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Installation of package from GiHub

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J. Kyle Wathen, PhD

Sep 12, 2019, 10:04:16 AM9/12/19
to packrat-discuss
I am relatively new to packrat and have read all of the links about getting started and using packrat. 

I am using R studio V 1.2.1335, R version  3.6.1, packrat version 0.5.0,  remotes version 2.1.0

I have setup a project to use packrat, I have gotten it started with packrat::init()

The packages I need from CRAN work fine and they install without issues when I am using packrat.  However, I have one package that installs from GitHub.  I use the command remotes::install_github(...) to install it and I have trouble getting a non-zero return status.  I tried installing the package from GitHub using the same command from another project that is NOT using packrat and it works just fine.

If I am installing a package from GitHub do I also need to install Rtool and/or devtool in the project using packrat?    

Kevin Ushey

Sep 12, 2019, 2:10:59 PM9/12/19
to J. Kyle Wathen, PhD, packrat-discuss
To the best of my knowledge, that should work without issue. It'd be helpful to know exactly what error you're seeing.

I'd also recommend posting this at, as there are a number of more active R + RStudio members who may be able to help field this question.


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