Support for alert () function in pacterster

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Jason Curnow

Jun 25, 2009, 12:01:56 AM6/25/09
to pactester
I just started up a PAC-file related website (http:// where I made mention of your tool, even thought I
hadn't had a chance to use it. Someone there made mention that it
errors out when you use an alert () in your PAC file, as though
pactester doesn't recognize it as a valid function.

Is this something that could be added? Alert is very handy
troubleshooting and diagnostic tool to have in a PAC file and it would
be great if pactester could support PAC files with this function.
Thanks! \

- Jason

Jason Curnow

Jun 25, 2009, 2:47:28 AM6/25/09
to pactester
Hmm. I've been doing some more testing and found that alert() seems
to work nicely on non-Windows platforms.

FYI, I wrote a quick web front end wrapper for the PAC tester so that
you don't have to actually install it - Just copy and paste your PAC
file into the form and it will run it against the PAC tester. Check
out and look in the Reference and Tools

Thanks again for a great tool!

- Jason

On Jun 24, 9:01 pm, Jason Curnow <> wrote:
> I just started up a PAC-file related website ( where I made mention of your tool, even thought I
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