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http2 push instead of preload

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Asaf Bernstein

May 21, 2020, 3:20:22 PM5/21/20
to pagespeed-insights-discuss
Is there any option to add http2 push method in addition to preload key requests. 
Are you planning to do it? detect http2 pushed assets?

Paul Irish

May 21, 2020, 3:24:35 PM5/21/20
to pagespeed-insights-discuss
I think you're asking if we plan on recommending to developers to use HTTP2 Server Push.
We're not.

Currently, the consensus among web performance engineers and browser engineers is that h2 push rarely provides benefit. 
Most efforts to use it have regressed performance. explores that.

As a rule of thumb, I'd suggest that if you were considering h2 push, you'd want about 2 full weeks of dedicated engineering time just to measure and analyze the performance. Like I said, most folks who have done this have seen their perf regress rather than improve.
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