Russia Prepares for War , plus 6 more

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Dr. Paul

Dec 2, 2014, 8:11:40 AM12/2/14

Russia Prepares for War , plus 6 more

Link to Pakalert Press

Russia Prepares for War

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 03:34 AM PST

Russia Today reports the country now has a new fortified national defense facility located in Moscow that “would take control of the entire country in case of war.” The cost of the project is estimated at several billion dollars

The Retail Apocalypse Accelerates: Collapsing Holiday Sales Are A Signal That A Recession Is Coming

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 03:28 AM PST

Retail sales during the four day Thanksgiving weekend were down a whopping 11 percent from last year. This is a “make or break” time of the year for many retailers, and if things don’t turn around during the coming weeks we could see a tsunami of store closings in January and February. As you read this article, there is already more than a billion square feet of retail space sitting empty in the United States. Many have described the ongoing collapse of the retail industry as an “apocalypse”, and this apocalypse appears to be accelerating.

Note to China and Russia: did you import Depopulation Corn?

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 03:10 AM PST

It’s been called contraceptive corn and spermicidal corn. A San Diego company called Epicyte developed it. Here’s a brief backgrounder from The Guardian, Sept. 9, 2001; “GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed,” by Robin McKie: “Scientists have created the ultimate GM crop: contraceptive corn. Waiving fields of maize may one day save the world from overpopulation

Israel irked by photos of officials in Nazi uniforms

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 02:42 AM PST

Israeli authorities are launching a probe into photos posted on the Internet featuring the regime’s top officials in Nazi uniforms. Calls for investigations came after President Reuven Rivlin, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Finance Minister Yair Lapid and a number of public figures were shown in Nazi uniforms on a fictitious Facebook account under the name Natan Zoabi

Rioting elites and a nation built on the rule of lawlessness

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 02:28 AM PST

Barack Obama looked at his most clueless, responding to the riots and rage in Ferguson, Missouri. He hasn't seemed so callow since the BP oil spill. Like he just wished it was over and could get on to the delights of his post-presidency. Or back to immigration reform and stalling that damn pipeline

Fracking could be as damaging as thalidomide, tobacco and asbestos, government’s Chief Scientific Adviser warns in new report

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 02:22 AM PST

Fracking has the potential to be as controversial and as damaging as thalidomide, tobacco and asbestos, a report from the government’s Chief Scientific Adviser warns. The technology has been developed to help oil companies extract gas trapped in shale rock but, the report fears, it could prove to be another innovation that takes society in the wrong direction

Queen Named In Parliament Paedophile Ring. “Leon Brittan ‘Raped’ Me” Says Child Abuse Survivor

Posted: 01 Dec 2014 04:06 AM PST

“We have an international paedophile ring operating in every democratic government on our planet!” These words, and revelations about systematic paedophila within the UK government, from Bill Maloney of Pie and Mash Films (a survivor of child abuse himself), are enough to worry every parent on the planet, but more shocking is the revelation that HM Queen Elizabeth II has been named in connection to this Parliamentary paedophile ring should have every parent in the UK demanding that the police investigate fully, and publically, these allegations. So where are The Police Service investigations on this matter up to?. Isn’t it about time we heard from the Chief Constable on this matter?.

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