Community Information Meeting -- Save Eastern Shore's Owls Head Provincial Park !

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Dusan Soudek

Jan 13, 2020, 8:35:36 PM1/13/20
to PaddleNovaScotia
Owls Head Provincial Park Community Information Meeting
Sunday 26 January 2020 at 2 pm
(Storm date – Saturday 1 February 2020)
Ship Harbour Community Hall
214 West Ship Harbour Road (off Highway #7 East)

Owl’s Head Provincial Park includes at least one island and a significant amount of salt water shoreline, as well as a variety of coastal barrens and wetlands. According to the province, it's one of nine sites in Nova Scotia with a "globally rare" ecosystem, broom crowberry coastal barrens. The park is home to several endangered species.  The map of Owl’s Head Provincial Park is attached.  Until today it has been available on a NS government website.  Today it was removed.  Poof!

In late December CBC reported that the NS government had secretly de-listed Owl’s Head Provincial Park from the lands awaiting final park designation. There was no public consultation.  A sale to an American developer is pending.  Join us for a public community meeting to envision the future for Owl’s Head Provincial Park. You will hear informed presentations about the immediate and potential value of this area, including maintaining public ownership of the coastline. We will examine the negative impacts that de-listing of protected areas would have for parks and protected areas across the province.  Everyone welcome. Please share widely and bring your friends and family.

Hosted by Eastern Shore Forest Watch Association in collaboration with the 800+ member Facebook discussion group “Save Little Harbour/Owls Head Nova Scotia from Becoming a Golf Course.”

Owls-Head-NSE-map-BEFORE - Examiner.png
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