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packrat not bundling all files

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Eric B

Jan 16, 2019, 9:05:31 AM1/16/19
to packrat-discuss

I have developed several shiny applications on a development server. To aid with deployment to our production server I've written a function that uses packrat's bundle function to bundle up the application. My function then sftps the bundle to the production server and then sends a command over ssh to call packrat::unbundle() on the production server.

When I first wrote this it all seemed to work but a few months, maybe a year, ago it started messing up. It would report that the app was restored on production but the app wouldn't open on the production server. When I would look at the directory for the app it would not include all the files associated with the application. When I open the bundle on the development server it does not contain all the files that should be there. What would cause packrat::bundle() to not include all the files in the bundled directory? For example, the bundle contains the packrat folder, the .Rproj file, one of two associated .csv data files, and a restart.txt file, but does not contain ui.R, server.R, global.R, or one .csv file. It isn't always consistently wrong, every great once in a while it works fine... I am very confused... any help or insight would be appreciated.


Eric B

Jan 16, 2019, 9:51:00 AM1/16/19
to packrat-discuss
I had tried deploying the app yesterday and had the result described below. I just tried deploying it again this morning and it worked correctly. I am assuming that this is probably some system issue rather than a packrat specific issue, but if someone who knows better the inner workings of packrat could point me in a direction to investigate I would appreciate it.


Kevin Ushey

Jan 18, 2019, 12:34:05 PM1/18/19
to Eric B, packrat-discuss
I can't think of any reason why some files would be excluded some of the time. In the absence of more information, I can only assume there is some sort of system / environmental issue confusing Packrat.

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