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PSI not showing FID (First Input Delay) on report

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Feb 8, 2021, 4:13:19 PM2/8/21
to pagespeed-insights-discuss
Hi people!

I am starting to monitor Core Web Vitals. The site I am evaluating doesn't have Search Console data (presumably too low traffic site), so I was looking to PSI to get the info.

Here are the results I got:

Is FID now called something different, or is there some other reason this could be missing?

Thanks much!!

Feb 8, 2021, 6:37:25 PM2/8/21
to pagespeed-insights-discuss

Great question! The section you're looking at is 'Lab Data,' so you're going to look to 'Total Blocking Time' to debug interactivity in the lab (instead of 'First Input Delay' which is only measurable in the field, given that it requires a real user to interact with the page in order to measure it). So - basically, use TBT to debug and optimize for interactivity in the lab, and you'll be able to see your users' real experiences with your interactivity via FID. :)

Check these links out to learn more.

Hope this helps!



Feb 11, 2021, 12:22:21 PM2/11/21
to pagespeed-insights-discuss
Thanks much Elizabeth (special thanks for these links)!

Tangent question: do you know at what point websites start getting actual "field" data coming in (eg number of website visits per month??)?

And is this data delivered solely through Search Console?

Thanks again.

Elizabeth Sweeny

Feb 11, 2021, 5:49:46 PM2/11/21
No problem at all! 

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 9:22 AM WSLU <> wrote:
Thanks much Elizabeth (special thanks for these links)!

Tangent question: do you know at what point websites start getting actual "field" data coming in (eg number of website visits per month??)?

Great question, and it's one that I can't provide a number for... Ultimately we start reporting when we have a sufficient number of unique user visitors to anonymize individual users.  
And is this data delivered solely through Search Console?

Nope! Not just through Search Console, although you can certainly get field data from them. You can also get field data through the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), which is the dataset that is powering the field data section in PageSpeed Insights. You can learn more about the dataset here (and play around with it w/the CrUX Dashboard). The data is also available via an API.


Thanks again.

On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 3:37:25 PM UTC-8 wrote:

Great question! The section you're looking at is 'Lab Data,' so you're going to look to 'Total Blocking Time' to debug interactivity in the lab (instead of 'First Input Delay' which is only measurable in the field, given that it requires a real user to interact with the page in order to measure it). So - basically, use TBT to debug and optimize for interactivity in the lab, and you'll be able to see your users' real experiences with your interactivity via FID. :)

Check these links out to learn more.

Hope this helps!

On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 1:13:19 PM UTC-8 WSLU wrote:
Hi people!

I am starting to monitor Core Web Vitals. The site I am evaluating doesn't have Search Console data (presumably too low traffic site), so I was looking to PSI to get the info.

Here are the results I got:

Is FID now called something different, or is there some other reason this could be missing?

Thanks much!!

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Elizabeth Sweeny | Product Manager, Chrome Web Platform | Google | MTV (PST)
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