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Packrat 0.4.8-52?

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Damir Bučar

Feb 22, 2018, 5:02:29 AM2/22/18
to packrat-discuss
I am attempting to deploy an application to RStudio Connect platform.
R versions on both RStudio Server (publishing from) and RStudio Connect (publishing to) servers are 3.2.3.
I am getting the error below [1].

What I am wondering is: where is this version even available from?
The user has installed it into his private library directly a few months ago (seems it's been installed from source from below messages).
Now the latest CRAN version seems to be 0.4.8-1 --> so I have many question marks around my head. :)

Any ideas on this, and how to resolve it?

Kind regards,

- - -

2018/02/22 09:46:38.958668096 Installing packrat (0.4.8-52) ... 
2018/02/22 09:46:40.355693108 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
2018/02/22 09:46:41.401957541 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
2018/02/22 09:46:42.444747660 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
2018/02/22 09:46:43.486156733 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
2018/02/22 09:46:44.527833984 curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
2018/02/22 09:46:45.530575397 FAILED
2018/02/22 09:46:45.531335255 Error in getSourceForPkgRecord(pkgRecord, srcDir(project), availablePackagesSource(repos = repos), : Failed to retrieve package sources for packrat 0.4.8-52 from CRAN (internet connectivity issue?) [0.4.8-1 is current]

2018/02/22 09:46:45.536939978 In getSourceForPkgRecord(pkgRecord, srcDir(project), availablePackagesSource(repos = repos),  :
2018/02/22 09:46:45.536953438   Package version '0.4.8-52' is newer than the latest version reported by CRAN ('0.4.8-1') -- packrat may be unable to retrieve package sources.
Application deployment failed with error: exit status 1
Deployment completed:
Warning messages:
1: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
  Package 'packrat 0.4.8-52' was installed from sources; Packrat will assume this package is available from a CRAN-like repository during future restores
2: invalid uid value replaced by that for user 'nobody' 
3: invalid gid value replaced by that for user 'nobody' 

Kevin Ushey

Feb 22, 2018, 11:01:57 AM2/22/18
to Damir Bučar, packrat-discuss
Sounds like this user may have downloaded and installed a development version of Packrat from GitHub:

However, in order for Packrat to understand how to restore a package downloaded from GitHub, it must be downloaded and installed with e.g.


If the user had (for example) downloaded the package sources manually and installed it that way, that could explain the deployment error you're seeing.


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Damir Bucar

Feb 27, 2018, 4:29:53 AM2/27/18
to Kevin Ushey, packrat-discuss
Thanks Kevin.

It actually turns out that this specific packrat version is being installed automatically during installation of RStudio Connect (into /opt/rstudio-connect/ext/R/).
I will reach out to RStudio support team to get further details on that.
But it turns out that was not the real issue while deploying - need to dig deeper.

Damir Bucar

Mobile: +41.77.9716.920
Skype: damir.bucar

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