sales program” and will continue to do so under the program

Map: Where You Don’t Want to Be When It Hits the Fan

Posted: 16 Dec 2014 02:54 AM PST

When it hits the fan America’s population centers will explode in violence, looting, and total breakdown of law and order. It’s a theory put forth by numerous survival and relocation specialists, and one that makes complete sense if you consider what happens in a truly serious collapse-like scenario

Secret Area 51 UFO Footage Smuggled Out! (Video)

Posted: 15 Dec 2014 04:10 AM PST

A link to the video below was sent to me by YouTube videographer DarkSkyWatcher, which purports to show secret UFO footage smuggled out from Area 51, from February 1989 at the Area 51 Proving Ground, Groom Lake Facility. As shown by the text on the video, DSW assumed, like many others sent to him, the footage he was going to look at would be bogus but states he was “wrong,” and further assures us that he will be following up with a video and background on this amazing release

ALERT: Secret Service experts worry about Obama’s safety; now fearing a repeat of JFK

Posted: 15 Dec 2014 04:05 AM PST

Two leading Secret Service experts are worried about the safety of President Obama because of mounting disclosures of misconduct and lapses in protection. Dan Emmett, a former Secret Service agent with first-person experience in the presidential security details of former Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, told WND the “office of the presidency for the last couple of years has not been as secure as it has been in years past.”

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